
Can my manager require me to be “at my desk and ready to work” at my start time in the state of FL?

My manager has consistently stated that we should be at our desks and ready to work at our start time of 9 am. To be clear, no one is ever late. What she wants is for us to come in before 9 to put our lunches in the fridge, use the restroom, make a coffee, etc. before 9 am. My place of employment is not even open to the public for the first hour; that hour is just for prepping for the day (which consists of making sure the space is set up in case closing shift was busy and checking our emails) so this feels particularly micro-managey. Can my my manager legally require this?


Sorry for the ventish post. I’m just despairing

It really is just this… functionally corporate hypocrisy that everyone a tier or step above the common worker is exempt from the consequences of their actions. “They made a mistake.” is something I hear more commonly than not Cool, they get to dictate what I motherfucking do with my fucking time, my fucking life… How about it's not unreasonable I expect some fucking quality, some fucking standards of the people who feel privileged enough to order me around. Every step up the ladder is just… “Getting your humanity more recognized than the people below you.” Because… “They made a mistake.” ok, and? me wasting hours of my life because my boss is incompetent sounds like a huge fucking waste of my time and a mistake to me, but god-fucking forbid the people up the ladder face any consequences for their fucking mistakes that just… affect everyone under them.


Lost job to India at govt site designed to bring jobs to community.


Fired for Calling in

I bust my ass for this company and show up when I’m throwing up and wanting to die. But today I called in sick just for myself. My health and my needs. Now I’m being terminated…


Employer posts compensation chart, but claims it’s inflated when I ask for that number?

My employer posts a compensation chart listing each position within our company and the market rate for that position in our region. I was recently promoted, relatively young however, and asked for the salary listed on the compensation form for my position. They offered me about 10% less than that, and said the number on the chart was inflated and probably not accurate. I was also told by HR that they make up for offering lower salaries with other company wide benefits.. This was a promotion for becoming licensed in my field. It was an arduous process, and the raise was barely enough to cover costs of inflation. When I expressed that I thought the offer was low, they also mentioned we have performance reviews coming up and I could get a raise then. It’s almost performance review time. What should I do? Edit: I’m only 3 years post grad,…


Why is hazing still a thing with certain jobs?

I work for a franchise company as a regional support rep. Throughout the year, I'm randomly asked to attend a franchise expo or two for support. Some guys in our company only do these shows throughout the year, that's all they do. Our company recently hired this young kid in his mid 20's and he's been doing a great job. At the shows he's on point, professional, and carries himself well. Outside the show he's laid back, a bit of a jokester, and has fun. He's well liked, but a lot of the older guys (50-65) will not stop messing with him. Ball busting, saying anything to get a rise out of him, really childish shit. One night we're all driving home from dinner after a day working the expo. There's my boss, one of our VP's that only does these shows, the young kid, and myself. The VP will…


Why work when everything is so expensive


Boss is asking me to write a job posting for my role?

Throwaway because the whole thing is a clusterfuck, really. Apologies if this isn't the right subreddit but it's caused so much anxiety in my life the last few weeks I need to get it off my chest, somewhere. My boss, who hired me 6 months ago as their first hire in their new role, recently announced she will be leaving the company to pursue her other ventures. She's a successful entrepreneur and startup queen(?) that can back it up, tl;dr she'll be fine. But she's been here as a director for right around the 6-month mark. No fault of her own, it isn't a good culture match, either. Me on the other hand, I'm breaking into this role after a big risk and solely took the job because I wanted to work with this person because of her experience in the startup world. Since she's announced her leaving, I've been…


We’re getting a new softphone system at work.

We're getting a new softphone system at work. They'll be able to track how long it takes us to return a client call, and how long we spend on the phone with them. We are also supposed to toggle a drop-down menu every time we step away from our desk. One of the options is “bathroom break”. They will be tracking that. Oh, and they'll be listening in to our calls to make sure we're in compliance with company policies. We are not a call center.


Boss is asking questions about a complaint the store received

Boss asking questions about a complaint received about me…(Retai) Potential as I use that word loosely A young girl comes in and asks if she could have an application for the job Sure I replied and handed her an application and she proceeded to ask me for a pen and she states she is going to the end of the counter to fill it out…. I don’t give her a pen and I refuse the using the end of the counter to fill out the application… This morning the boss received a complaint that I was rude to the girl I find this so mind blowing that the girl had the nerve to complain I didn’t give her a pen and the space Can you say entitlement