
I (F,55) Given terrible review today after 3 years as Finance Manager out of the blue to justify salary of new guy (M, 35)

I’m so mad and ashamed. This company brags about their culture and integrity. Thanks to OE Reddit I was able to act like a trooper and bought myself some time to “help with transition”. I also mentioned I had surgery scheduled in December. Our whole BU is failing, most of us got unfavorable reviews, and boss quit two weeks ago. I’m the only one they are letting go because all of the sudden I don’t have the competencies for the job. I’m still employed and have a meeting with an attorney on Friday. There is no loyalty or consideration anymore. Work used to be fulfilling… now it’s just a greedy dumpster fire.



Team was told their hours would be cut by up to 20 hours due to sales, and some of us went from 20-30 down to 6. The GM is no longer able to post the schedule, they only make the draft and the District Manager cuts people as he sees fit, and both are prioritizing minors and new hires over workers who’ve been there for years. Meanwhile, managers are getting easily over 40 hours a week, while they give us crumbs. Morale is at an all time low, then they hit us with this. There is no regard or care for us anymore. They would rather hire minors who don’t need the money and replace all the people making $19-20 an hour so they can cut hours without feeling guilty about people’s livelihoods when needed since obviously minors are dependents and all live with their parents. Yeah, it’s just a…


My job claims to unemployment I voluntarily quit when I was told by HR they were “separating” me from work while on long term disability.

I got depression. It got bad enough that my work told me that I would either go to therapy (they chose the therapist) or I would be evaluated for termination. I went with the therapist. Therapist ordered me to go on short term disability. We tried everything under the sun to get me un-depressed. 6 total months out of work has pass and its nearing the end of short term disability. I try to convince my therapist to let me go back to work, she denies, says I'm still not well and in fact getting worse in some aspects. She puts me in for long term disability and HR contacts me and says that they are going to start looking for a replacement. If I am not back at work by the time they find one, I will no longer work there. This kind of makes me mad since it…


They’ve reached their breaking point.


Promotion With Peers

Except, it's been two years, two supervisors, countless other interchangeable staff, and only the same guy and I who've shared a workspace together for these two years. Except he's not getting promoted, and neither am I. Two years, and two supervisors. We've won company-wide awards, in a multinational company; Earned raises, in a very noncompetitive market; Achieved certifications required for the work we do, in the nation we live. And it's been two years, with two supervisors, whom we've never known – Two supervisors each, we've outperformed, outlasted, and outlived as far as the company is concerned. A congratulations, a supplemented bonus, and maybe an email saying we did our jobs – Is all we've really received. Two years in the making, for two months in the busiest season our work sees – Without a supervisor. I'm next in line, and my coworker for his two years – Is next…


I think my boss is laundering money and I don’t know how to report her

As the title says I I think my boss has been withholding people’s money and grants. I guess every month the workers are supposed to get 300 extra dollars but nobody has received it for months. There are also always issues with our paychecks today I was supposed to get paid but I guess I was overpaid ?!?! So they withheld my check from me until tomorrow. And when my coworker who quit came to get her last check she was missing 300$ I don’t want to keep letting them get away with this.


Tell me about when your boss lied to you…

One time (back when I was young and naive), a guy in the machine shop took a weeks vacation, and work was slow in the parts inspection department (me) so my boss loaned me to the machine shop. I thought it would be an interesting break, doing something different. I hated it. I had to stand the whole time, and couldn't really move around. The job involved taking a stamped part from one bin, putting it in the jig, and pulling down a handle to run a threading device through one of the punched holes, then setting it in another bin. I figured as long as I'm keeping busy, they would be happy enough with me. The old fart supervisor comes over and decides he wants to chat for a minute. He insisted that he had worked his way up through the ranks in the machine shop (doubtful), and he…


WTF is going on with wages?

So today I was looking at jobs for a nonprofit I used to work for. A lot of it is annual contract work, and I saw they were hiring for the same position I did on contract in 2015/2016. Back then it paid 19/19.75 hr. respectively on 2 one year contracts. The contract now pays 18.50 hr., like WTF? After 8 years and record inflation the wage had gone down? How does that even happen? Adjusted for inflation it should be 24.50-25.25 hr. but instead it has actually decreased, I'm just baffled by how ridiculous the job market has gotten. Rant over, thanks for reading.


2 underage drinking convictions worried about job offer getting pulled

Idk if this is the right group but doesn’t anyone have experience with this with IT companies? It’s a small company, 30 employees but I’m worried. I was upfront and told HR and the hiring manager BEFORE the background check goes through bc I’ve read that can make situations worse. I’ll find out in 15 hours the response but worried sick rn and can’t sleep.


can an employer say ‘no’ to me calling out sick?

i work in a chain retail store (in california, in case that’s relevant) and i messaged my manager today about 6 hours before my shift letting her know i wasn’t feeling well, and couldn’t come in to work. she told me i need to find coverage, or come in. i asked everyone available if they could cover for me, and not a single person responded. i let my manager know about the situation, and her only response was “sorry, we need the coverage so you’ll need to come in”. so now im on my way to work, with a blinding migraine. is this..allowed? i’ve never had a job do this before, i’ve always just been able to call out if i need to. this is the second time this exact thing has happened, the last time it happened i had covid and was still told to come in for the…