I didn’t understand at first and I have been in pain from what I thought was happening. I understand now and won’t be in pain anymore. Thank you gen x for not pulling up the latter behind you and thank you genz for everything as well. It won’t be perfect; but in due time, it will be impactful. I finally understand. Thank You, Thomas.
Month: August 2023
This may be the wrong sub but r/amitheasshole deleted my post because it was a “work conflict” It's a sales job that she's been trying to get me to apply to for over a year, I lost my job a couple of months ago (I still had a second job so I wasn't jobless) but I finally agreed. I've been here for 2 months and I enjoyed it at first but I feel like sales are just not for me and I'm kinda miserable. My boss is great, he's a super chill guy so I kind of feel bad but I just don't like phone sales I did just leave and walk out a couple of weeks ago but my sister had like 5 people blow up my phone to convince me to come back. I'm sure my sister will be angry with me since she's known for her “tough…
Literally, they ll write anything to go back to filling those offices. But I love this particular quote from the article: “Productivity, especially in the public sector where WFH is most entrenched, has started to fall. The economy has stagnated. Inflation has risen, and living standards have fallen, while almost nothing”. Maaan, I love getting blamed for crashing the economy. No, its not rampage profiteering killing the economy. Its me working from home. Jesus.
Basically what the title says. It sucks. I have a multitude of health problems, but my IBS has really been causing me a lot of pain recently. Today I made it about an hour and a half before I went home. I’ve been stuck with the worst stomach cramps to the point I’m curled up at my desk in pain and can’t go more than 5-10 minutes without urgently needing to go to the bathroom. I have a presentation that is due at the end of the day and I tried asking if I could work on it from home, but apparently flex is no longer allowed. So here I am, working at home while using my sick time, and it’s just really frustrating. How hard would it be just to allow an employee one day of working from home? It’s so hard to accrue sick time so now I’m…
I’m quitting after 2.5 mos
I hate my new job so much. I am anxious and depressed. I can’t sleep. The work environment is ok- my boss is not great but I can’t blame anything on her really. I’m a 1st time manager and I cannot stand dealing with my staff. There are some toxic aspects to the workplace but overall I’m treated decently. I just don’t feel this position is right for me. Everyone keeps telling me to stick it out or that I’ll get used to it or that I should lock something else down first. I have some savings – enough for 3-4 months. If I really need it my family will help. Looking for someone to agree that I should just quit so I can be happy again.
I heard a very good advice on radio
Don't go to self checkouts.. avoid it as much as possible.. why? Because the more you go, the more the corporate pigs will cut the staff..
This is long and I'm not gonna tl;dr. I just want to tell my story. You've been warned. I'm an ex traffic control technician. Not just a flagger. I drew plans, pulled permits, ordered equipment, set up work zones, communicated directly with clients. Hell, I made our own road signs in house. I did this for 3 years. Not a seasoned vet by any means but I know what the fuck I'm doing. So I recently moved across the country and went looking for a job as a technician. Turns out you need certification in this state that wasn't required in my old one. I figure, no big deal, I'll go work as a flagger for a little bit until I can get my cert and aim a bit higher. Oh boy was this not the play. The social environment and relationships between work crews and traffic control is way…
I’m applying for a US-based position but the recruiter/hirer is from Europe. The position requires me being fluent in Spanish (I’m not sure if they need Portuguese fluency, but I know they wanted other languages for the position). My last name is Portuguese because I married a Brazilian, but I am not Brazilian. My native language is English and I learned Spanish and Portuguese as non-native languages. I always decline to disclose gender/orientation/ethnicity/race/army affiliation/disabilities. They asked me: “Could you please confirm where you were born? Your last name seems Portuguese, but I would like to confirm where you were born and where you studied.” I get that they want to know if I’m truly fluent in Spanish (and/or Portuguese) but they had me do a Spanish translation test, so if I passed it, why is my country of birth relevant? I’m authorized to work in the US so it’s not…
Just turned 30 and have never found a job I’m any more than “meh” about when I wake up, hoping one day I can enjoy my work life.
Urgent advice needed.
Wife and I live in Arizona. She just got a job with the school district and they tell her that she is being forced to take a 12% 401k. She said she explicitly does not want to take that but they said it will be automatically taken out over check whether She wants it to or not. They don't even start matching until 10 years. She's losing out on $150 every paycheck. Is this legal in any way?