
Nobody’s hiring…

I’m usually skeptical when people make claims that can be considered extreme, but literally nobody is hiring. I have applied to 87 jobs in 3 months and gotten 2 interviews… they aren’t even high skilled jobs. Then I see them reposted on indeed 2-3 weeks later…


The company I work for is being liquidated.

Showed up to my warehouse job yesterday to find out I’ll have a job until April (at best). We were recently passed from one mega corporation to a slightly smaller mega corporation and according to how they do business, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, we’ve joked about this kind of thing happening for years, but wow. So many emotions. 8 years down the drain. I’m in my early 30’s (male) now and have no degree or relevant experience that will actually get me somewhere. On top of it, I just got the ball rolling on a nasty divorce where I was abused (it still makes me sick acknowledging that). I just moved in with my parents, who are completely destitute themselves. I have no idea what I’m going to do. This company felt like my only way into something bigger. I was offered an INSANE promotion back…


Teacher leaves for Costco Job and gets paid way more.


A glimpse into what work was like 50 years ago….


I don’t do assessments and employers are seem shocked that I don’t. Am I the odd ball for not doing them?

Been job shopping lately. I noticed this was happening. I got 2 or 3 messages back asking me when I was going to do them and I said never.


They fired a worker, just like she’s gone

I work in IT and the worker is a client's employee, not technically my coworker but we talked and were friendly. I fixed her computer issues and then said have a good afternoon. Next day she, along with other workers at this company, were laid off. Just like that, one day she expected to go to work like she had been for 2 years and then right before the weekend “You're terminated. Turn in your stuff. Leave the premises, we will escort you out” It just made me sad and angry we give 2 week notices but they fire us like that


I was fired and I wasn’t told why.

A week and a half ago, I was relieved of my duties during my trial period (6 months?). I asked what this was about? Twice. And was just told that it was about me ending my trial relationship with the facility. Evidently they don't have to tell you. ​ I had a meeting with my former boss weeks ago, where he screamed at me for ridiculous, toxic reasons that had nothing to do with me. I told my new director, and she was shocked, “speechless”, in her words. I wrote out what happened for her, and she sent it to HR. ​ This was obviously my downfall. ​ He was a complete pathetic brat about having to move on from the job, that he did poorly, and he took it out on me. I am beyond sick of toxic men and emotional assholes taking out their bullshit on me. So,…


one of my coworkers is snarky and mean to me but i can’t do anything because she works full-time and is friends with everyone.

i cant stop crying because one of my coworkers says things to my face but runs off or says it when no one else around so i can’t say anything back in time, which is probably for the best because the last time i snapped and swore at her by mistake (sensitive personality and panic attacks from childhood bullying) i did apologise over and over to her but she didn’t say anything back, so she reported me a few months back and i can’t do anything as i would likely get fired even if i just want to reply or stand my ground. she’s the one who works more than i do and has her group of friends at my job so they would all give me death stares and back her up. they don’t talk to me, a few do but are with her friendship-wise. i would quit but…


It’s time push for paid commutes

With COVID so successfully demonstrating how much work can be done remotely, how productivity increased, how much less pollution there was to less driving, less spent on healthcare due to pollution exposure, fewer traffic accidents, etc… the recent uniform push of returning to offices boils down to 2 simple points. Control and portfolios. They want us to jump through hoops. They want us tired and miserable. They want us burning gas to keep profits up. They want bodies in buildings or their value plummets. Most wealthy people invest in property. They then use that property as leverage for loans and other investments. Bad things happen when the value of their asset is less than they've leveraged against it. Basically 2008 mbs fiasco but with corporate mortgage backed securities. If people aren't going to the office, the office isn't needed. If no one needs office space, it loses value. Just look…


So let me get this straight. I’m not supposed to come in sick, but if I call out it counts against me?

Please make it make sense. I’ve had Covid twice this year and I’m getting shit from my covering manager because of it. Do they just want me to come in and get others sick? I don’t understand. It’s not like I wanted to test positive.