
Universal Basic Income is coming across the whole country

There is something fundamentally wrong with the economy that it requires such a radical solution. We are coming to this point.–in-her-hand


What is a living Wage in the USA?

Somone on Reddit said that 50% of Americans get $35,000 a year. Seemed low, so I checked. The figure is more like $54,000 a year. So what is a Living Wage in the US? Also noting that the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. (I'm not American btw, the minimum wage here is AUD$23.23 an hour). How Much Does the Average American Make in 2022? | First Republic ​


It’s the same everywhere. Organization will lead to a global upheaval.


Rant about interview questions

Why do you want this job? Because my current job is paying below market rate and I'm hoping you pay at least a living wage or more. ​ Why do you want to work for our company? Same answer as above. ​ How can you provide a benefit to our company Look at my resume, its all detailed. ​ But when I ask: Whats the hourly rate/salary? Theyr like: Next applicant please TLDR: You cant ask how an employer can benefit you without being frowned apon while they do and ask the same questions to you ​


Forced to resign after five months: no review, no controversy, just out-of-touch elites making business as usual decisions (rant).

I came from mostly nothing. With grants, scholarships, and loans I put myself through college and grad school. I managed to enter my field and for the next decade I worked to develop as a professional, establish contracts, and by hopping institutions was able to earn more money and climb the ranks all the way to director. I applied for another director position in a place my family wanted to relocate to. The process was rigorous, showing the board what kind of director I was, where my priorities lie, and how I lead. When I accepted the position everyone was excited and I set to work. Five months later I was pulled into a closed session meeting and asked to resign. There was no scandal, no controversy. The staff loved me, and I came in halfway through the fiscal year so any money that I spent was already earmarked for…


Injured on a work trial

Hello antiwork Reddit people, I hope you are well. I am in the UK. I just wanted to share my experience that has really put me off trying to find work for now. I am a university student so I am focusing on that anyway but I've been trying to build a life and get off disability benefits. My health issues will never go away but I'm glad to say I have the right mix of medications now that enable me to have a somewhat normal function. I cannot work full time but I need money to save to move to study abroad. In early July this year I was so excited because after 6+ months of trying (no one wants to hire me because I am restricted with the hours I can work because of my benefits) I had a job trial at a local hotel, working as an…


What’s the most acceptable amount of time to give your employer before using accrued PTO?


It’s really hopeless isn’t it.

(apologies for formatting, mobile) I'm 25. From the day I was legally allowed to work I was expected to pay rent to my parents. I've never had the opportunity to save money. Never went to college because even with financial aid I wasn't able to afford it. I've worked many types of jobs. Not a single one of them provided a liveable wage for the state I live in(TX). I still live with one of my parents because neither of us can afford to live alone. My current job is the best so far but they expect more and more and more every day and I've felt physically broken and exhausted to the point that I don't have the energy to do anything but sleep on my days off. The prices of everything keep going up. It costs $35 to fill my gas tank and that gas lasts 2 days…


Boss threatened to fire me for getting a second job am I in the wrong here??

I’ve been working at the same place for 5 years and have been a manager there for 2 of those years. I recently had a change in my financial situation that requires me to get another job because the job I currently have does not pay enough and will never pay enough. At my current job I only make a few dollars above minimum wage despite working there for 5 years, being a manager, and having most of the responsibilities and being expected to be available pretty much any day of the week whenever they need me. I’ve asked my bosses for raises for the amount of work I do but they refuse to give me one. I also have brought up to them that they hold me to a different standard than other managers there and let the other managers do whatever they want and work as little as…


fuck ross video

I’ve worked for Spidercam for about two years mostly as an independent contractor. They do Ariel camera systems. Cool shit but whatever. Earlier this year they we’re purchased by Ross Video, a shit for brains mega corporation focused in video production. At first it sounded like it was going to be a win, more funding, more systems, more money. They just laid off the head of Spidercam’s US devision. The Man responsible for Spidercam being the force in the industry that is it today. He’s the reason I work for them because of his levelheaded mindset and fair negotiation. I am so incredibly mad at Ross video for doing this to one of there top guys simply because he was “making too much”. I want to burn this shit to the ground. Fuck Ross Video. Fuck Capitalism.