
Now it’s clear: hard work doesn’t make you rich.


Where or how do I file a complaint against a supervisor who made disparaging comments about the lgbt community?

I was out at the smoke shack and a bunch of supervisors came out and were having a conversation disparaging both a recently quit employee and the lgbt community (the employee was a part of the community). What they didn’t know made them feel safe saying these things in front of me, although I am married to a man I solidly put the b in lgbt. I don’t believe that anything would be done if I tried to handle this internally as the one making the comments is very much ingrained in our workplace. I do know that in Michigan anyone who is lgbt is in a protected class. Although I am sure that there is some sort of recourse I am not sure who to go to or what forms I need to file. Thank you in advance!


Layoffs Again!! My previous post above for reference⬆️ Well… my company announced another round of layoffs happening next month. At least they are warning us this time, but seriously?!?? This is the 2nd round in less than 6 months!! Obviously the first time wasn't enough to fix our “financial” situation


Im making less money, but i have a set schedule.

I used to make $80k a year, now i probably make $30k and i don't even care because i have a set schedule. I work Wednesday through Saturday. I used to work over 45 hours a week and i never knew what my schedule was going to be. I don't understand how companies can expect you to live your life like that. Set schedules are so much better for your mental health and planning your life. At my old job, they would always favor people with children, leaving child free people to work all the shitty shifts, because apparently just because i dont have kids means i dont have a life or family outside of work. Im not working all the shit shifts, sorry. I'd much rather make less money and have a nice, relaxed lifestyle.


How do you deal with micromanager coworkers?

long post: I recently started in a new position of which I am working in new project with a senior coworker. Of the chart, she is smart and has tons of experience but the style of management since I started to m shadowing her, has been quiet a barrier to gain confidence and experience for me. My boss assigned us this project together for me to lead the external communications, but my coworker, since day one, has been asking me to draft for her this communications while questioning every single detail. At the end of the day, original draft that I wrote ends up being send by her name with the same content but with sort in her “style” and me in CC. In general there is an odd dynamic. I do the tasks as instructed by her, get almost no feedback but when I repeat, she comes up with…


Mentally going downhill

I have been at my new job for approximately a year. I loved my prior job and got along well with everyone but needed to make more money. I joined my team making us 6, but due to layoffs the most senior person was let go recently making the Team 5. There had been layoffs throughout the state, but in our region they chose this person. The thing is, when I started, I was told to let everyone get to know me because we are a small team. I felt a little out of place but thought I was getting along well until this recent layoff. Because the senior person was the first hire and very reliable I felt like this built a hostility wall immediately towards me. Like why her? We have a relationship with her and not the new hire(me) who knows nothing. I also was then told…


Boss falsely accused me of being aggressive and implied that I was making her feel “unsafe”.

I keep having the same problem with this boss year after year. I feel that she's constantly nit picking me and looking for me to make mistakes, she has constantly threatened to fire me for the past 2-3 years. At the beginning of this week my boss and I got into a heated conversation after she accused me of having poor communication. I did not attend a phone banking session another employee hosted, after this co-worker communicated that it was optional and that if I did not plan on attending that I should reject the calendar invite. I rejected the invite and did not attend the event. My boss said that I needed to explain why I did not attend to my other co-workers and that attending these events was mandatory going forward. She then said that I needed to work on my communication skills and once again implied that…


I’ve saved my company close to $30K a month in cost overruns. I’ve received little recognition and no bonuses for the work I’ve done with this.

In about 5 years time I've helped my company save close 30K a month. This a company with about 1K employees. $30K a month is no chump change for them. Yet I've gotten little to no thanks for this worked I've put in. No bonuses, which I wasn't expecting. Still some companies will reward you for such effort. Little do they know I am actively applying and interviewing for new positions.


I saved a store from closing and they didn’t even thank me

This is a bit of an old story but I still think this belongs here. I used to work at a supermarket a few years ago. The supermarket was inspected twice by health inspection, both times, there were found a lot of expired products. There would be one more inspection, if they would find one more expired product, the store would be forced to close. I was put in charge, to go through every isle, inspect every product and check every date, and then take out every expired product. This took me about two weeks and I encountered countless expired products, some of which even moldy. I even found some meat products that were expired for over 6 months. After awhile, i think about two months later, I still had heard nothing about the announced inspection so I decided to ask my boss if he knew when they would come.…


Boomer generation joining the left soon?

So I've recently seen some stories on the way the economy is begining to effect and is expected to effect the boomer generation in coming years. There are a two different groups to talk about here. The first group are those who retired and are seeing their retirement savings burn away much faster than expected and are facing the reality that they are going to have to return to the workforce. Some of them are already in search of work after 10+ years of their retirement and the loss of their housing becoming a real threat. They are finding that the massive gap in employment on top of their age makes them undesirable employees. The second group are those who are still working and were intending to retire but are seeing that their savings are inadequate to retire on so they need to keep working. But due to them becoming…