
Terminated in IL for addressing security concern.

Using mobile app, so I apologize for any formatting problems. Also, a bit long winded. As the title states, I was terminated in IL, for addressing a potential security concern. I'm curious what my options are, in an at will state. I can only find resources on discrimination. One of my union employees was suspended, pending investigation for alleged sexual harassment. I overheard from a group of other employees, that this individual has access to guns, and has quite a temper. They seemed very concerned that if he were to be fired, he could retaliate. I did not address the concerns with the group, and went directly to my boss (department manager) with this information, who then took it to the plant manager and HR. Later in the day I met with HR, who was very upset. She accused me of discussing an ongoing investigation, and told me that I…


UAW keeping it real.

From the article: “If we signed up for the UAW's requests … we would've lost $15 billion and gone bankrupt by now,” -Ford CEO Jim Farley See my comment for the link to their profit report (I don’t really know what I’m doing and it’s only allowing me to put one link on the post). $15B would hardly bankrupt the company…it’s a little less than half of last years profits alone. I hope the UAW stick to their guns. This is a big deal.


Hope UAW can keep up the good fight

Shawn Fain, president of the United Auto Workers Union, has told NBC News it was a shame that negotiations broke down but that his members were striking for economic justice. “We didn’t want to be here. We want a fair agreement. We want fair economic and social justice for our members. That’s what this is all about. And it’s a shame,” he said, speaking at a Ford Assembly Plant in Michigan. Fain said the bargaining committee had delayed and “dragged out” negotiations on pay but added that the wider issue was how the industry transitions to electric cars in a way that’s fair for workers. Asked whether a 20% pay-rise might sound attractive to most American workers, Fain argued that the price of cars has risen 30% in the last four years while auto industry CEOs’ pay has gone up by 40%. The union also wants an end to forced…


Work ruins passion.

I wish I could just stay at home and pursue my passions, without having to attend seminars and lectures. Every time people talk about commercialising my video games, or ask what games company I want to work for, I just want to scream. Maybe it’s because video games aren’t my passion, but ever since I joined college I have hated the prospect of ‘the industry’ and ‘having a career’. I just wish I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. Because right now, I feel hopeless ️.


Capitalism feels like slavery disguised as a “job”.

I am tired of waking up every damn day to go to a job and to still not be able to afford a roof over my head and food in my mouth. I am so fucking sick of being homeless on and off to the point where I’m severely depressed and full of anxiety due to a basic need not being met. I am so sick of living to paycheck to paycheck. I am so sick of working for businesses that treat me like shit, cut my hours, and yet I’m supposed to endure all of that and not quit because if I do I won’t get any public assistance. I feel like the difference between working and slavery is we are paid and we are granted two days out of the week to relax if you work full time. Slaves were told what to do, when to wake up,…


I’m basically in an abusive relationship with my boss haha

I’ve worked there for too long and he is far too comfortable with me he says himself he sees me more than his wife. But he’s soo contradictive in the shit he says. For instance he will tell me off for getting rid of something if I think it’s in too bad condition, but he will also tell me off if something in bad condition is kept. And he also only says this shit to me as if I’m the only one putting everything back. Thankfully it’s almost over and I’m pretty certain I can’t afford to do another year but now he’s even stealing my limelight and acting as if he won’t come back like everyone else has let him down haha


We need ton unite worldwide workers

You probably heard about Tim Gurner, who said “unemployment should jump to remind arrogant workers of their place” Well after a global scandal he has to apologize. Worldwide workers have seen the true face of capitalism and it's ugly. I think we all agree that work is hurting people all around the World and that the best way of protecting ourselves is to unite and think together on how to fight them back. I think this event is a great occasion to talk about how to have more solidarity between workers around the world. I personnaly don't have a solution for this but I think there is strength in number, we must discuss about this. What do you think ? What are your ideas on how to unite workers around the world ?


Having a hard time reconciling

I’m in my 40s. I’ve been working since I was 13. I worked right out of high school, didn’t go to college until my 30s, worked all through school, and have always struggled to make ends meet, despite working 40-60+ hour weeks. I bought a house in 2021 with very low interest and although the monthly payments were more than I could afford, I made them diligently for 2 years now. I moved for a job that I thought would be better and it ended up being worse. I couldn’t find a renter so I’m selling the house to take some time off; and between the rise in home prices and my invested principal I’m about to get a check for like 70k. Im thinking of quitting my new current job due to toxic chemical exposure. And I’m having a really hard time reconciling the fact that the first time…


I got denied unemployment because I quit a job. My employer harassed, threatened,stole from me, and cut my hours down to 9. What now?

Honestly I’m really pissed. I came on here a couple of weeks ago and took the advice of fellow redditors. My employer treated me like shit and cut my hours all the way down to 9 when I was originally scheduled for 40 hours a week. Once I confronted management they said the most they can give me was 25 hours. Which is still BS and not livable and that’s when I decided to tell them I quit. I filed for unemployment and let them know my hours were cut down to 9 with no valid reason. 9 a week which isn’t livable on top of letting them know management stole from me, lied, threatened, and harassed me so the conditions were genuinely shit there. And I got a letter saying I’m denied unemployment… wtf is that?!?!? Because I “quit of due to working conditions”…. How is it MY FAULT…


Unions are going to cost me my job

Okay so slight exaggeration. I work at a heavily unionised workplace as a casual. Lay-offs are expected very soon due to emergent technology making many positions redundant. Due to this unions are prioritising permanent staff and ensuring they are crosstrained to perform my role. Because of this im being offered less and less shifts eventually none. While i know many people here are gonna point out that management is making the decision towards layoffs but i cant help but feel this is inevitable when the new technology requires significantly less man-power to operate.