
Boss Cut My Hours Because I Couldn’t Stop Shitting (lmao)

I called out of work today. I’m having stomach issues and am frequently running to the restroom. I believe it’s due to the meat I ingested from last night’s dinner. I called out because I couldn’t even sit for 5 minutes in my vehicle without needing to rush to the restroom. My boss told me that if I stayed out today, I be suspended from my job. I wasn’t okay with this, but I couldn’t just kindly ask my body to cut me a break. she cut my hours to 3 days a week, knowing that I have a baby on the way. Is this legal? I’d like to add that I work in the food industry and am one of the few that cook in the kitchen. On our kitchen door, there is a poster stating that we are not to be at work while dealing with issues like…


Employer policy for sick leave doesn’t seem right


Job causing physical illness, what can I do?

Hi, I don’t know where to start to help myself through our situation at work. Thank you in advance for any help I truly I appreciate any advice! I’m the assistant manager at a specialty retail store. There have been many distasteful decisions made by the company without room for discussion or feedback that has now led to 2/3 of our staff leaving. They are not approving re-staffing requests in timely manner and seem to be milking the fact that we can achieve mostly the same results with 1/3 of the amount of people we should have. There’s not enough people to physically run the store during the hours of operation and workers are left by themselves sometimes, without managers. So the team has to decide in front of the customer at that moment if they should either tell them “sorry I can’t do that for you I’m the only…


How common is it for employers to follow up on credentials?

I'm looking for work as an engineering technician, something along the lines of inspecting aspects of construction procedures (like testing concrete or soil samples), inspecting the work of contractors who've been contracted by the state to do stuff like landscaping, or even utilities placement and location. I was most of the way through an associates degree for engineering with my local community college when my son was born, and now I have to put my education on hold in order to support my growing family. I've never EVER had anyone ask for proof that I got my high school deploma, and I'm starting to think I should just go ahead and start claiming to have finished that degree. The only classes I'm missing are linear algebra and differential equations, and there's pretty much a zero percent chance of those advanced math concepts being required for the kind of work I'm…


This Job Was A Huge Mistake

I accepted a job offer this past April and I am incredibly upset at myself for doing so. I would just like to list all of the reasons I hate my job and throw them into the cybervoid. You may disregard; this is my therapy. There is no structure in this small business I’m working ~60 hours a week, 6 days a week leadership are manipulative assholes and sitting on their ivory towers job came with a house on property, turns out that’s a terrible idea, who would’ve thought?! I accepted the job from my two best friends, they are my roommates. Turns out that was a terrible idea too. This is an industry I despise and I am not good at. I knew I had a different lifestyle from my friends, living with them is hell for me. Face to face, constant interaction with customers daily is mentally destroying…


Help me creatively waste time at work

I am looking for a more active way to waste time at work. Here is my story: I am a typical government employee. On average, I have one to two days per week when I am slammed with work. The rest of the work week I do nothing. At the moment, I just shop online and watch YouTube videos during my downtime, but after two and a half years, this passive time waste has grown stale. My dream would be to play video games at work somehow, and although I can access most sites, I can download the Blizzard client to play World of Warcraft. I have considered playing DnD via DnDBeyond, a site I can access. I have also taken advantage of more work-from-home opportunities, but in government, it is easier to sit in the office and do nothing rather than be asked about your work-from-home schedule. Working from…


Having a college degree feels pointless

I’ve been out of school for 9 months now, and I can’t find a job. I spent the first few months applying for jobs in my relevant field that required a degree. Most of the time I never heard anything back. So I decided, well, there’s not a lot in my area for my degree so I’ll try other fields. Same story, just never hear anything back from anybody, even when I try to get a hold of the recruiter. So I think screw it, I’ll just start applying for jobs that only require a high school diploma, maybe I’ll stand out. The amount of times I was told I either was over qualified or under qualified, despite them being entry level jobs, has just pissed me off. I finally got an interview at a place I didn’t care to work for but I need the money. In the middle…


Tired of my country and its education policies.

In my country, when you go to high school (starting from about the age of 14), you have to get a job. And in that job, you getting paid is optional. I get paid and its 1€/h. This is actual slavery. I can't choose not to work. I have to.


“Outside Business Activities” Question..

Friend's offer letter has OBA, and the company is aware of friend's [non-competitive] microbusiness in same field. Includes phrases like 'devote your best efforts and full business time and attention to the job' 'not engage in any other business pursuits, engagements, or interests, without written permission'…. Is this malicious to include “pursuing” their own established microbusiness? Or is it a general/typical write-up you see to include future business endeavors, starting after the date the contract is signed? *Also posted in r/legaladvice but no traction yet..


Boss CC’d Entire Staff on Personal Question Email

Hi, I'm looking for advice. I had a question for my boss about whether I could stop doing an extra job duty that was voluntary. It was professional and to the point. My boss proceeded to send her boss an email about it and accidentally CC'd all of my coworkers. Her email states in it that she believes this duty, which again was voluntary, “stresses me out.” Her boss then proceeds to reply, also CCing everyone. I believed this matter was private, and CC'd everyone already in the chain (including all coworkers) and added HR for good measure, innocently asking why everyone I work with was included in this email. My boss admits that was a mistake, but the way things were worded I believe I would have grounds to argue this was retaliation. Do I have a leg to stand on? And if I do, how should I handle…