
I know it’s been said a million times, but I really just need someone to validate my feelings.

I’m 41. I have a degree, and have worked full time ever since I graduated which means I’ve been working full time for 20 years. I have it pretty good. I can work from home pretty much full time, my supervisors are great and most coworkers are great. I make pretty good money, get a shitload of vacation time, decent insurance and retirement. I actually like the work I do. My supervisors make me feel valued. I should be happy right??? The workload is pretty insane and my supervisors acknowledge it. I can really never keep up and they DON’T expect me to because they know it’s utterly unreasonable. I’m fucking exhausted. I’m just done. It’s not that my pay is too low. It’s not lack of vacation. It’s not that I don’t like the people. Yeah the workload is too much, but that’s just how it is. I’m just…


Getting told I’m not going to be paid for a job after I’m already half way done with it.

Hello, so this past weekend I refereed at a paintball field. They were holding a weekend long scenario game. Keep in mind, we were outside both days in the middle of Florida (temps ranged from 95-110 all weekend) running around in the woods. This wasn’t any small field either. A little context, my family and the older couple that own and run the field have very tight ties with each other. My family has helped this field in any way that we can and we play on a competitive team that is based out of that very field. My dad used to basically run the field for a bit longer than 10 years before this point. I’ve reffed, worked and volunteered for this field sporadically over the course of past 10 years myself. Reffs have always been paid like shit so they’ve always had an issue keeping a consistent reffing…


Life is about to get much more expensive for millions of families

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Ab welchem Stundenlohn überlebt man in Teilzeit?

Hallo liebe Mit-Redditer,meine Grammatik ist manchmal unterirdisch, daher kann es sein, dass ich Überschrift ein klein wenig verwirrend formuliert ist. Ich erkläre aber nochmal was ich meine ^ Kurz zu meiner Situation: Ich bin aufgrund psychischer Probleme (wegen denen ich auch einen Behindertengrad von 30 habe) seit 3 Jahren arbeitslos und ungelernt. Ich möchte nun langsam wieder in Arbeit kommen und mir eine Stelle in Teilzeit (30 Stunden) suchen. Zu meiner Frage: Was denkt ihr ab welchem Stundenlohn man bei 30h leben kann? Klar, da ich ungelernt bin und nur Erfahrungen durch eine angefangene Ausbildung (4 Monate) und ein Fsj (Schule) habe, kann ich eigentlich nur mit Mindestlohn rechnen, allerdings würde mich das für die Zukunft einfach interessieren. Ich möchte nächsten Sommer eine Ausbildung machen aber das Jahr über irgendwo arbeiten. Was denkt ihr also, wie viel müsste man mindestens pro Stunde verdienen, um angemessen leben zu können? Danke für…


Doctor’s notes are such BS.

I have a 10 year old who spiked a fever this morning. He's out of school today and tomorrow at least because of the policy of being fever-free 24 hours before going back. I'm being told I need a doctor's note for him to be able to work remotely. I already work two days from home, so it's not like I'm not set up for this. So now I have to spend hours at urgent care just to get a note for me to stay home with him while I have work piling up and a deadline of tomorrow at noon to get it all done.


I’m on the verge of giving up….

Trigger warning: sicdal ideations, anger, feelings of helplessness. I’m posting this in r/antiwork, because no one else gives a shit. I’ve talked to my bosses, my union, and even reported the company to the government. I work for Kroger, who is as corrupt and as old-timey as anything else run by boomers. They treat us like slaves, begging to use the restroom and punished if we take too long (the lock on the restroom unlocks itself after 10 minutes). And we only have breaks because of the union (10 mins for 4 hrs work, 15 mins for 6 hrs, and two 10 mins spread apart for 8+ hrs work.) I’m tired of standing on my feet all day just to get a 10-15-10/10 minute break at the end of my shift, it’s exhausting… I’m tired of being mistreated and overworked like it’s something I have to do 24/7/365… in a…


Nutty boss? Or overreacting?

Hi y'all. I was diagnosed with strep on Saturday, and let my boss know immediately. She basically said “well we're short staffed and I'm worried about the schedule so you need to be here Monday.” (It's a daycare, we are closed sat/sun). Mondays here, I still can't swallow without intense pain, and can't move my head. I don't feel comfortable going to work around kids and babies being this sick. She's demanding I come in for at least half of my shift anyway. Am I overreacting by thinking she's nuts for this? It's not my fault that we're constantly losing employees every week and she doesn't have enough people on the schedule.


More than Full-time work

I've noticed quite a few posts saying things like “I work full-time 40-50 hours a week” or “I work 45-60 hours a week/fulltime” That is more than Full-time work. Every argument you have about people working a full-time job and not being able to live should be further emphasised when you work more than Full-time. Working more than Full-time and struggling to survive is even more bullshit than working Full-time and struggling to survive. (Additionally, “only” working 40 hours a week is more than what Full-time should be. We have the means to reduce the workweek for everybody, but then the 28 people who hold 50% of the world's wealth and their bootlickers would be upset)


Workplace harassment legal aid?

Hey friends, so my girlfriend is putting her 2 weeks notice in today for her job. Her manager is verbally abusive, and my girlfriend has recordings of this. We are expecting a sizeable increase in the verbal and psychological abuse tomorrow after they get her resignation notice. Are there lawyers we can consult to help remove this woman and make the company known? We have considered local news, but she doesn’t want to do it now because they’ll know who blew the whistle and she doesn’t want further blowback of course. Thankfully she’s used up all sick and PTO so the company can’t screw her out of that. I just don’t know what to do – my girlfriend comes home crying every day because of the way management treats her. It’s bullshit. And they need to pay and face consequences, but I want to do it right if we have…


Seriously, Fuck Bob Iger

Article Title: A Kinder, Gentler Bob Iger Says He Has ‘Deep Respect and Appreciation’ for Creatives Amid Dual Strike I saw this on FB, and one lady commented that respect and appreciation mean nothing, and that the artists need to be paid a wage that can cover the cost of living. So accurate. This reminded me of my own personal gripe with Bob. I was gonna post this anecdote on FB, but I figured it would be much better received here. I worked for Disney from 2011 – 2016. During my first two years, we had annual raises provided we were meeting/exceeding expectations. They weren't particularly high increases, but they were more than $1 annually, so… it was something. I worked in Guest Experience, and in 2013 they announced they were capping our wages. When they announced what the wage increase would be, I realized that based on my two…