
Shortest route to minimum 70k?

So depressing… Anyways, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question– but here goes! I've got a bachelor's in fine art, I'm part owner of a gallery that also specializes in restoration (art and antiques). I've done this a long time and I'm very good at fixing things. I'm also scraping by… like can barely afford a shitty apartment with my wife (a teacher) scraping by. I'm sick to death of fighting, so somebody please just tell me: What's the shortest possible route to a livable income? I'll do any soul crushing nonsense. I'm done. Live in Atlanta, GA by the way. Point me at some awful corporate


I’m tired of my job, had other expectations

Sorry for my English, my main language is french. So I work as an electrician for a housing company. The job is cool and paid ok. There is no pressure and I'm autonomous with my own van. We don't need to justify anything regarding what we did and how much time it took as long as we bring some finished work tickets. It's extremely safe, unless I do some really big mistake, I cannot be fired. I literally drove over someone while reversing with the company van that was the daughter of someone important in the company and it didn't have any consequences. But there are three big cons. When I started, we were 3 electrician, now I'm alone, one of them retired and one of them quit. So I have a bigger work load which is a little more stressful but I don't accelerate my work pace anyway. I'm…


Thinking about quitting my first job

First post here, so sorry if this isn't the right place! Title, basically – I'm just out of college, and for the past month or so I've been working a part-time food service job while I figure out a job I'm more interested in. I'm a drag queen in my spare time, so the goal is to have something part-time that still gives me time to focus on theatre and drag. The plan was to email my two weeks' notice tonight, but I keep second-guessing it for some reason. Main reasons I want out are: The restaurant I work in does a trial shift process instead of an interview process – where I live, trial shifts must be paid at least at minimum wage/there is no exemption to paying the minimum wage just because the shift is a “trial” shift. When I asked about payment for my trial shift after…


I shut shop 30 minutes early and I need an excuse as to why (wrong answers welcome)

I work at a large chain in the UK that sells food. Management decided to only put two people on shift today, for the entire day, which for size of the shop is ridiculous. So I shut down 30 minutes early, because I simply don't care. A customer put in a complaint and I'm going to be asked to explain myself. What are some excuses I could use? I'm totally happy to give comical excuses as well, as long as nothing can be easily disputed.


Should I Look for a New Job or Stay Put Despite Layoffs?

About three months ago, my team and I went through a significant round of layoffs. Since that time, I've been taking things one step at a time. Immediately after the layoffs, I focused on updating and enhancing my resume. I've actively been exploring job opportunities, but I haven't initiated any applications just yet. The reason I'm holding off is my goal to reach December, which will allow me to secure my 401k match, a substantial sum of nearly $20,000 that I'd forfeit if I leave early. A bit about my background: I've been in my current role for nearly two years, specializing in healthcare and insurance, with a mix of program and clinical management responsibilities. I genuinely enjoy my job, which pays around $80,000 annually. I hold both a bachelor's and a master's degree, accumulating approximately seven years of experience in my field. Layoffs seem to be a recurring theme…


I hate keeping myself busy

Don’t get me wrong or think I’m talking out of my ass. I love working and working hard, I feel accomplished, makes the day go by faster, and I enjoy looking at whatever I completed. But I absolutely hate that once I get my work orders done I have to make or find work to do. I get paid to fix problems. I do not get paid to find issues/work to do that’s why we have people over us. Anyone else feel the same? Or am I just not taking enough initiative. Maybe I am not being appreciative enough of my kind of sweet ass job. How do I get over that lull of trying to keep busy or how do you pass the down time at work that won’t get me in trouble


The Current System Is Worse Than Any Revolution


My coworker quit out of frustration, and my employers are telling everyone she was fired.

I work for a small nonprofit that has been doing a shit job retaining their employees lately, due to treating us poorly and other shitty behaviors. Recently, one of my coworkers quit out of frustration, which I feel like was basically a constructive dismissal because she was pretty much pushed to the point of being forced to quit. For the sake of brevity, I'm not going to go through all the problems that we've been dealing with, but I wanted to ask people about this particular issue. This coworker and I had been talking the whole time, commiserating on our shitty treatment and trying to figure out what we could do. She made several formal complaints, and included me in them. Ultimately, they told us not to talk to each other anymore (wtf right?), but of course we did, because they absolutely can't tell us we can't talk to each…


How to respond to a ridiculous job offer

Long story short, someone reached out to me via LinkedIn to see if I was interested in a job. We had an initial call and she asked for my salary requirements. There was no way I was giving her a number, so I told her what I make now and that it would take a “significant raise” to get me to switch companies. She said that was no problem. I went for an in-person interview and she was impressed with my qualifications and wanted to move forward. She scheduled a Teams interview with the Business Relationship Manager and he straight up told me at the end of the interview that I was his pick. She called 2 days later and offered me the job, at $10k less than my current salary and 2 fewer weeks of vacation. I was shocked and told her I would think about it and get…


Hahaha fuck you