Someone has to work too many hours, is overworked and close to a burnout. His/her job won’t make amendments and finding a new job is hard in the current economy. How is yoga, mindfullness, lifestyle changes gonna change this reality?
Month: August 2023
Forget the Score. Just Play.
The ultra rich value sports above almost all other merit based achievements. Less than 2 percent of all college athletes make it to the pros but many argue that their competitive background is what prepares them for leadership roles. Would you walk into a casino and place a bet knowing your odds of winning are less than 2 percent? It seems culture makes the argument everyday that this is exactly what you should do. If less than 2 percent “make it”, what happens to the other 98+ percent? How does the Healthcare system handle their injuries without million dollar contracts and insurance protections?
Without going into all the stupid details, I was fired for the first time in my life from the role I was only in for six months or so. (I have been working for going on 20 years.) The job itself was fine, but the team was not. Specifically my direct manager and her sidekick. Way too much drama for a team full of adults. I had been searching for a job and have sent off hundreds of applications to no avail before my getting fired. Now I'm going on two weeks unemployed and really getting nervous. This week, I had a couple of interviews with an old job I had, but I didn't get chosen. I feel like it probably had something to do with my being fired or how I answered that in the interview process, and all in all, I'm feeling pretty bummed out being in this…
When I was in High School and College, I worked fast food and retail like a lot of young people do, and I learned the hard way that it isn't worth it to miss Thanksgiving dinner with your family, or getting home late on Christmas Eve because you have to work. By the time I was about 21, I figured that all out and I used to quit right before Halloween. I would do most of my Christmas shopping in September and save as much money as I could all year, then would go get another job mid-January. Before then, management would always have Holidays off and me and a few other young people would have to work and try to get out at a decent hour, but all the people off for that Holiday would come in to eat or shop and stay late that day and ruin it…
I recently got a job as a courier because I can't find a better job and I need to save as much money as possible in the next month. At the same time, I have my own activities and hobbies etc. that I don't want to give up and that require some mental effort (like reading books or making music). However, when I get home, I feel incredibly tired. I feel like doing some bullshit like watching tiktok. I could, of course, start reading a book, but with this fatigue I won't even understand half of it. But I can't watch tiktok, because if I spend part of my time selling it to make randomly guys more rich and part of my time watching tiktok, I won't feel myself at all. Any tips on how to get rid of this feeling of compulsive fatigue?
Hotel Hell.. is pretty darn cathartic.
I stumbled upon this series on YouTube the other day. I’d never watched any Gordon Ramsey shows, but I was feeling it. After a couple episodes left me all choked up I feel like anyone who gets shit on at work a lot can really appreciate the premise. It’s usually Gordon comes in, staff tells him all the issues, Gordon absolutely obliterates the clueless tyrant owner, and then he helps build the whole ordeal back better and empowers the staff to make things right and now take shit from the owners. Boy oh boy if I could have Gordon come in and yell at my CEO and the board at my company it would feel so nice.
Hello, UK worker. I have worked for an agency over 12 weeks now and have passed my probation period with them. Acas states that my pay should be matched with the per hour rate of the workers who are full time with the company. However the agency are refusing and making up excuses to “wait for them to offer me a contract” What do I do? Or what are the steps? I am a administrator/storesman and on minimum wage. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong sub. But it's angered me.
So many people make their job their life
Its so annoying. I come in on Monday and check email to see messages sent from co workers working on Saturday. I understand the facility runs 24 hours but seriously I am allowed to have 2 days off a week. Just because you feel the need to work 7 days a week doesn't mean I have to.