
Corporate Tudors

I'm binge watching The Tudors (for the third time), and all I can say is that classism is still very much a real thing. There are many people who don't view others as human but rather as resources to be used for their benefit. Sadly, many of these people are rewarded for their behavior with higher paying jobs and given greater authority because they enjoy being around their own kind. In the corporate world, I've noticed that the wage gap between the “peasants” and the “nobles” continues to grow. The “peasants” earn between $30k-$70k on average and do the lion share of the work. They are expected to account for all of their time and tend to be micromanaged. Hard work is generally rewarded by being given more work and any requests for raises can cause them to be gaslit by management. Meanwhile the “nobles” earn $150k-$600k and basically set…


I’m seeing significantly more positions that would always have been considered 9 to 5 with the hours listed as 8 to 5

I've worked in government for the past seven years. Recently quit my job and have been interviewing for other positions in new areas. I was also doing interviews for new jobs up until COVID but for obvious reasons that changed quickly. The same exact kinds of jobs with the same organizations, companies, or city/state/local government offices that were always considered 9-5, that were literally listed 9-5 a few years ago, are now moving quickly toward 8-5 schedules. Of course the pay has not increased despite an enormous jump in the cost of living since then and most of the positions being based in major metro areas. The job I left a few months ago was offered as 9-5 and three months in I was asked why I wasn't in the office at 8:30, which again, was not the agreed upon time. I'm sure some places will justify this horseshit by…


Accepted a (written) job offer, only to be rejected after first day?

Dear people of Reddit, I'm posting here because I'm not sure where to go, so excuse me if my writing is a bit all over the place, English is also not my first language (sorry I wrote a bit long post but I felt the need to explain my situation – added a TLDR at the end). ​ I decided, ever since my burnout, my original career (customer service) is just not for me anymore. Like, I have a degree but this is just not what I want to do with my life. After healing from that I got wrongfully terminated anyway 2 years after (handled all that with a lawyer). So I want to find another path, like going into a new direction. ​ I surely don't want to go back into something that caused me burned out in the first place, as working with people in a service…


Why does work make you feel bad for being so sick you can’t work?

I am livid at the response i received from my Deputy Manager for being unable to work today. Can i help having an inflamed throat, fever, cough and migraine? NO. Yet she still said i didn’t give “enough notice” (over an hour before my shift started) and saying “Now i need to find a full day cover for you!” because another massage therapist is sick too. Well i wonder why??? there’s a flu going around that i contracted from my co-workers, family AND clients!! don’t get me started about them coughing through a full body massage in an enclosed space! This corporation “well-ness spa” they like to advertise, makes you sick! They would rather have you coming in, spreading things around, or having sick people come in and making you feel awful. Add that with 6 hours of treatments is disgusting!! At the end it’s all about money for them,…


Working sucks, and forced OT should be illegal

Wake up before the sun has even thought about rising, drive 45min, be there at this time, take a break at this time, lunch, break, now you can leave, drive 45mins back home, get home with zero energy, motivation, enthusiasm, time. Constantly told when and where and how to be. Is this shit really worth it? Then, forced Saturdays! My life is not my own, and I will never be rich or happy. I get 1 or 2 days out of 7, and one of those days is spent filled with anxiety and depression, because the next day is Monday. Christ! I have to know! Is this it? Is this the best life has to offer?


Weird work situation

I feel like a whiner but here I go… I work for a Fortune 50 corporation. I have excellent pay and benefits. I should be happy to be here for the past 10 years. I have checked out a bit after not being promoted due to policies beyond my control and watched less qualified persons get ahead. My current job allows be extreme flexibility because we are in a project lull (work at home 2 days/wk), come and go as I please. My boss is in the same boat, can retire any day he wants, and has checked out as well after 30+ years here. He has been discarded by the new leadership and shoved in a corner. The rub is this. I have come off 9 years of crazy project schedules being the top guy on the project as the Project Lead. I loved it but I got burnt…


I’m just happy I’m finally out of restaurant work, fuck that so much

Fuck restaurant work lol, it's soul crushing as shit and physically terrible for you and I'm so glad I'm done with that shit


How do I ask for compensation for new job duties?

Help! I have been at my job for 2 years. I was hired as an engineering administrative assistant, but I actually run the front desk/lobby. I do technically work for engineering and do their purchase orders. The plant I work for is apart of a global company and our site has over 1,000 employees plus hundreds of contractors. We have a whole department that is locked down due to sensitive technology. All this information adds to my question. HR has decided they no longer want to be in charge of the badge system or keeping track of the contractors. They are passing the duty on to me. I was “consulted” but none of my questions were addressed. They made the final decision to move the system to me while I was on vacation. I am wanting to ask for compensation for this new job duty. I want to ask in…


How are we expected to survive?

Okay, this may be rather long but try and stick with me. I’m not sure how anyone is meant to survive in the current state of the U.S economy. I’m 19 and just getting started in the grownup life, and I’m genuinely scared for my future. I’m not sure if I’ll even have a roof over my head in 5 years time. I’m not going to site my sources because that would triple the length of my post, but let me break it down. As of August 2023, the avg. American makes roughly $20/hour. Let’s suppose you have a partner to help you navigate this mess of a world. That’s $40/hour for 40 hours a week. That’s around $4,480 a month after taxes. The avg. rent for a 1 bedroom apartment is $1,750 on the low end. That’ll leave you with $2,730 a month. Utilities such as water, electric, gas,…


My boss asked me to postpone my resignation.

I have been with my former employer (small company with 3 employees) for more than 10 years. It figured it was time to move on, because I now have family. I applied for a position much closer to my home. I went through 2 interviews, got an offer which I accepted. This included an enormous pay bump. Since this is not happening in the US (I'm not a native English speaker, so forgive my mistakes in wording and grammar 😉 ) , the most common notification period is 3 months, but not for me. My contract said, I need to give 4 weeks of notification. This is unusual, but fully legal. So I called my boss 8 weeks before starting at the new job, out of respect for the long time we've been working together. As you can figure, he was not that happy (losing one third of you workforce),…