
My nightmare: Cashiers at the Piggly Wiggly supermarket in Encino, California, 1962


Assistant Director on a rampage

This post is the culmination of a series of events happening in relatively rapid succession at work. We got a new Assisstant Director (AD) about a year ago, and she is making life hellish at best. For context, I work in a very large vaccine company. The nature of our work means many coworkers, and I work double shifts (totaling 16 hours a day) most days of the week. Many of us are assigned mandatory overtime if not enough people volunteer for double shifts. Our previous AD gave everyone leniency on what time to show up for extra shifts, as long as we were on time for our normal shift and communicated that we would be late for [insert reasonable excuse] a day in advance. Excuses ranged from I need time to catch up on sleep to everything under the sun. Her first move was to remove managers' ability to…


I love how it costs more for health care when you lose your job. It’s almost like we are being punished for being poor or making less money

Anywho, got laid off twice from the same place and now can’t find any work because I lack the experience most companies want, and can’t get experience because I’m not given any chances. Lovely little system we have here, why did I even go to college? Now I’m being charged more just to get bottom of the barrel health care.


Told my boss weeks ago about my trip. Got this today.

I took a job a couple months ago, when I started I told him about needing 8 days off in Sept. It’s even in our texts. I’ve realized he can easily forget things & have reminded him at least 5 times in the last couple weeks & twice in the last week. Now I’m having anxiety about my job, when I should be enjoying my time off, all because he can’t remember.


It’s official, I’m losing my house because if corporate greed and inflation

American Integrity has raised my property insurance by over $4000 annually over the last few years and I can no longer afford my mortgage, so I have to sell and hope I come away with enough to buy an RV or something. Meanwhile they have an annual revenue of around $87 million. It would take me lifetimes to accrue that much wealth but they can't even let me keep my shabby little 50 yo house because the big baddies in our country are trying to stomp the bottom rung off the ladder. I fought for this house and now my best case scenario is building a tiny house in my mom's yard. F'n backwards. I hate where this country is headed. I'm just lucky I got the house before the market bubble and I am not walking away with nothing or filing bankruptcy. It was almost an 80% increase in…


Want to do remote work, but the easy way

Basically as the title suggests, I’m tired of working a lot, for little benefit to me, I constantly see people doing remote jobs in the US (I’m based in New Zealand) and automating it to hell so they just collect the check. What suggestions do people have to take advantage of this but from New Zealand? The anti work aspect being I want to take advantage of companies not being savvy enough to automate stuff themselves.


Advice on quitting a job 3 days in?

Sorry if this is just kind of a rant. I feel bad because I really just don’t want to do it anymore. Today was day 3 and every since I’ve started I’ve literally just fallen into a depression. So sad. So tired. Angry. I don’t even have very valid reasons as to why. I feel way overqualified for my positon. I was told I’d be a cook and work closely with dietitians at a medical facility, but it’s been like 90% cleaning and running little errands. I’m basically just a cleaner. It’s just not what I thought it would be. Im starting my own business so I was really just going to temporarily keep this job until I’m ready to open (selling cookies!), but I’ve just been really super down. Idk what to do. Idk if I’m being lazy and don’t want to work or if I’m valid for feeling…


Boa noite companheiros, apenas pela discórdia


LPT: Apply to jobs assuming you’ll be fired


YouTube Music workers are on strike…