
I’ve applied to over 20 jobs last week and this week. Haven’t heard from any of them

I’m trying to get a job. I’ve been dealing with mental health stuff and left my last job due to that. Now I regret it so much. My mom is also making me feel like shit. She keeps telling me I need a job and I know. But I’ve applied to so many jobs and haven’t heard a word. I’m so stressed I feel like crying. I fucking hate this


Partner quits their job due to health issues, this is the response their manager gave them.

This is after spending the day in the E.R for heart related issues. She notified all of management that she is no longer able to work for this establishment, and the manager sent this on their private chat. Apparently everyone thought she did it, and that I was part of it. (The blacked out name in the text is mine) despite there being evidence at one of the stores the credit card was used, showing someone different than her or I. Is it wrong to assume this is discrimination against her, given the wording? Is there any course of action we should take against her for this, or should we let it go?


Drug screen advice (CBD Cigarettes)

So, I finally got a job. Only problem is, I smoke one or two CBD cigarettes every two weeks. Chiefstix. Which has 0.3 THC. And they want to screen me. Last time I smoked was last Saturday the 29th I've heard conflicting advice online, and there's barely anything about it on Reddit. Drug Test is due in at least 7 days. Urine. Will I pass since it's so low on THC? If not, what should I do?


If you think work is like war, there is something very wrong with you.


Stay Away From This Company

I applied to a job at Fortunoff Backyard 3 months ago. 2 weeks ago they emailed me at 10am telling me to come in for an interview that day, and to call asap because spots were limited. It also said the manager was only available in that store that day, so it had to be today. I called, scheduling my interview for 3pm. I arrived at 2:50, 10 minutes early. At 3:20 a guy who worked there came up to me and told me it'd be a few more minutes, as the manager was busy. At 3:45, that same guy came up to me and told me to go home, the manager said he'd just zoom call me later. The store was dead, as it was a furniture store midday on a weekday. The manager was talking to the same woman from the moment I walked in til I assume…


Prohibited: “That’s Not My Job”


Prohibited: “That’s Not My Job”


Together We Bargain, Individually We Beg!


Together We Bargain, Individually We Beg!


Together We Bargain, Individually We Beg!