Month: August 2023
Don’t talk to us
I work in a bookstore and I was trying to track down an order that is a few weeks behind. I called the publisher and got a voicemail saying “due to high volume and short staffing we recommend you email this address” so I emailed the address and got an auto response saying “due to high volume and short staffing we recommend you call this number” so I called the number and the person who answered says “why did you call? You literally just emailed about this.”
So I am a housekeeper in the dementia unit of a nursing home. I stated multiple times in my interview that I wanted to do dining but I ended up in housekeeping and every time a position opens for dining, someone else gets it even though I request it. I have experience in dining as well, I did it before for about 2 years the first time I worked here and don’t need any training. I hate housekeeping because I have to constantly clean nasty toilets from dementia residents that don’t even know what a toilet is, and if you don’t know, old people shit a lot and piss everywhere. It’s disgusting and I only get $11.59 an hour to do this. They also have zero coverage for me so I can barley request a day off. There is no one doing my job the days I do have off…
Didn’t get the job offer I wanted
Haven't been working for a little bit and as time goes on I get more and more nervous about going back to work I obviously need to do it. I've been interviewing for jobs one of them I'm overqualified and the next I do 2 interviews both I think went well I literally have all the skills and qualifications for this role I almost feel like I'm perfect or at least very capable of excelling in this role and I guess usually I always end up getting the jobs I interview for especially if I was pushed into a 2nd round of interviews I prepped for both interviews did research on the company prepared thoughtful questions at the end I just don't understand I did everything was supposed to do I'm just so bummed about this I really needed that job now back to square one I'm so sad and…
Truck driver Contract canceled
I’m an independent contractor, lease purchase operator. I have a lease purchase agreement with company A, I hauled exclusively for company B, my contract was canceled for violating company speed policy. They micromanage my company holding me to the same policy as company drivers. They have a policy with a progression step 1 a phone call and verbal warning. Step 2 a route through a terminal to talk to safety, step 3 cancellation of contract. But I am not a company employee, I am an independent contractor. Anyway I am 91 weeks into a 143 week lease. The company that holds my lease is trying to force me to a carrier I can’t earn a living at, to finish my lease or surrender my equipment. I’ve paid almost 1/2 the value of the truck in the last 2 years. I paid my house off years ago, but my credit is…
I’ll give you a little bit of background info but mainly just wanted to vent a little bit about getting laid off. I’ve been working as a manager for the same company for 14 years (started off in a different role but I’ve essentially been the primary manager for the last 8 years or so). It’s an incredibly high-stress roll and I’ve been juggling with anxiety and depression for the last few years. I ended up having a suicide attempt back in April of this year. Spent a few weeks in a mental health facility after that (I had plenty of Annual Leave stored up because I hardly ever take holidays). After coming out of the facility I made an agreement with the boss that I would take my Long Service Leave (10 weeks paid leave) and get myself mentally stable before I returned to work… After 4 weeks the…
I’m burning out
I work at a tech start up. It’s exhausting. Things are always changing and since it’s a smaller org, there’s the expectation that you have to give everything your all. I’ve been in my role for two years and am about to graduate with an MBA. There’s still no talk of a promotion for me. I’m about to be 30 with no manager experience and I’m over qualified for my role. I feel like I’ve put so much of myself into this job and all for what? For other people to tell me “you’re not ready” or “work on xyz” I’m at the point I just want to do the bare minimum and be done for the day. But I’ll never get promoted if I do that. I’m stuck and burnt out and so incredibly over the hierarchy and workplace norms. Should I even bother trying to get promoted -…
Is taco bell a good temporary job
The retail job I have now pays 9 dollars a hour to be both a bagger and cashier and I have 1,300 dollars on credit card debt so I need to pay that off lmao also before people ask how I'm living on that I'm 20 and I live with my parents I heard taco bell pays 15 dollars a hour and 16 a hour on weekends that would be such a big increase if true but I don't know if glassdoor is accurate
I have been applying and interviewing for jobs recently. I applied with a local company and within 15 minutes, they sent a request for a video interview “on-demand”. I also received an email from a recruiter from the company telling me to reach out if any issues with the process. They want me to spend 30 minutes recording answers to prompts and introducing myself without a human on the other side. This is the second one of these I've received. I'm just refusing to waste my time on these. Anyone have a good response for the recruiter?