
New Hires

I really am tired of workplaces treating new hires like slaves until they “prove themselves.” Took an awful job a while back. Walked out after my three month probation meeting (which I did pass) I was treated like the office bitch the entire time. I was made to do the silliest tasks. I had to do every physical thing, move giant file boxes of the other women needed anything, sort through piles of paper no one else ever got to, go through tedious lists matching things. Basically everything no one wanted to do. Fine. I was never allowed to work from home when my coworkers always did. But then I get told in my probation the- the first topic was thunderstorms. I have no idea how that was a topic but that's how my review started- with the expectation I would be staying when there were “thunderstorms” so the other…


Boss accidentally talked about me in front of me- goodbye cake?

Yesterday, after being in a hostile work environment for 5 years, I turned in my notice. My boss is a contributor to this but I have done my best to be kind because this was a job I wanted to establish my career. As my boss entered the room with another coworker, I was behind my desk reading an email. I looked up, and my boss pointed his head to my desk and said “with her we are going to make a custom cake to rub it in.” This isn’t the first time of course- that he uses a party to make a statement to an employee. 4 people have left and I am next. I would love to imagine this cake was for some other person leaving, but it’s for me. Maybe I need to be less sensitive but I’m worried my last day will be a nightmare and…


I Was Fired for Being Sick

Just about a month ago, I was fired because I was unable to complete my duties because I had gotten severely sick while on the job. I was vomiting in the bathroom and had the runs for hours and no one was able to cover my shift, I messaged my DM (the second picture) asking for some kind of help and got no response. I was forced to close the store because the handbook states that as managers, we’re not supposed to leave the associates alone on the floor and to lock the door if we need to use the bathroom. Considering I couldn’t even leave the damn bathroom for more than 15 minutes at a time, there was no possible way for me to functionally close the store. So based on what’s said in the handbook, I locked up an hour early. 2 weeks after the incident I was…


What they say about “corporate coming in and ruining everything” is absolutely true.

I don't know how many people here have had the chance to work for a company that is being integrated into a parent company, but hopefully you guys can vouch. It's not that I didn't believe corporate ruins everything, but it just always felt exaggerated for TV/movies because I'd never seen it for myself. I started working for a financing company a few months after it was acquired, but before it was at all integrated into the parent company. Things were great and there actually was a “big family” work culture. Great PTO, floating holidays, good pay, upward mobility, everyone happy, etc. I've been here for over a year now and boy how things have changed. Our in-house IT was working on integrating our intranet system into what corporate uses. This burned out the head of IT and he retired 8 months post-acquisition. His father literally started the company with…


How to give notice of resignation while on short term disability?

I'm on short term disability until mid October, and I unexpectedly received a job offer partway into my 6 weeks of disability leave. I'm absolutely going to take this new position but am unsure how to approach resigning. I'd prefer to not go back to my current workplace, and I firmly believe 2-weeks notice is unnecessary because all of my projects were transitioned when I went on disability leave. I really like my supervisor and colleagues, but the organization is Draconian and the stress of that absolutely contributed to me going on disability leave. I cannot find anything in my contract or the disability leave paperwork about restrictions on resignation. I live in an at will employment state in the US. Summary: 1) on short term disability til mid October at current job; ALL of my projects have already been reassigned 2) new job starts end of October 3) how…


What should I do next ?

I have been experiencing heart palpitations and shortness of breath. I had been on leave since April. My employer would not pay me while on leave because my test didn’t show any abnormalities. So I came back in august with restrictions “breaks when needed” “local travel” I ended up passing out and hitting my head while working in the field. I’m not sure what do to now do I go back or am I entitled to a lawsuit ? I am also still experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain.


I started working as a Director of Product at new company three months ago. My manager (VP of Product) goes around me to manage my direct reports and leaves me out of many communication channels with them. I feel as though sometimes my direct reports are my boss and she values them more than me.

Also some points to add: My manager and my two direct reports (PMs) have known each other for many years and are like a clique. In fact she directly hired one of my direct reports as they used to work together in a previous company. I, along with two other directors, report to my boss. I work for a nursing equipment company which is very low-tech. I am literally the only one who has both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering along with an MBA. Everyone else comes from a nursing/physical therapist background. They know the product and use cases better than I since I have absolutely no experience working in a clinical environment. However, they have absolutely zero experience in technology and I don't think they truly understand Product Management processes and phases. All decisions are basically made by my boss or my direct reports…


This artist claiming poor work conditions

I'm as anti work as most but this is a total crock…guy tries to steal money loaned for his “art” that he was paid the equivalent of 5000$ CND to do…which is essentially just tacking bills into a frame. That would take all of a couple hours and you could be drunk doing it if you wanted and has the ghaul to claim he has poor work conditions. Just screams entitlement and puts a bad name on the movement for people who legitimately do have poor under paid work life. Court should have made him return the wages for breach of contract.


3rd Party Amazon Delivery Drivers Not Paid


How do you feel about lying?

I've seen a lot of posts here advising others to not share personal details of their lives with their employer/coworkers. I understand the sentiment completely, as I was burned a long time go by an overly friendly manager who used my struggles against me. Fast forward to today, I lie about all my personal info. What I did for the weekend, information about my partner and family, personal interests, employment history. I lie about it ALL. I make shit up just to entertain myself and see if I can entertain the crowd so to speak. Now I do try to remember my lies to create somewhat of a cohesive storyline, but if I get caught i just lie my way of out it. Nothing i say holds any real weight. I'm damn good at my job and I believe that should be enough, but people have always expected more. Share…