
My fiance has been a GM for 3 weeks and is already being pushed out.

My (M29) fiance (F29) just got promoted at work to GM. The previous GM was only there for 2 months with my fiance as AGM. The DM and above have completely unreasonable and unrealistic expectations. She is so stressed by this that she has been crying almost every night and is now wanting to update her resume and quit. She has worked for the company almost 10 years and does generally like it. I see the upper management driving her out and it's hurt me to watch.


Accidental reward point fraud

So at my job there’s a reward program and both customers and employees can sign up for it. I have been asking customers when they make purchases if they have a rewards number and if they don’t, I ask if they want to sign up. When customers say they don’t have a number and they don’t wanna sign up, I’ve been putting in my phone number instead. In the immediate, I was thinking I was helping them because I would get the customer a small discount on their transaction. I wasn’t thinking about the points added to my account that would get me discounts on purchases. One day I realized I had racked up enough points for a discount so I used it. The next day my boss (he’s already a mean bastard) put me under investigation for reward fraud; that I was stealing from the company, and when they…


Boss complaining about how employees spend their paycheck

-Edited errors- Not my boss, my wife's. Her company started a new digital wallet program where you can get your money that you've earned whenever instead of waiting 2 weeks for your check. This is not a loan situation, it is connected to their hours so the system only allows them to pull from what they have already earned and that is automatically deducted from your check later. Yesterday, upon setting it up and checking the system for the first time, she found that it is restricting her to only be able to pull half of what she makes each day. The rest is held in reserve at the request of the employer (we investigated and the app stated that this is only done based on the preferences set by the employer). There was no indication prior to it starting that this would be the case. There were flyers and…


I feel guilty for injuring myself because internalized capitalism

I injured myself at work two nights ago. Smashed my ring finger on my dominant hand between a cart and a doorframe. The kind of thing that just 'happens' sometimes. Swelled and purpled immediately. One of those moments you know immediately you just f'ed up. I iced it right away and went to tell the manager. She said I didn't need to do an incident form unless i was getting treated. I decided not to go. I could somewhat bend the finger, my manager also advised wait and see, and i didn't really want to go anyway. It was no better — color worse and stiff now — in the AM. I called out that day to go get treatment. I don't have a car, so I walked 1.5 miles to my in network, employer-preferred urgent care to find out their xray guy is on vacation. So I walked all…


This map shows which U.S. states have the most billionaires per capita.


Fired in my first hour.

Had the craziest thing happen to me. I was headhunted for a role. I did multiple interview rounds and formally accepted an offer. I did my first day and in the first hour I talked to the CEO and we went over some stuff…then I was fired. He said because I yawned once during the meeting my energy wasn't right. If anyone has a rec for a good lawyer in CA let me know.


Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself

Left my old job for a higher paying/less stressful one. Had been given a bonus a couple months prior to leaving but the bonus came with a catch. You had to stay employed with them til X date. I left a week or two before that date. Upon leaving the old job they tried to get me to sign over my last paycheck as a “payback” for the bonus they gave me. I had been a manager and knew how it went so I refused to sign. Once they did not give me my last check I filed a complaint with the state labor department. After a few months of waiting I received not only my last check but a few thousand in damages. Just because it’s a large corporation with lawyers on their staff, doesn’t mean you can’t fight for yourself!


My manager is being chewed out over his dog dying

My manager is a great person. I know, I know, kind of rare. He listens and respects all our opinions, knows how to take and give criticism and gives raises based on merit and deliveries. With that being said, HR at our company sucks. It's genuinely the worst I've ever come across. Love spending money on work parties and get-togethers and gifting us bullshit items (cups, ugly shirts and whatever), and apparently reckon that's all there is to HR. Last year, my work bestie ended up quitting her job after being blatantly blamed by HR for having been sexually harassed by a client. I spoke on her behalf and against said client but they still ''benched'' her and left her with no prospects for weeks, basically being shunned into silence. This is just one example of their horrible attitude and work ethic. Trust me, there's so much more. I'm an…


EEOC Complaint

So I WAS a house manager for an ISL, but got demoted and they’re taking a dollar from me, even though they said that it wasn’t my fault that I got demoted. One of the consumers is violent and hit me last week (police were called and everything). So, they moved me out of the house and into another one, where I’m no longer a house manager, which is why they’re taking the dollar from me. Is that enough for an EEOC complaint?


boss said the sky is purple

Sign out to use the restroom so the boss knows where you are. Keep your office door open to make the room look bigger even if it reduces productivity. Knot your shoelaces three times so you never waste time tying them when you could be w o r k i n g. A certain human being with a body like everyone else's said so, so that's just how it's going to be!