
Jesus Christ I don’t wanna work this Saturday

So rn I’m working at construction site, I’m preparing myself to get to the job today but this week has been pretty bad for me, I feel so tired and I want to take this Saturday so I can rest Saturday and Sunday but I know my family will be against and they’ll think that I’m lazy and my others coworkers will think the same fucking shit, what should I do?


Boss told me I had to have a meeting with him. I might quit

I brought up some security issues at work to the security group. Boss demanded to see me to ask me questions because my email ‘concerned’ him. I do not trust this boss. He’s already told me things to make me not trust him. He’s dont like him and I do not want to be in a room alone being interrogated. He invited another boss. Nope. Dont trust them either. I feel like I am on trial here. I said I do not feel comfortable. His response. Too bad. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to. I looped in my union rep. I will not go without representation because now it’s getting hostile. I said that too Looking for a new gig. This place sucks. But right now all places suck


Leasing agent job good until we had residents. Ready to leave now

Currently have a job as a leasing agent and have enjoyed touring apartments, marketing the property, and talking with potential residents. For the first 6 months I was here the property was under renovation so we had no residents and it was chill working there but the past month we’ve had over 500 tenants on the property and we get sooo many people bitching to us on the phone and in person every single day and in all honesty the property is a dump. Seemed like it was moving in the right direction during renovation and I was happy selling it but all of the renovations have been half assed and corners have been cut in every area way possible so it’s hard to defend the company and is also annoying to hear people complain every day so kind of sucks now.


Please Support Starbucks Workers

Today Thursday 9/14 is Starbucks workers solidarity day. Starbucks Workers + allies are taking action TODAY! Sign the petition at this website to tell Starbucks' CEO to stop union-busting >


Artwork strongarming

As someone in management, I'm a big fan of this sub. It helps me keep perspective and do what I can to prevent creating a hellhole workplace. I hope my question here is allowed. We have a lot of military veterans and gamers at our tech-industry company. One employee has a fantasy painting of a weapon from a videogame in their cubicle. It's visible to others who might pass by. There is no depiction of violence, no context. My colleagues in the profession see nothing wrong with it and see it as artwork, and there have been no hostile or violent interactions with the owner of the art. In fact, most people characterize the owner of the artwork as very warm and kind. There are no complaints against them. My question to ya'll… because there is no threat and no depiction of violence, and no negative interactions… that it's just…


Please sign petition to support the United Auto Workers strike

Link to the UAW petition and comments Information about the strike Worker’s needs over corporate greed! Solidarity with the United Auto Workers


Remind people that they work for the employer!

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The part-time admin person in my office is working several hours extra every day “because there’s so much to do.”

She finishes at 1 but has been in the office past 3 every day this week. The bosses insisted we only needed a part-time person despite the whole senior staff saying we need someone full-time. Now they’re getting full-time for a part-time salary so… they were right, I guess? I talked to the new person, she says she doesn’t mind and there’s lots needs doing. No helping some people.


That’s not a real job opening: Some companies are posting ‘ghost jobs’ but don’t actually plan to hire you — or anyone


How to record a face-to-face conversation with a supervisor?

I'm having a performance evaluation meeting next week with my boss's boss. He is a huge bully, he has a gripe against me and last time we did this, he said a number of wildly inappropriate things. I want to make a voice recording this time so I could show it to HR later, if needed. This will be a one-on-one meeting in the office (so not on Teams). The items I will be able to take into the meeting without looking suspicious are my laptop, my company phone and my private phone (both Android). I think I can install new software on the phones if needed, on the laptop probably not. Also, is it legal to record a meeting without his knowledge and consent? I feel that if I were to inform him that he is being recorded, he would not consent, and it would cause our relationship to…