
Is 7am-4pm a long work day?

I interviewed for an office job and they mentioned that the hours are from 7am to 4pm not including my 35 min commute. Feels like it's such a long work day.


Just received an in-line promotion, how to respectfully ask if there’s room for negotiation/increase in the raise

So I got a 10% raise on an in-line promotion from a policy change that added in a new promotion for the same job that I’ve been doing, but it’s for people that are more experienced and are taking on extra tasks. I was told today that I received the promotion and it includes a 10% raise. So I’m the excitement I was like “okay sounds good.” For in-line promotions like these, is there a good, respectful way to ask if there was anyway to have gotten a higher percentage raise? I just wanna make sure I get the best raise possible while I have this opportunity here. Thanks in advance for any advise.


I dont wanna be a wage slave and that’s it


Ah yes, how does destroying half your week and working yourself to death for 42 hours sound? And a $1000 sign on bonus?? That doesn’t seem like a red flag whatsoever!


Just got a new job (current one claimed I’d use my degrees, but never did). I asked ChatGPT for a letter. This would be cathartic.


It starts in high school…


Maybe I’m lazy but man I just wanna work and go home.

I read a lot of stories on reddit about the job market and culture, and I just don't want to be bothered anymore. I work two jobs, one at a burger king , the other as a federal contractor for a military base . I wish I was fucking kidding. I don't know wtf I'm doing, and I feel this growing pressure to advance and make something of about to finish two degrees, one in business administration, and information systems. I grew up in the “go to school, get the degree or youll be homeless” generation and I read all these stories of accomplished people with far more experience then me struggling for any job. Then there's office politics, rules, rules, rules, and more rules, annoying , incompetent coworkers, like bro fuck off . I just don't care about this shit. I need money. I like money, but everyday…


New job has had my coworker wait up to 4 DAYS to cash his check, 6 SEPARATE TIMES.

Holy fuck you can't make this up. I just started a new job this Tuesday. Me and my new coworker have been getting along pretty good and been talking a lot out in the field then he hit me with this: Our boss asked him to wait to cash his paycheck he received on Friday the 1st, and cash it Tuesday, the 5th. He said our boss said “no money in the account”. Guarantee you the boss got paid though….after all her brother is the president of the company (3rd generation company). Then he told me it's happened to him 6. SIX. SEPARATE. TIMES. Since he's been there (little over a year) Wtf did I get myself into? I'm definitely gonna play hard ball with this and let them know I will not wait and cash my check on payday. Too bad for your overdrafts. Want to fire me for…


What do career counselors do now, in this economy?

I wonder what the attitude and point-of-view of traditional career counselors is, now that people have wised up to the facts that the Old Myths were always (mostly) false and, more imporant, that they're guaranteed to be counter-productive now. I used to try to get my head shrunk and people would say, “If you find something that is your passion, you'll never work a day in your life” and “don't have gaps in your resume” and “try to build a knowledge base.” But now I can truthfully retort, “Bull dookie, you're lying. The better I am at my job, the worse I get exploited. The more effort I put in, the less reward I get. The more I know, the less I get to contribute.” What do career counselors do now? I would just ask one of them, but I don't go to them any more because I can't afford…


Don’t you love it when..

Don’t you love it when you quit your job, and it’s been over 2 weeks since you last worked and your boss texts you asking if you want to work this weekend. What do you they not understand about quitting (and yes I put in my two weeks before I left and everything).