
[Vent] SWE here – I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do.


Racism? Sexism? A workplace that encourages it all?

Hey guys! I'm looking to get some other perspectives before I say something. I recently started a new job… during my training, my trainer took the time to “warn” me about a lady who is on maternity leave. He let me know to stay away from her, that she is a feminist, and that we don't need any of that around here (She hasn't been in the place for months, and not expected back anytime soon either) I was shocked, and am more inclined to make an opinion about the woman, after I meet her. About a week later, I heard a group talking about another coworker (a black man, really nice guy) A lady we work with said that he makes her uncomfortable because “it looks like he has a loaf of garlic bread in his pants” A few of the guys in our group started making jokes about…


Working on acceptance after career goals don’t work out?

Hey there – I'm a non-profit office worker and feel like I've hit a hard limit on opportunities. I'm consistently getting passed over or ignored for leadership and funding in favor of nepo babies, Ivy Leaguers and go-along-get-along types who don't really have vision (at least in my opinion). I'm middle aged and don't anticipate having enough capital to start my own thing any time soon. I've experimented with a few other career paths but have had bad luck with partners and bosses who don't follow through on their commitments. I'm feeling beaten down and wondering if anyone has good resources for acceptance? I feel like the Buddhist concept around suffering coming from desire resonates with me. I want to try letting go of the assumptions I have around success and a career. I can keep trying other paths, but I'm asking myself if this is it, can I learn…


Feeling suffocated lately. (just a rant really.)

idk if this belongs to r/antiwork but here I go. I work as a credit risk analyst at a well known bank in my country and for the most part, I was ok with my job. Thing is, I'm from Myanmar and a quick google search will tell you how much of a shit show the country is in right now. Our currency has depreciated so much over the last 2 years that I get less than $200 (more like 150 really) if we exchange it to USD now. And everything got so expensive that I'm struggling to make ends meet. With the situation the country is in, I see no prospects in the future also. Oh yeah and the power outages are the norm now so I work hard at day, come home and sit in the dark then sleep (which may or may not come), wake up and…


Wealth should have a 1 billion dollar limit

I think after you've made 1 billion dollars, you aren't allowed to make money anymore, and profits from your company from them on should be shared amongst the workers, or funneled into public funds for universal basic income. With a billion dollars, you will never want for anything, and there's no reason to continue accumulating wealth when you could be making the world a dramatically better place


“Talk to a Lawyer”

I was fired during a mass layoff and I think it was wrongful, but my family has no money to spare without my income. I called and emailed at least a dozen lawyers in my area of the American MidWest and they either don’t specialize in that kind of law or they want $100 for a 30 minute consultation. I’m so exasperated because people keep saying “you should talk to a lawyer” and “just find someone who does free consultations”. I don’t know where these magic free consultation employment lawyers are hiding! I don’t have a better suggestion, but I’m thinking we should stop telling desperate poor people to talk to a lawyer about employment issues without pointing them at a specific lawyer they could talk to. Maybe once I have a new job, I could spare some cash for one, but by then it will probably be too late.


I’m going nuts

I bootstrapped all of my 20s and got nothing for it. I work a job that has lied so much i dont have the patience to type it all. I have health issues i’m trying to ‘fix with home remedies’ because i cant afford a fu***** DR WITH insurance, and i can only save what i have because i buy absolutely nothing outside of mandatory things and room mate with 2 other people. I am burnt out working… i have a job with occasional options for ‘overstaffing’, has PTO, and paid holidays, and pays 17$/hr and is the best job i’ve ever had: and im terrified of leaving it someday because i just cant afford to work less than 4 days a week and this job let’s me juuuust get that done if i luck out and get overstaffing every week (it’s a work lottery ). I just… dont know…


Swing shift is better than Day Shift.

I used to work swing shift at my old job. Never felt tired once. I have a standard office job now and day shift feels so much more tiring and exhausting. By Friday, I feel mentally exhausted and drained. Never experienced this when I worked swing shifts. Anyone prefer swing shifts over day shifts? I wish more jobs offered swing but most office jobs come standard as day shift.


IHOP is withholding my girlfriends check. Is this legal?

I posted awhile ago that the IHOP my girlfriend works at was trying to get her to pay to the store 60$ she had received in tips because the Head server/night manager who had counted them out to her had quit and now she was somehow responsible for the bank supposedly being short. Well as of now they are telling her unless she pays that money back to them she will not receive her check. On Wednesday August 30th we saw people leaving IHOP with checks in hand she went in to try and get hers and they threaten to call the police. She was told over the phone her check would be ready for her to pick up this coming Thursday September 7th, but are still saying she is responsible for the 60$. At this point we have decided the 60$ doesn't matter and said just take it out…


My Boss Didn’t Pay Me For a Month because She Didn’t “Have Enough Money”

Okay, this was the first ever crazy experience I had working for someone. I worked for a local small business. I used to go to this store as a customer because I absolutely loved the products and the owner’s vibe. Eventually, I stopped by again and she asked me if I wanted a job. Me, excited and looking for a second job, I said yes. I was getting paid minimum wage, but I didn’t mind. She was the only person operating that store and she just opened a year ago, so I understood she was making only so much. After going through training, she had to leave out of state for a certification she was training for. That means I was going to manage and oversee her store. Before she left, we discussed when I would be paid while I managed the store during her absence. We agreed I would…