
Who here has transitioned from freelance to more standard employment and found it made them happier? I’d love to hear your story. x

Full-time freelancer, finding it stressful AF despite doing everything and more. Just constant payment issues and schedule changes. A client cancels and I have to shift everything. I love the field, hate the admin and constant changes. People can be unreliable, which makes life unreliable, and I'm newly married and want to save for the future, take breaks, have stability, have hobbies, etc. In freelance, I am always on. Thanks. xx


Does experience even matter?

I've worked in corporate finance for around 10 years now, all on the hardware side of tech. For a few years now, I've been trying to move to the software side to expand my qualifications and experience. I've had a number of interviews, and every time I've gotten feedback, the response was, they're looking for someone with more software finance experience. Its even gotten to the point I have a speech made up why my knowledge and experience can translate to the software side. Still no luck. Then a few months ago, a software company approached me, went through the interview process, everything sounded great. Exactly the finance role I wanted in software. So I left a job I enjoyed that I'd been with less than a year, to take this new one. However, once I started, the role quickly turned into a pure marketing role. Developing decks, producing promotional…


Toxic environment

Hey so I have been in the car industry for about a year now from working from Nissan to Audi, what I realized is that the people here suck, I’m a service Porter and the only other Porter is Spanish and yells at me if a regular car is not washed, waiters are most important but he doesn’t want to do them. And I am always doing a lot more cars than he is because he takes forever, he cleans it like it’s a loaner. And every single Saturday I’m yelled at by the sales guy for parking customer cars, I work 6 days a week and I put up with this all the time. He tells me to park them way further than the customer should be able to pick up their car, and tells me that he tells me the same exact thing every time and what’s hard…


Is there actually an alternative to capitalism that isn’t socialism?

I want to like socialism because I hate capitalism. But in reality, I don’t know how you’d stop someone from trading and bartering without force, and no one seems to have any way to actually implement it properly without forcing people to work. Co-ops are a good start, but inefficient (as we already see.) I agree with Marx’s observations, but he was a philosopher and not an economist. So my question is, is there something other than feudalism or communism that is viable and has at least a vision of what it looks like other than dreaming and figuring it out along the way?


I am getting ready to leave this deceitful company behind

I am getting ready to leave this deceitful company behind. We had some ongoing understaffing issues for a long, long time. We are severely understaffed but guess what? They decide to keep all the profits instead of hiring people to help us. They want us to do the work of 2-3 people for one pay. No way! It ain’t gonna happen. I am getting ready to leave this DECEITFUL company behind. We do not have enough people and it is not even a team. Poor Management. Manager is incompetent. They also play favoritism here and their friends do not have to work as hard. They are really selfish people. They are very GREEDY. This is not okay. Once I am gone, I wish them luck in dealing and handling all the clients and things I have been doing for them. Today was my final straw. They told me to “f”…


“The position is 8-5, are you comfortable with that?”

“No I'm not. I'm looking to work an 8 hour work day.” “Oh it is, you get a 1 hour break!” “No thanks.”


I feel so hopeless looking for jobs.

I don't have a good track record as I tend to point out unfair and illegal treatment from employers and I get targeted for that. I don't know, i can't keep my mouth shut. So I'm looking for a new job, and i feel hopeless. Nothing i'm qualified for in my area is able to pay even half my bills. I don't want to live with roommates because i have pets and don't want other people i don't know too well around them. What can i do? I am originaly fron europe and regret moving out here. Now i have no money to return home. How do you Americans deal with this? Ps. Due to stress i started some very unhealthy habbits, but i don't know how to cope anymore.


My manager went from “i care for my team’s wellbeing” to Not approving my first vacation leaves of the year, ALL IN 2 DAYS! (WORKING IN STARTUPS RANT)

I broke down into tears right after a meeting with him today. So for this quarter I have already completed my tasks that were preplanned in the beginning. only this month left so i was planning for a vacation at the end of the month. But he decided to add 3 big features on top of it. Fine, no problem. the complexity is too high so I already had communicated that it is going to take time. But he keeps nagging me every day and I have been feeling too pressured that I went into burnout few weeks back and it’s only getting worse. Day before yesterday, I ended up telling him I’m burning out badly, to which he said – “That’s why you should focus on only one task at a time” – He is the one who keeps texting me to check other things, bc of which i…


Scotland plans transition to 4-day workweek for civil servants hoping the private sector will follow suit


Need Verbiage for Getting Fired

My job sucks and I'll be fired soon. When they give me the boot, what's the professional way of saying, “take this job and shove it.”?