
Hour Changes, Screaming Matches, and Other Stories

So for further context, here is my previous post So after the whole fiasco with scheduling and the Pantera concert, my boss said he was going to cut everyone's hours. As of Tuesday, he had me scheduled 6 days a week through to the end of October, including a shift on my fucking wedding day, which I had told him about several times. I planned to ask about this is a calm manner, until I got to work today. For this portion, I'll refer to myself as (DF) and my manager as (M) I walked into the shop and prepped for my shift, only for M to start yelling at me M: You're not working six days a week, that's bullshit, and I never scheduled it DF: Yeah, you did. (At this point, I showed him the schedule on the app we use) M: No, I fucking didn't. You're not…


Got fired because ‘i wasn’t a good fit’.

It's anyone here familiar with Washington State/ federal labor laws know whether or not I can file for unemployment or some other labor law stuff?


Chinese woman with 16 jobs never turns up for work but manages to buy Shanghai villa

Missing a day of work without a valid reason could cost you your job. But one woman in China, named Guan Yue, managed to get away with it for three years, and even juggled 16 jobs at once. To keep track of her 'jobs', Guan kept records of her employment details, such as start dates, job titles and bank account numbers for each of her positions. She would also take photos and send them into work group chats to give her employers the impression that she was out meeting clients.


How to be the pizza party pooper?

Sometime soon the company will have a pizza party. How could someone show depreciation about the event without getting fired? Any ideas?


Quitting My Job Tomorrow, No Notice – Please hype me up

I'm so sorry if this is not extremely coherent, I just tested positive for covid and I'm exhausted. Just to preface all of this, this is a really small company so there's no HR. I'm not at risk of losing any housing or not being able to pay any other bills and I'm extremely lucky to have a support system that will help me through this financially for the time being. While none of this is illegal, it's still morally corrupt and ruining my mental health to be around. My partner and I decided that it's time for us to leave our niche small business retail job. I worked part time while I was finishing up college. I'm really devastated by everything that has happened because I've been here for 2 years and really loved the actual job itself. The work environment has done a complete 180 and easily has…


How do you find the time to enjoy your life?

I only work 40 hours a week. With traffic, my commute is almost an hour long. I leave the house a bit before 8 and don’t normally get home until close to 6. I only have about 3 hours by the time I’m home to do shit before I need to go to bed so I’m not totally exhausted for the next day. 2 day weekends don’t feel like enough time. I spend one day recovering from how exhausted I am and the other day doing everything I didn’t have the energy to do through the week. I’m tired.


Company is trying to restrict leave for the birth of my child

I’m not sure where exactly to post this, I’m mainly looking for advice on how my wife and I should approach this issue with our company. My pregnant wife and I (married) work at the same company in RI (for the last 7 years) and are having a child at the end of January. FMLA states that if two spouses work for the same company, they are only entitled to 12 weeks of leave total. I think this is an absolute ridiculous clause, but that is beside the point. Rhode Island has its own Family / Parental Leave act called RIPFMLA, which has some slight differences, one of them being that there is no the limitation on sharing the leave allotment for spouses at the same company. The HR department at our company is claiming Paternity leave is not covered under this state leave policy and that only birthing /…


Maternity leave next month

Is it sad that I’m more excited to get a break from this hell hole of a job than to actually spend time with my soon to be newborn? I feel guilty, but I really can’t wait to get away from this crap for 12 weeks.


Frustrated with my current situation (rant)

I just got back to work after a 2 month leave of absence. I told my manager I can't work full time anymore and would like to transfer out of her department back to part time. She's fine with it but the transfer takes some time. While I was gone she hired another person. So now I'm in this limbo where she's not giving me any hours, doesn't need me etc. But technically I'm supposed to have my old job back for now so she really should be giving me hours in the meantime. Also I have to take a pay cut to go back to part time, which sucks but whatever, it's the choice I need to make right now. The other sucky part of all this is that my “full time” job doesn't even really have enough work to be full time and before I left I was…


Is it normal to go through your whole life without making over $80k ever?

It makes me lowkey upset to see so many Redditors say they make six figure and are still struggling. Making six figures is unobtainable for the vast majority of Americans, and as much Redditors like to suggest get rich quick schemes like the trades, it still doesn’t work out for the vast majority. That is the reality