I would say since 2020, I often do at least a 15% tip which is usually >$5 and on dozens of instances, I've had the delivery person THANK me for the tip. So, just a question for you delivery drivers (not specifically Door Dash or Uber Eats, etc.): Do people really no tip or just give horrible tips anymore? Or am I being trolled for being stingy?
Month: August 2023
Just a little rant. Ahem.
I'm going on a rant; I apologize for the wall of text. Management at my company keeps progressively piling on work for me to do, and I can't take it anymore. I just can't. None of my co-workers can either. Work is piling up on everyone. When I look around my office, all I see are depressed, forlorn faces because of all the tasks we are trying to do. The emails come in every minute like rapid fire and the phones ring incessantly off the hook, and all the time, my boss is micromanaging me and the rest of the staff about tasks he has no idea how to complete. In short, we are so understaffed and mismanaged, it's not even funny, and when we apologetically say to our clients and our bosses we are slow at our jobs because we are understaffed and are trying to do thirty-nine million…
Let's say theoretically I decided to a week off work because I was “sick” and I knew for certain that my manager wouldn't approve any of my upcoming requested days off. The week has passed and I now have to deal with the consequences of my actions. My manager is asking to see a sick note for my “chest pains”, and I've got no proof of anything. Any ideas how I can get myself out of this situation? For context I live in the UK and I work in hospitality, my job mostly consists of serving customers at the till. Ideally I don't want to be fired but I'd rather just quit my job before doing anything illegal like faking a sick note.
No one wants emails, just phone calls
How would y’all deal with having a manager and a new supervisor who hates emails? They want every conversation to be in person or via phone call. Which, baring my own memory issues, I don’t have a problem with in general…. However… I have found myself multiple times where my manager tells me to do something, so I do it and then I get criticized for that manager for doing it the way they told me and they’re rude when I try to point out they told me to do it that way. Eg: 1. I send my work to him for review via email 2. He says he’s too busy so stop sending them things and “hold onto” then until closer to due date 3. I got told I need to not delay services for customers by holding onto things 4. I submit my work and follow up in…
I know we’re supposed to take pride in our work, regardless of the job, but I can’t stand working with people who take treat our crap, minimum wage job like it’s the most important thing in the world. Most of the time they don’t even do it because they’re prideful, but because they either wanna kiss up to the boss or they’re insecure about being grown adults working a job that a teenager could get. I recently started working at a cafe inside of a chain retail store. The job isn’t too hard, but the management is starting to get under my skin. My manager is a 50-something year old woman and her ego makes her absolutely insufferable to work with. I dread going to any shift that we’re both scheduled on. She runs the cafe like it’s the Navy. She’s extremely anal about everything to the point where it…
Firstly – I know now that I should have never made that HR complaint, please don’t remind me! So I’ve been at this company for 9 months now. My first few weeks of working, this executive level employee took an obvious interest in me to the point where other people were noticing. He’d constantly come into the lab (where I work with 11 others and is not his workspace) and pull up a chair to talk to me. He sent me a weird message on teams (that I still have a picture of) asking something like “how many moons ago did your lovely presence Grace this earth and make it more beautiful” (lol). One of the lab managers noticed my discomfort and asked me about it to which I said yes, it makes me uncomfortable. Apparently that was reported to HR (by my boss, not me) and he mostly left…
As an international high school student just asking out of the curiosity. If I come to the USA after graduating from university, the minimum amount I will receive is 100k dollars. How do people manage a year with 20-30 thousand dollars? Edit: As I see in the comments there are a lot of hateful comments, but I try to be as gentle as possible. Don’t test me if you are jealous or something like that just go Edit 2: yes, after graduation, a salary of 100k dollars is guaranteed and a very normal wage, and also after graduating i decided to work in switzerland. Those who call me a child: It would be more correct to look at yourself and say, what have I done until this age.
I came to work with a cotton green dress and a black dress yesterday. I don’t wear bras, however I’m small chested, and my long extensions usually cover my hair. It’s an office of like 10 people. I went to target because she complained, and I got a sweater dress. No bra still and she was fine with it. Today I wore another dress that’s crochet. It’s not see through, and she said she can see my nipples. Which can happen I guess if it’s cold, but again my hair covers my dress and I barely get up and down from my desk. I just got this job, and I’m mainly there to gain pay stubs for an apartment. But I hate it.
I have a printed copy with the date omited that I take to work 'just in case'.