
Adventures of Engineerman (


What are your thoughts on this? Am I unreasonable for wanting reimbursement?

I’m blue, boss is red


I hate rules for the sake of rules/appearances

I hate when people make rules and policies that are strictly for appearances. If I'm cashiering and there is literally nobody in the store, why can't I read a book or listen to a video? Why can't I sit down? Who am I bothering?? I can't sit idle that long. “Busy work” is so dumb. Let people do something actually productive. How much time is wasted doing meaningless tasks or standing around for the sake of it? Nobody cares!! I'm not even going to notice! As long as you do your job when there are customers, why does it matter?? Sigh.


Anonymous wants us to go back to the office

I work for a big government agency. In stand-up yesterday, our boss told us the VP had been approached by HR saying “someone in his organization” was abusing their WFH privileges to goof off. (The VP organization is about one to two hundred people in technology roles). This was based on an “anonymous letter” sent to HR accusing an unidentified person. As a result, our group's WFH status is imperiled, and we're getting extra weird restrictions (like turning on camera during Zoom is now mandatory). I'll never know, but would anybody want to bet on whether this is a false flag attack?


Anonymous wants us to go back to the office

I work for a big government agency. In stand-up yesterday, our boss told us the VP had been approached by HR saying “someone in his organization” was abusing their WFH privileges to goof off. (The VP organization is about one to two hundred people in technology roles). This was based on an “anonymous letter” sent to HR accusing an unidentified person. As a result, our group's WFH status is imperiled, and we're getting extra weird restrictions (like turning on camera during Zoom is now mandatory). I'll never know, but would anybody want to bet on whether this is a false flag attack?


[NEED ADVICE] 24 M Unemployment

Hey guys, I'm 24 male live in India I have done my college in previous year, and it's been more then one year I'm unable to find job, I'm unable to study always distracted and my all friends are doing jobs and having a great time but me I'm stuck in home don't know what to do, and I know that studying is important but I don't know why I'm not studying, I even have taken data science bootcamp course and I'm 30 classes behind in it, please I need some good counseling


Get let go now or later?

My partners company is letting them go and they have ben offered to finish out this month and get October paid without working or finish out till December then done. i guess it’s just kinda odd way of being let go and on one hand it’s get paid an extra two months or get 1 month paid off. any thoughts?


Should I have received a P45?

Not sure if this is the right place for this so please delete if not. Im from the UK and started working in a supermarket (won’t say the company) in 2018 part time. In 2019 I switched to a seasonal contract as I started university. Fast forward to now and I was planned to start a new job in august this year. So I took the summer off and I haven’t worked a shift in retail at all this year. However as far as I am aware I was still under contract with them and on their system. I went into the store early in July and handed in my notice of me leaving just to make sure I get taken off their system etc. They said that’s fine and they will take me off the system. However, this store has a habit of keeping people in the system who…


New hire difficulty

Not sure if this is the correct sub for this post but I'm hoping for some advice. I am a nurse and recently got re-hired at a hospital I used to work at. As I was going through the onboarding process, I went to sign up for benefits and the company website gave me an error message basically saying: “authentication error – contact your system administrator”. I am unable to sign up for benefits or even direct deposit as it is all through the same site. I messaged our on-call HR service letting them know, and they told me to contact IT. So I called IT, who then forwarded me back to HR saying they weren't able to fix it on their end. I then emailed both my boss and HR together notifying them of the issue saying that IT and HR referred me to each other. My boss then…


I’m tired of working for nothing

I'm just at my wits end with America. I've been working since highschool and I have nothing to show for it. I'm 27 and still live at home. When I graduated college ofc I had debt, and I thought getting a good job would solve all my problems, NOPE! I was able to live on my own around 2018-19 but then I had to move back home and I feel like I've been stuck here ever since. I stay with my mom, she's honestly a huge bitch and narcissists and I do my best to keep my distance and ignore her. But I'm just feeling so hopeless lately because it feels like any job I get I won't be able to afford to move out. I finally got that $45k a year job we were told to aim for. But I still couldnt move out and my mental health has…