
Stop messaging me at 7am every morning

I work remotely and have a stressful home life with two kids. I often catch up on my work till 2 or 3 in the morning. I really resent waking up and the first thing I see on my phone is a message from my manager saying that when I'm online, we need to talk about something. I feel like I never stop working.


Uber threatens to pull out of Minnesota over (higher wage) legislation


Workplace bullies

My workplace honestly feels like a high school. Despite most of us all being highly distinguished professionals, the juvenile mentality is very much alive, especially with cliques and bullying. I have a workplace bully who’s like 30+ years my senior. They have created a work environment for me that is so hostile that I have daily anxiety about setting foot into the office. There have been times this person has even stooped to making fun of my clothes, my hair, my weight, what I eat, etc. Hell yesterday in the office, they were making a whole mockery of me right to my face while a bunch of my coworkers just sat there jeering and laughing. And there’s not a single thing I can do about it besides leave. Upper management and executives truly love this person; they’re untouchable, so reporting it isn’t even an option. A few other other coworkers…


Getting Fired Soon

So basically to keep this short, i work through a temp agency at a factory where i run a hydraulic press. I’ve been there about 3 weeks but the day i started i noticed one of the presses were leaking hydraulic fluid on the floor and was told by other employees that management knows about this and they don’t care to fix it. So monday i went to work and ended up slipping on the fluid that was leaking on the floor from the press, and hurt my back. I let my supervisor know and went to the temp agency to let them know as well. However, i called in today because i am still sore and the temp agency escalated the case to workers comp (which i didn’t want to do) and filed an accident report along with a drug test. Now i live in a medical marijuana only…


Planning to hand in my notice in the worst time with no backup – nervous

I'm planning to inform my manager on Thursday that I want to hand in my notice on Friday. They don't work on Friday so Im going to tell them earlier. I don't have a back up job, I'm just genuinely so burnt out at this one that I don't even have the capacity to apply elsewhere and want a break. Thing is, I'm leaving when it's extremely busy and there is no one to take over my job as I'm the only one who can do it. It is only me and my manager on our team and nobody can fill in. Me and my manger have somewhat of a good relationship but there's been tension at times as they can be quite pedantic and high strung. I'll have a month notice period so they'll probably hire someone to replace me but even training them to do my role would…


Is there any centralized, global/regional protest movement?

Hello, All throughout the internet, and indeed much of society in different countries where I have engaged with folks, many share at least a very general sentiment that is in one way or another connected to anti-capitalist, or anti-corporatist, anti-neoliberal, anti-work sentiments – but in pretty much every country, every election, come election time, neoliberals win. No one who wants a total reform of the global economic system – which keeps making the rich richer – comes close to winning. Sure some more left-leaning parties sometimes win or come close to winning, but all are still fully neoliberal, just with extra social justice policies (if they keep their promises even on that). I have joined a local party/groups who have candidates/leaders that may agree that the system is corrupt, but they are far from winning elections and even if they did, again their proposed changes don't go near far enough.…


Reporting an employer to OSHA

My employer is a mess and I have a lot of stuff to report. Anyone ever done this? What happened?


Why are teacher and healthcare unions not as powerful as police unions?

I see Police unions as the example of what can be achieved. The pinnacle of solidarity. Their culture, behaviour, protectionism, and their power to bend law and public policy to their favour in incredibe and surprisingly stunning ways. Now I know police unions are obv a problem for the larger public of course. But this is because they protect bad cops and empower negative behaviour. Issue is, the job of a union is to protect it's members and that is what they do. They simply take it to another level of solidarity. So, seeing as how police unions have become so effective at their own goal without regard to any other impact it may cause, why are other unions so weak in comparison? Politicians are ready and willing to beat on teacher unions but consider taking on a police union political suicide. There are lessons to be learned from even…


How much longer until the system collapses and it can start to get better?

I used to work almost full time but my hours got cut. I’ve been job hunting every day but it’s slow going because no one’s hiring. I get my paycheck and most of it goes to insurance and car payment, then the next paycheck I have to pray I have enough for rent and utilities at the end of the month. Gas price is climbing again. I feel like I’m barely surviving. I’ve been trying to do Uber eats but it barely pays for the gas. I’m gonna have to start donating my plasma or something. I have to seek my literal biological material just to buy groceries. Ive been skipping breakfast just to save some money. I was sick in the hospital for a month and my savings got drained. How are other people doing it? How is it so easy for others? I’m drowning here. It’s the system.…


Society sucks

I know I wasn’t meant to work a 9-5 like most people but here I am doing it. All I’ve wanted my whole life is to be a stay at home parent, but with a disabled partner and the cost of living skyrocketing I know that will never be a possibility for me and it breaks my heart. I don’t even know if I will be able to ever be able to have a child let alone stay home with them full time. I just wanna raise smart, kind, and creative people but this society just doesn’t allow that anymore. Makes me just not wanna try anymore and say fuck it all.