
Grindr loses nearly half of its 178 staff after workers were mandated to work in person in the office two days a week


Entitlement, petty emotions, and fake problems vs S|AVERY


Monthly meetings to “grow the person” inspires collegue to quit

Not a super fantastic story, but I find it amusing nonetheless. Upper management at my workplace recently decided to start having monthly meetings to “grow and develop the team”. It's things like TED talks and lectures about owning your life and embracing complex situations to grow. At one point, I had to write my own eulogy, but that's neither here nor there. Well, after just one meeting, upper management apparently accidentally inspired one of their best, by-the-book, hardworking managers that he isn't challenged enough by this job and needs to resign and go somewhere else. Upper management is not happy about it, but they did this to themselves.


Tried contacting my boss 5 times to tell him I can’t come in

I threw up an he can’t make me work. Not sure if the term “legally” is right, but it’s definitely company policy that I cannot come in. I think it’s just food poisoning so I’ll be fine, just want to rest today. Texted in the morning, no response Called 3 times within 2 hours, no response. His voicemail is full so I don’t leave a message One last text letting him know I’m not coming in He’s literally only making this harder for himself. I’m not saying he’s ignoring me on purpose but at the same time it’s part of his responsibility to be available. Now he won’t find out he’s working alone until right when the shift starts. Would’ve loved to get a response for my own piece of mind too


My company just sold half our product portfolio and fired half of the staff

We were supposed to get our bonuses/raises in April. Time kept ticking by and they kept making excuses like, “the board have had scheduling conflicts” or “we hoped to get things finalized this week but we have no news right now”, blah blah. The silence has been deafening and people were getting really, really angry about it. This morning we had a townhall and it was announced that half our product portfolio has been sold to a brand new start up company. About 25% of our employees are being “divested” to go work for them, 25% let go, and 50% staying as normal. The start up company is in Florida and we're in New York. I'm one of the “lucky” ones that is staying but there are divested people who JUST bought homes here. One long standing marriage has the spouse staying with the original company but the other got…


The roots of workplace bullying and mobbing are employee exploitation and lack of employer accountability


CEO post causes mass confusion

I work for a Fortune 500 company. In the last 3 years we've gone from EVERYONE WFH to bringing most people back on a flex basis. Most are OK with the flex, but it's still very structured ie you have to be in x amount of days. Next week is our town hall to get an update on the company and tbh a BS q&a with the execs. BS because they never pick or answer questions about increasing wfh, pay, benefits etc. This week our CEO posted a rather cryptic message stating things like 'a new chapter' 'working alongside in office' 'real time innovation.' CUE MASS PANIC!!! Prior to covid, a good 20% of our company was full time wfh. They moved more to wfh after the pandemic ended. I would estimate probably about 30% is full time and the rest are flex. Now the fun part. As his message…


Passive aggressive supervisor.

Long story short, I submitted a leave request form 2 months ago for today and it was denied. Fast forward to yesterday evening, i was on my treadmill at home and hurt my ankle. Im on my feet most of the day so going to work the next day was not gonna work. So this morning i called my job and told my supervisor i wouldnt be coming in today due to my ankle injury. His response was “Do you know you submitted a leave request for today and it was denied?” My response was “ok”. He then said “You were denied for this day and this is not a good reflection on you”. I said “ok”. He said “Alright bye” and hung up the phone. I think he wanted me to argue with him and i refuse to. Im not begging for forgiveness because i took a sick day.…


part-time job career ideas.

Hi, I'm 27 yo, I was working til my 16, primarily full-time, but since 2022 I started working simple part-time as I couldn't mentally handle full-time job anymore. I felt like time was slipping through my fingers, I was constantly exhausted, and spent weekends mostly sleeping and doing nothing. I am so happy rn, now that I spent only 3 days at work, can get some quality sleep, do creative stuff, educate myself etc. But time is running on and I should start working on my career, and think about my future. But honestly, I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO A FULL-TIME JOB FULL-TIME SO MUCH, I had no idea how much I hated my life back then when I was working 40 hours per week. Does anyone have any ideas about part-time well-paid jobs with some perspectives?


Wisconsin sawmill has agreed to stop hiring children after a 16-year-old died on the job