
Promedica, why do you need my SSN for a job application..


no answered texts mean no? f*ck off

what the title says. i had a great supervisor and we always had good communication (i would report my breaks, my ot minutes, i would ask him questions and so on…) well, he got promoted and now i am stuck with a new supervisor whose head is so far up his own freaking sphincter that he won't answer my fucking messages (i usually ask if i can stay a couple of minutes and do OT). so what? am i just supposed to assume that his fucking silence is a fucking no? since when is this acceptable? asshole i'd love to see what happens if i dared to not answer his messages whenever he wants. rant over edit: a word


It has been 9 months and my boss is always putting me on projects that are dirty, paused, or no one else wants to do. How do I ask him to change?

What do I make of this? Does it mean that he doesn't trust me or my abilities or does it mean that he has a problem with me? I've tried asking him for this, but he just avoids any kind of conversation and our 1:1 are mostly project updates. This is an example of a good company having a bad boss damaging my experience.


Domino’s Managers Quit and Close Store Mid-Shift on TikTok Due to “Constant Understaffing”


Brainwashed against LOA

So today I was told that the VP of operations for our region had a meeting with her about me taking too much time off I didn’t have time for. What she is talking about is the two days my manager gave me off for my birthday. The backstory is, my husband in the military and about to go on a two years unaccompanied tour out of the country. So I told my manager, per our conversation if that’s going to be the case, I’m going to take an LOA cause we have events lined up that I can’t miss. Just uttering the words LOA made me feel like garbage. I’ve been working for almost 10 years and it’s been jammed into my brain by manager after manager that LOA is some sort of personal failure. And I feel god awful that I’ve let myself get to this point of…


Coworker denied bereavement leave for the death of his aunt. He basically has no family left at this point.

Title says it all. What a fucked up, bullshit thing to do to an employee. We work in a pretty high stress, high burnout position, so we tear through what little PTO we're allotted per year. As we expected, the company took the position of it being an issue of 'consistency,' and that our current policy is already liberal enough. Some days the only thing that gets me through is fantasizing about walking out. One day, it will be a reality. ​


I hate software engineering

Chilling in my car and thinking of how shitty is my current job and the ones before it. Coperate environment is disgusting and mentally draining. I hate technical interviews, layoffs, deadlines, team meetings, and the whole “how was your weekend?” “It was great” Fuck!


NEWS: YouTube Music Workers Are on Strike!!!!


Job recommendations

I have steady work, which is great, but I have a feeling if I don’t leave soon, the company will double how they take advantage of me. It’s one of those companies that is still in startup mode but shouldn’t be, and when one person is out, there is no redundant hire to help with the load. I know of a couple employees where their counterparts quit and their load doubled or tripled. I just keep hoping, after months of applying on and off, I’ll find something new. I’ve had a couple of years of stellar annual reviews, but there was some bait and switch on the job I would be doing. What are some good, maybe chill places to work for remotely. I have customer support (SaaS but happy to work anywhere) and writing experience, and some managerial experience (I have some chronic illness which is half the battle)?…


This shit is ridiculous…

“Company is upfront about the work it takes to build a trillion dollar company together. We work startup hours, with catered dinner at the office. The whole team tends to work >12 hours in the office but there is flexibility to go to the gym or run errands during the day and then get back to work. What would be your ideal work hours?” In other words, let us work you to death so we can become billionaires. This is the most unreasonable thing I've ever seen on a job application… and I write them for a living. 12 hours a day are not 'startup hours', thats slave labor. Unless you're paying 33% above market salaries, no company should ever expect this. 'But don't worry, you don't need to see your family because we're a family'… crazy deluded founders. SMH