
Insecure television host listens in on private conversations in the office. How can I mess with him without risking my job?

First job working in the industry and my boss is.. phew.. something else. I've already been confronted twice about things I've said behind closed doors. I know it's not illegal but it's genuinely creepy and shows a deep level of insecurity.


Rental Vacancies on the Rise – Landlords offering discounts to New Tenants


Steven Rattner’s Not Afraid Of Work From Home, He’s Afraid Of Worker Power


Smoked a feast for the company I worked for to boost morale, and got laid off a week later.


I am punished for being good at my job

I work in a big corporation in finance. Currently I am one of the best people in my team and a lot of people come to me for help. I am known as a person that can get stuff done, no matter the state of the process that is given to me. I helped with automation and flow process even though it was not required from me. Despite it, to my managers I am not existing when I want something. Yes, in private conversations I am praised how great I am, that it is really appreciated and whatnot. But I won’t get any significant pay rise with promotion being promised to me since the beginning of the year. These are the things that I care least about though. Time and time again I have repeatedly said that money is secondary to me and that I prioritize work-life balance above all…


Normalize recording your conversations with clients/employers.

Note: Make sure you live in a one party consent state. Otherwise, have a clause in your contracts with people that stipulates they consent to audio recording. People are liars and people gaslight. A week after you have a conversation with someone, they'll claim they don't remember and then it becomes your word against theirs. It's exhausting and I developed a system for dealing with it. I record people. If you call me on the phone, I am recording you. Yes, there's an app for that. If you call me over zoom or another type of call app, I am recording you. Are we speaking in person? Guess who has a recording device in his pocket to catch the audio? (Yup, me) It's all of the benefits of having a conversation over text or email. Those conversations are recorded so the argument that this is somehow an invasion of privacy…


My manager essentially fired me scott free and there’s no recourse for me

I'm in the National Guard and worked for a company in the trades, the day before I went on State Active Duty, my manager asked me to email him a letter of resignation and basically say I found better opportunity in the military. I'm not stupid so of course I didn't do that and I've cleared things up through my CoC so my manager understood I was planning to come back, but that was mainly so they didn't try mailing my last check out like they said they would and I would have it direct deposited as normal instead of jumping through hoops or driving 6 hrs to pick up my mail and driving back. I technically still have my job, but I don't feel secure in going back after what my manager pulled and I'm looking for other jobs now. I talked to USERRA to see what options I…


Wife’s job won’t work around school schedule

My wife (F23) started nursing school last month, and has been working as a CNA at the hospital since December of last year, but worked the same at a different hospital (same company) for a year and a half. Hospital shifts are 12 hours and she has to work at night (6PM to 6:30AM) because she’s in school full time. She has tried to work with her manager to change her schedule so she only works Friday and Saturday nights so it doesn’t interfere with school. You would think that since she’s literally in nursing school they would be way more willing to work with her so she can still work, but no! Basically all her manager has said to her is to ask coworkers to trade shifts with her when she’s scheduled during the week, but practically all of her coworkers are in school too so it doesn’t work…


I think my employer forgot about me?

I started a new (remote) job about 2.5 months ago. Higher pay, more responsibility- standard stuff. Except its been 2.5 months and they've given me nothing to do. No onboarding beyond a 30 minute session with HR on the first day. No meet and greets with the team. I've had 2 meetings with my boss who just talked at me about how bad things were before she worked here and 1 where I was to “shadow.” I get cc'ed on a lot of e-mails but nothing has action items for me or requests. I've been trying to find things to do to fill the time but this week, I just didn't (I did some food prep, cleaned my house, planted some flowers, etc.) and unsurprisingly no one noticed. Am I obligated to bring this to anyone's attention or should I just hang out? 3 days in I asked about things…


What do the European users think of American vacation policies

It takes 18 years of your life at this company to get five weeks of vacation, and I've never heard of anyone I know getting that much time off. Every six weeks earns you one sick day It feels so wrong