
My boss takes all of the credit for my work – and now the CEO said my imprint on the org is lacking.

I am a director at my organization, and I am constantly busy 24/7. Multitasking is my strong suit, so I take on many different projects and do a ton of work for the VP and the director beside me. I'm a team player, and I enjoy leading. Today the CEO told me that not only does she have no idea what I'm working on, but she has no idea how I fill my time. She said that her perception is that my time is not filled, and that she never hears my name. She said that when she thinks of me, she doesn't see the impact I'm having on the organization and never hears about anything I do. I am completely taken aback and sickened by this. I give my all 24/7, even outside of regular hours. I also help people from other teams because again, I'm a team player.…


How I used covid to get a better job

Little story about the time I worked with a bully in an office for a national non-profit, and how I used covid to land me one helluva better job. One woman in particular focused on me intensely. She was very two- faced. And it was over the pettiest, and most innocuous shit. She did it to take the focus off her and her lying about her time on the clock and other shady shit she was doing. The office i worked in, they leased out an office in a huge office building, i was alone. Huge office with like 5 other smaller office-rooms in it, but I was alone. Everyone “worked” from home. I was not allowed to because someone had to be there incase someone came in or a package needed to be signed for. In the 8 months I worked there, 3 times did a package needing a…


Just had a job a genuinely liked do something horrible

Job context: I am a case manager so my job duties are to create lessons for children with autism learn (e.g. if they need to learn to wash hands I figure out what the problem is and create a plan to teach it and make kids practice the skill based on what they are struggling with); and manage,train, and provide support for therapists who will basically act as tutors for the lessons I create. So I work for a small clinic that provides multiple therapies for children with autism. I used to work for large companies that solely provided ABA therapy and they were very difficult as bureaucracy would get in the way of allocating resources so none of my clients or people working under me ever got amount of support they needed. What is great about my new company is that have a lot more opportunity to access and…


Does my employer have to pay my PTO if I quit the day I’m supposed to come back from vacation?

I am very unhappy at my job and just received a very uncomfortable message from a manager. I asked for these days off 2 weeks ago but I’m considering just not coming back. Will my employer have to pay me my PTO if I don’t come back? I’m on vacation from 8-20 until 8-28 and I’m supposed to come back to work on 8-29. If I email on 8-29 that I quit and will not be coming back to work, is he legally required in the state of NJ to pay my vacation days I just used?


46 minute video details the reasons we’re all struggling.

My fiancé and I watched this video for his global Econ class last weekend and I haven’t been able to forget it. It puts things in a very different perspective. I didn’t feel it was particularly partisan but that could be because I agree with it. If you have the time to watch it, I’d love to hear what you think.


Quit Friday..: Stand Up for Yourself

I know many don’t have the option. But wanted to tell my story. Started at a small (in staff number at least) non profit that did have a significant name recognition. Thought I was joining to be the #2 behind the Executive Director as no other role covered the entire organization and wasn’t dedicated to one specific duty. Well I get there and you’d think my career was having managed a warehouse (not even close if your wondering). Every day is about 80% manual labor. And other than 25 minutes of going over the employee handbook…. I shit you not I have zero meetings and ZERO conversations with this ED since I started. So she schedules a first 30 days meeting (which is happening at about 40 days) and I decide I’m going to resign. It’s kind of weird as I walk in as this one consultant lady is there…


Could refusing to work overtime or weekends lead to termination in a corporate environment for software engineers in India, especially in companies like TCS, Wipro, Infosys, etc.?

For the last month, I've been working around 12-14 hours per day and also putting in 5-6 hours on weekends. But now, I've clearly told my manager that I can't keep up with this workload since I have a family to take care of. I'll be working 9 hours and 15 minutes daily moving forward. Even though a company might not fire an employee directly for not working overtime, they could terminate based on reasons like poor ratings, not meeting expectations, or due to organizational restructuring. Is this a possibility? If yes, I'll continue to endure and work overtime because I can't afford to lose my job.


Work has made everything feel like work.

Every job I’ve had in my adult life has made everything else I do feel like work. I have to work to make scheduled time for my passions and hobbies. I have to work to make scheduled time for my loved ones. I have to work to get home. I have to work to get to work. I refuse to let a job kill me and I refuse to choose a job over things I care about more, but I am getting so disillusioned with my existence. … Do I exist just to work?


Congratulate the worst option?

When a team member gets promoted, everyone sends emails with their “congratulations! Well deserved!” type emails. Any advice on sending an email when they pick the wrong person (not sour grapes; I didn’t apply). In my position, to say nothing would be glaring (and possibly set me up for retaliation). So just “Congrats, Betty!”? (Even the ! feels wrong). Work politics. Ugh.


Does Current US Minimum Wage Violate “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” From The United States Declaration Of Independence?

I was thinking this morning about how a group of climate activists recently went to court in Montana for violating their state constitution in relation to climate change and how the state guaranteed them a safe environment. Then I started thinking about the current state of things and how money and lack their of us really encroaching on people's happiness. Almost no adult making the minimum wage can realistically live on $7.25, and how much money and the current state of things is encroaching on people's happiness. I'm not sure how enforceable happiness can be as an idea and I'm not a lawyer so I have no idea how enforceable the declaration of independences versus say the Constitution or a state constitution… But it seems to me the government is violating our rights under the current state of things. I'd love to hear other's thoughts on this. “We hold these…