I swear I'm over the whole interview process. I had a interview today scheduled for 1130, I show up at 1125 follow the directions to call the front desk and wait to be escorted inside of the building. I call 5 time from 1125 to 1145 and sent the HR manager an email stating my problem at 1130 on the dot. Fast forward to me waiting 20 minutes with no response to the email, no call, no text- nothing. 2.5 hours later the HR manager finally emailed me back to apologize and try to reschedule. Nope, no thank you. I can waste time on my own. You can't complain about people not working if you're not willing to match the energy.
Month: August 2023
After nearly a year of watching my wife apply for a multitude of job openings, and a good few multi-stage interviews, I have begun to question the validity of these openings. Do companies get “points” or manipulate statistics in their favor for going through the motions as though they are going to hire a candidate, but then claiming that nobody in the interview pool was what they were looking for? In many of these instances, my wife has advanced to the second or third interview, only to be told that they are going with someone else. Weeks or maybe a month later, the job posting is back up, though sometimes with increased qualifications (for ENTRY LEVEL positions), so clearly whatever route they were pursuing has not worked out (if real). In the case of Intel, they told her that the position was being eliminated, only for her to find the…
My boss is a narcissistic ass who is always right even when he's wrong and barely listens to anyone except my other boss and even he gets ignored sometimes. For example, my boss bought three machines a few years ago. Ignoring everything my boss and I, as one of the machine operators, said. The minute I saw what was to be my replacement machine I hated it. It looked like a copycat of my previous one with supposedly “improvements” and could do everything my old one could. Five minutes of running it I absolutely knew with 100% certainty it was a piece of shit and have repeatedly told both my bosses as such but all that's happened from big boss is threatening to take me off of it and putting someone else on it. So I grudgingly shut my trap and figured out ways to get the stupid thing to…
I just saw this post wherein a guy literally argues that his roommate shouldn’t be upset that he’s being forced back to the office unnecessarily because his roommate “makes twice as much” as OP so he can’t complain. OP has also had his pay docked during bathroom breaks and instead of directing that outrage those responsible he puts down his roommate for “making things into a worker rights issue” and being annoying by discussing the formation of a union, walk outs, and other means of organizing. It’s just so sad.
I know there are the majority of folks 40 and under that wont be able to own a home. We got lucky with the stimulus money and FHA loan (which might have been a mistake due to hidden fees) we got a home. It has asbestos but with taxes, escrow, and the mortgage insurance premium our mortgage is rising to 2610 a month (thankfully we have roomies) but it looking more likely we cannot keep it. I am wondering if anyone else is in the same boat.
I know the job market is awful for many of us, but just imagine how disastrous things would’ve been had many parents not been able or were unwilling to let their unemployed millennial and gen z children live with them until they find a new job.
Job fired me for advocating for myself
Former teacher. I landed a band director job in a new district. The district wanted me to run the middle school instrumental program and the high school instrumental program along with all the high school extra curriculars. After finding this massive work load I went to HR to sign paper work and I brought up my concerns for the position. I asked if there was a way I could get more compensation since I was running two programs at two schools. I also asked if there was anyway to get paraprofessional to help divide the work. The next day they sent me an email that they were taking back my contract and are going to pursue other people. Fuck teaching
I work at a large company. I’m interviewing for my dream job at this same company with another department. A week ago, I went to another company for a position that pays way less and is asking something of this position that is not up to the pay grade. I would like the position, but I have my hesitations. But they’re intent on making an offer and informed me yesterday they will be in contact next week with a decision. Today, I had a really great interview with my current company at this other department, but they let me know the next steps. It seems positive and yet uncertain. My current boss says I should accept the other should the offer be made and start resigning, and that once I get an answer from the current position, I could back out. I feel uneasy about it though. I know decisions…