
Why are so many working-class people against worker’s rights?

It's something that I genuinely don't understand. Do they honestly think that anyone OTHER than the ultra rich is going to benefit under this current system? In a pyramid, there is always SOMEONE who has to remain at the bottom, that person being you. No ammount of “grinding” or “hustling” is going turn you into a “self-made billionare” like you think it will. In fact, such a thing simply does not exist—it is bait meant to keep you latched on to the metaphorical hook until you've worked yourself to an early grave. With that in mind, it's honestly concerning how many young, working-class people are screwing themselves (and people like them) over by going “REEEEE COMMUNISMMMMMM!!!!11” whenever things like unions and 4-day work weeks are brought up and discussed. When I look upon them, I see brainwashed slaves jumping at the defense of a cruel and uncaring master who sees…


HR asking the proof of my friend’s parent that passed away.

My friend just lost his father and he wanted to submit 2 days leave to the HR. When he calls the HR department, the HR department asking for the proof that his father just passed away. I mean of course the hospital will issue a death certificate or something like that, but is this humane thing to do? My apologize if my English is confusing. I just want to vent out my disappointment to the HR department here (probably management too).


Anyone with some free time?

I have been getting a lot of emails for job listings that don’t have rates of pay or have degree requirements for sub $20/hr. I’m thinking about using my free time to waste these recruiters time. Apply for the jobs and do as much of the process as possible, just so I can tell them how ridiculous they are. Does anyone see any downsides to this I am not seeing? And would anyone care to join me or share your own thoughts or experiences?


Billionaires are basically money hoarders. Hoarding is a form of OCD, which is rooted in anxiety.

That’s all I got. It doesn’t change anything, just wanted to share that thought with y’all.


My employment contract has a clause that I have to pay a certain amount of money if I quit before 5 years

Hi everyone , first time posting on Reddit so I’m a little nervous . Also sorry for the long rant as at this point I’m not even sure where to begin and what to type without making it appear irrelevant . Im afraid of being identified so I won’t be too specific I have been working at my current job for a couple of years now . I am extremely burned out , overwhelmed , under paid and on the verge of a mental breakdown . I have a horrible boss and for sometime now I am considering leaving my job . I have tried in the past but I get cold feet thinking if the new workplace is even more toxic then what will I do . I also haven’t left because of a clause in my contract which says I have to pay 10k if I quit before…


Employer fails to fulfil employment contract

To set the scene, based in Australia, NSW working as a 3rd year mature aged apprentice boilermaker. I took a job back in April this year, as a step to getting in to mining. Part of my salary negotiations included a fuel card on the successful completion of probation (after 3 months). This was in the job advertisement, and subsequently in my letter of offer. The fuel card was $400/month (AUD), tax free. I had my probation meeting, and my employer told me they weren't going to honour the fuel card clause, nor were the willing to negotiate for financial compensation for thus. A number of tradies that started around the same time as me also believed they were getting fuel cards, as it was part of the job advertisement, although there's wasn't put in writing in their letters of offer or contracts. I'm now still here 2 months after…


DEF CON 31 – An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet’s Ensh*ttification – Cory Doctorow

A good history lesson on a potential reason why profits are soaring while wages stagnate. The result of so many anti-trust measures being dismantled over the years and the consolidation of power to a handful of corporate players, means coordinated strategies not unlike cartels


Tell me this isn’t manipulative or voluntolding

I never said I would go on this trip. This email is my first time hearing about this trip. I make $19 an hour. No talk about compensating working 24hr shifts to watch these kids. Holy shit I am QUITTING


First corporate job in 17 years and it is an alien world…need coping advice.

When I worked in corporate back in 2007, I had a palm pilot and a 69lb. laptop I was never required to bring home. I was 27. I’ve spent the last 17 years running my own freelance consulting shop, but burnout set in. I thought: take an easy corporate gig and cash in for a few years. The emotional and mental mind fuck is killing me. The memes are real. The people seem 2D, talking about the weather and weekend plans. The CEO is a boring, below average white frat bro who has surrounded himself with pretty quite women as his VPs. The microaggressions and casual white supremacy and cronyism and inauthentic everything — it’s worse than I could have imagined, and now it’s eating at my soul. BUT it is so fucking EASY compared to self employment and stressing about payroll and pipeline and hiring and blah blah. So,…


Not sure this counts as anti work (warning sensative topics aka Death)

You would think my issue with work is pay or managers or just corporate in general. No its not that. My managers are great and play defence for us to corporate. I just found out one of my work friends im close to took their own life. I am holding it together till the end of my shift because I cant afford to leave early. If i was paid a liveing wage I would have said FUCK ALL YOU CUSTOMERS and gone home. Instead i am still here trying to sell installation to people who don't want it. On top of trying to not let surviors guilt get to me. She was younger than me by a few years and we bonded durring training. Hung out rarely outside of work. I will be fine hopefully. Tldr; work friend commited suicide and because I am BEARLY paid a living wage I…