
Urgently hiring!

Me: Oh yeah!? Urgently hiring? Great! Here’s my resume for this job! I have plenty of experience and references for days! Also, here’s a great cover letter, I spent a good amount of time on it and tailored it specifically for this position. Let me know when you want to interview! Them: … 30 days later Urgently hiring


Why is it so hard?

So I just moved to Oregon. I saw that UPS has some seasonal driver positions open, so I put in an application. Unfortunately I still had my out of state license so my application got put on hold. Gave the employment center a call, told them my situation, hoping that maybe they could push my application through so I could finish it. They said no, I had to wait until I got my new ID, then I could finish it. I got my new ID yesterday, gave the employment center a call, but now they say I have to wait 21 days to reapply to “keep things fair.” I explained my situation again but they won’t budge. So in the interest of “fairness” I have to wait 21 days to reapply, after the position has likely been filled, because I applied as an out-of-towner. Oh, and I’m looking for a…


What happened to lostgeneration?

Sub is suddenly dead and I can no longer post in it?


The USA health system working as designed

The USA health system is designed terribly (stating the obvious here)…not just because of the subpar care, high costs, and unsatisfactory outcomes. It's DISGUSTING that healthcare is tied to employment and employers. And it's not “just” the issue of losing health coverage if you quit or lose your job, it's also that employers can offer vastly different health plans. For example, I have schizoaffective disorder. Honestly, it's amazing how far I've come and that I can hold down a decent, steady job (many with my condition can't). I can live a relatively normal life right now…much of this relative success is due to intense, consistent therapy, medication, and mental health support. I'm grateful to be in a position to access that. My employer has been horrible lately; pay cut with increasing workload, return to office push, lay offs, no upward mobility, bad management, etc. I have been looking to move…


Facing Layoffs, Stagnant Pay, and Uncertainty: Is It Time to Jump Ship? Seeking Advice!

Hello everyone, Around three months ago, my team and I weathered a significant round of layoffs. Since that day, I've been taking things one step at a time. Immediately following the layoffs, I focused on updating and enhancing my resume. I've been actively exploring job opportunities, but I haven't initiated any applications just yet. My reason for holding off is my goal to reach December, allowing me to secure my 401k match, which amounts to nearly $20,000. Leaving early would mean forfeiting a substantial portion of this sum. A bit about my background: I've been in my current role for nearly two years, specializing in healthcare and insurance, encompassing a mix of program and clinical management responsibilities. I genuinely enjoy my job, and it pays around $80,000 annually. I hold both a bachelor's and a master's degree, and I've accumulated approximately seven years of experience in my field. I've come…


Work got cancelled last night

So I don’t know if this post exactly belongs here but it’s such a bonkers story that I needed to share it somewhere. So here we go. Work got cancelled last night, I work 11PM-7AM as an electrician currently working on a CCTV Project for a max-A prison. We have two corrections officers or CO’s that escort us in the facility to work. No officers, no work. Work was cancelled because our construction officers had to take an inmate out for an outside hospital trip. It happens sometimes, as a lot of the inmates are older and since staffing is an issue it happens every once in a while. But last night was different. NSFW: An inmate ripped three teeth out of his face, and shoved one into his right ear, deep into his ear, and shoved the other two deep into his urethra. Your man shoved teeth from his…


Is there a good company to hire to make sure the references on my resume are saying good things about me?

I have reason to believe the company I've worked my ass off for for 3 years is not giving me a good reference because they don't want me to leave


Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship

Just over 3 months ago, my favorite coworker was fired very abruptly via text message. For having a disability. Yes, it was horribly unprofessional, not to mention illegal. My friend has contacted an attorney, and has already looked at her options. That is not the point of this post. Said friend/former coworker was very loved by everyone at this small company, and had trained a good number of them. She was a “pillar of the community” so to speak. Considering she had just received accolades for being an incredible employee, it was a shock to everyone when she was fired. Shortly after my friend was fired, one of my other coworkers put in their notice to go work for a competitor (they have been at the other job for about a month as of writing this post). A week ago, another coworker and I put in our notice and will…


I work for literal children

So we’re supposed to drop everything we’re doing to help people take their cart full of stuff to their car, even if we’re already busy with something more important.


Self checkout at stores should have a 3-5% discount on everything

Companies purposely understaff in order to force people to self checkout. I won't give my labor for free.