
What do you do when you’re not given work?

Hey all, I gave my notice to my boss a while ago after being quiet-fired, and now I am left with basically no work. Even the simplest task like writing an email is passed onto my coworkers. I try to fill my days as well as I can (playing sodoku or minesweeper online, coding useless projects), but this lack of activity is quite exhausting, and I still have a month of “work” before the end of my notice period…. What do you all do during a slow day?


My supervisor speaks almost exclusively in corporate buzzwords (long vent session here)

It's crazy and extremely annoying. They sound like they're reading from a script of things you're “supposed to say” to your employees but there is zero empathy, emotion, sincerity or anything. So impersonal and off putting. Chat GPT has more humanity than this person. This supervisor is new to being in leadership and has no idea of what we do. Morale is tanking and people feel pressured to do more work in a day than is actually possible, because the Corporate Robot doesn't understand the job and just thinks JUST DO MOAR WORK is the answer. But will waste time with meetings that should be emails, pointless “team building” nonsense games and begging people to come on camera because “I want to connect with you guys and see your faces!” yeah, so you can stare at my dead eyes while I disassociate because you're stretching 3 minutes of actual relevant…


Capitalist Hell

Capitalist Hell is getting to work and being excited your desk plant is putting out its first leaf while simultaneously dreading having to kill another whole day.


Boss threatened to fire me for discussing job satisfaction with other people

Long story short, my boss threatened to fire me because I had discussed my dissatisfaction with my position with another co-worker. I have it all in writing too. Isn't it illegal for your employer to discipline you for talking about working conditions? Is this considered discussing working conditions?



I don't know if this is the right sub or not. I have worked at this company for 2.5 years and for a multitude of reasons (lack of training, availability of mentors, human error) they said my work was not good and gave me the option to resign with a severance package that will pay through October 31 (and keep insurance). I talked to a coworker whom I trust and she said it sounds like hush money, as my mentor/supervising person is the “golden child” and the company doesn't want to lose the business they bring in. So they would rather have me leave under these circumstances than put any responsibility or blame on the golden child or the department. That being said, the offer of resigning they made seems like they were trying to be nice (so i can use that in future job interviews) but it feels like…


So close…


Tired of “important events” to attend

I am tired of employers who encourage attendance at meetings or events that are important to the company. I work remotely and that is a great advantage and motivation when it comes to being productive for me. However, in this and two other previous experiences I have had, we are encouraged (practically forced) to attend certain events where the objectives of the company are presented or which are the new shareholders and managers. Nor do I like those meetings where they bring together several of us from different projects to share how we are doing and if we find better ways to work. Because, let's not fool ourselves, this shared information is almost never used to improve or help new incorporations to better manage the onboarding. In fact, we are expected to follow up on the day we attend these events to end the workday in the office. Of course,…


DAE work 3×12 hour shifts per week?

I’m starting a new job with 144 hours contracted per month. My intentions are to have a work/life balance where the salary still sees me comfortable. I’m a bit intimidated about the length of shift but the workplace is local and the work is within the heath&social care provision so much of my duties come naturally to me. I’d just like some perspectives from those who also work this shift pattern. Do you feel the 4 days off allows you to achieve a good balance?


Incentives for new workers, nothing for those of us already here

I work in a factory, been here for 5 years and it hasn’t been too bad. It’s probably the best place in my area, even with its downsides. As expected, management is trash and the only thing worth staying here for is the pay and the people I work with. The next best option is over an hour drive away, and that’s just not something I’m personally willing to do daily, so I’m content enough here. There’s some of us who’ve been here for 20+ years, and recently they’ve had to merge another factory into ours, some of those employees being let go or voluntarily seeking other employment elsewhere, but the others were given a $5,000 per 3 month incentive to come here, topping out at 9 month. That’s $15,000 in total. Half of the new employees have already talked about quitting once they get their last bonus, and obviously…


Incentives for new workers, nothing for those of us already here

I work in a factory, been here for 5 years and it hasn’t been too bad. It’s probably the best place in my area, even with its downsides. As expected, management is trash and the only thing worth staying here for is the pay and the people I work with. The next best option is over an hour drive away, and that’s just not something I’m personally willing to do daily, so I’m content enough here. There’s some of us who’ve been here for 20+ years, and recently they’ve had to merge another factory into ours, some of those employees being let go or voluntarily seeking other employment elsewhere, but the others were given a $5,000 per 3 month incentive to come here, topping out at 9 month. That’s $15,000 in total. Half of the new employees have already talked about quitting once they get their last bonus, and obviously…