
Question for the masses!

While filling out a few job apps today online and I noticed that they are now asking your sexual orientation, and if your trans! Why do they need to know this?


They are offering 25,000 bht (692 us dollar) a month

I also posted this in CB, but I wanted to post it here also.


Fired after resignation than harassed about keys

I resigned last week with one month notice had an office liaison harass me then refuse to accept my resignation and to top it off fired me stole work equipment (barred me from returning) and emailed a termination notice the next day. Are now harassing me about the keys to the place and threatening to with hold my pay untill they are returned. Most toxic place I ever worked Master Distributor aka home Leisure Manufacturing if your a die setter or machine operator that place is a death trap someone walked out because he said he doesn't want to die for money. Owners are unhinged they scream at each other more than the staff. They told me they are looking at for me then threatened to with hold my pay in the same sentence. What's wrong with people these days?


My experience working with US clients as a software engineer

I’ve had the chance to work directly with clients from my company directly as a Software Engineer in Pakistan. I have noticed some things. While most clients are relaxed and laid-back, there are few who exhibit toxic behaviour. They have an obsession with working around the clock and expect you to do the same. They don’t respect your personal time and boundaries, often calling at late hours. They even push our managers to be more bossy. They don’t take breaks on weekends make over ambitious commitments to higher ups, putting pressure on us to meet unrealistic deadlines. Its seems that they priortize their goals over everything else, regardless of where their team are located. I have read this type of work culture being common in the US. Is this true?



What sort of strategies or techniques do companies use to suppress workers?

I work for a large company, they do things all the time like not responding to emails or safety concerns, discouraging management/staff from fraternising with workers, threating people with disciplinary action for minor stuff, deception, gaslighting etc etc We are unionised so have some protection/power. I want to try to utilise that power but would like to know my enemy better. What other types of strategies do companies use to fuck people over?


Cheated out of a job

So last year, 2022, I worked for this company (we'll call it Company A) as a tech writer. It was a six month contract, I went above and beyond expectations–I finished three months early. Rather than pay me out the rest of the contract, as would have been professional and respectful, I was let go so they could save money, right at Christmas, when no one was hiring. I spent the next five months on unemployment, desperately searching for a job when none were available. I then got a new job as a content writer at Company B for quite a bit less money than I was making at Company A, but with the understanding that if I did well after six months I would be made permanent. Well, two months in, Company A comes back and seeks me out for a technical writer role again, this time for two…


Employer doesn’t care about my progress or long term success

I've been at my job for the last two years. Since then I've had a consistent increase in quality and efficiency despite workload picking up to where I'm the only one out of my coworkers who's back up to pre-pandemic levels. I've regularly tried to get performance reviews, new long and short term goals, but I keep getting differed to “this week is busy, we'll chat next week” type bs. I've recieved no increased compensation over this time, and no plans for me in the future. I'm now working somewhere around the range of 25-50% effort but I'm hitting the same levels of productivity. I'm starting to get real bored with the job which is starting to effect me outside of work. How would you approach your boss in a firm way to approach these topics? I'm starting to feel career change is the only option now. I do really…


Toxic Exit Interview Experience

I am not in the Americas or Europe. I am from a small South Asian country (IYKYK), but that is not immediately relevant to this story. This experience is from 2008, when I was 27 years old. (42M now). This is a bit of a long story, so if you want to read the part about the exit interview itself, I have made the heading for that Bold At age 26, I joined one of the largest Software development companies in my country as an Associate Software Engineer (Entry level job, because the company in which I previously worked closed down without warning. I was happy to get the job for not much of a pay rise, and they provided training for a couple of months, so I thought I would fit in. How wrong I was. The place was a cesspool of toxic behaviour and it was all about…


Bait and switched at job interview

I obviously have to work for a living, but it seems like everyone I try to work for tries to do something sneaky… I had a job interview today at a nice restaurant. The job posting stated that it was for a server position with a $13-$14/hr salary. I previously worked as a barista/server/host at another nice restaurant. At my interview, the owner was talking about how they really need servers and a barista, especially with the holidays approaching. She liked that I had relevant experience. However… She then said that because it's been a couple years since I worked in a restaurant, I would probably need a refresher. I was fine with that. Well, the “refresher” is that she wants me to work as a host for $10/hr until I can “earn” the server position. I just don't understand how I can earn a position if I'm not being…