
Discuss our wages at work?

What if everyone just started disclosing there salary. Like they can't fire everyone and it could an easier way than a mass uprising to change the shit wages everyone is getting paid.


Remember when we’d always hear that raising minimum wage would cause inflation?

I’d like to hear those opinions now


Fully Vesting is more of a scam than it is a benefit to employees.

Gradual Vesting* For those that do not know what it is; Some companies will match contributions into a retirement account/stocks account, however they say they can take away all of their contributions unless you work for 2,4,6 years in the company. It usually looks like; Work for 1 year, keep 20% of company contributions Work for 2 years, keep 40% ” ” ” 3 years, 60%, 4 years, 80%, 5 years now you keep the full company contribution. This is just a way to make employees feel trapped to companies and their bad culture statements after a few years when they learn their career really isn't all that they promised in the job interview. We all know retirement planning is important, and newer generations are really getting shafted into retirement plans that are NOT adequate retirement plans. Now they can take 401k contributions away, even though its not like you…


My workplace screwed up my contract in my favour…. Would you change it?

I work in IT. After my old place had a bunch of layoffs, I have landed in a place that is pretty good and I’ve enjoyed it ok so far. I was interviewed by my bosses boss and was offered the job fairly quickly. They passed over my details to HR to deal with the contract for signing and on boarding me. I always noticed that people were in the office later than I was and I thought it was a bit weird but I never said anything. However after a conversation I found that my contract has substantially less hours than everyone else in my team. My colleagues are all 8am until 5:30pm. My contract is for 9 to 5pm with a 1 hour lunch. Doesn’t sound like a lot but it actually works out at 30 hours less a month roughly. My boss who I like said that…


Thinking About Confiding in a Supervisor

I am truly fed up with my job. I have recently received treatment for depression and it has helped but along with problems at home, I hate going into work every single day. Work is one of the biggest causes of negative feelings for me. I’m thinking about confiding in a supervisor I trust and speaking about my issues. I don’t know what to do anymore, this job is literally killing me inside.


College Feels Like Wasted Time and The Job Market Feels Hopeless and Unfair

26F and I'm already so tired. I just graduated with my Bachelors degree 3 months ago and I've been applying ever since but have heard basically nothing back. I just feel so defeated already because I put so much mental effort, strain, and energy into getting myself through college and now that I'm out and looking at the job market it just feels like my degree isn't worth shit. Like seriously what was it all for? Cause everywhere I apply for that I'm qualified for I don't hear anything back. I just don't know what to do. My current job that I've had for 5 years (that I also already have a trade degree for) keeps me there with a carrot on a stick by saying they “try to find promotions for me” and “talk with higher-ups about me” and such but lately, that's not really making me feel hopeful…


Clearing out emails and recycled files before I put my resignation in tomorrow.

Hi so, long story short is I have been working for a super crappy non profit that treats me and my colleague horribly. After an incident that occurred today I will be reporting what happened to HR in the morning. From there I will submit my resignation effective immediately. I have been reading about what to do before quitting, and I have paranoia that my upper management will sabotage me in any way possible once I’m gone. So for the last 6 hours I’ve been combing through and saving docs or screenshots of my work to prove I performed and to have for reference moving forward. The issue is I have permanently deleted all my sent and received emails. I read it’s good to clear that before you go but now I’m worried I’ve violated a policy I didn’t know about or I have made myself look suspicious. I have…


I forgot to turn off the machines at work and left them on overnight. I do this often cause I just don’t care.

I did leave the stuff on last night. And yes it could possibly cause damage by being left on overnight, but when you don't show much care or appreciation for your workers the boss shouldn't expect them to treat his equipment with too much care or appreciation either


I got fired over a $5 hamburger

So this is my story from working at a shitty gas station. English is my main language and I'm on mobile so sorry for the grammar mistakes. I worked for this company since August of last year and i got fired last month. I didn't have problems with the manager but she did promise the shift that I was started to work with which was 2pm-10pm but one of my coworkers who was old and she had a lot of medical problems so she quit on us immediately. So without any training I was put on the overnight shift which was from 10pm-6:30am. I took so many peoples shift and worked my ass off in the that job but nothing was never good for that job, because without any training they was yelling at me for something that wasn't getting done overnight. But this was recently. I'm autistic and I…


I’m so frustrated and tired of job searches

I'm just complaining and want to do it to a group that hopefully understands. My position is being liquidated soon. Therefore, I'll need a job soon. I have substantial tech experience, many skills, and feel as though I'm great with management and people. Additionally, I've never had an interview go badly in my opinion. Despite all of this, you know what I don't have? Top secret clearance, the desire to be a manager for 13 fucking dollars an hour, or a lifestyle that allows me to exist on the 14 an hour I'm making now. Even my degree qualifies me only for jobs with incredibly high levels of stress for $16/hour if I'm lucky. How am I ever meant to get to the higher rungs on this employment ladder if I can't even touch the fucking bottom? Anyways, tips for getting top secret clearance, I guess? Lmao I hate everything.