
Incentives for new workers, nothing for those of us already here

I work in a factory, been here for 5 years and it hasn’t been too bad. It’s probably the best place in my area, even with its downsides. As expected, management is trash and the only thing worth staying here for is the pay and the people I work with. The next best option is over an hour drive away, and that’s just not something I’m personally willing to do daily, so I’m content enough here. There’s some of us who’ve been here for 20+ years, and recently they’ve had to merge another factory into ours, some of those employees being let go or voluntarily seeking other employment elsewhere, but the others were given a $5,000 per 3 month incentive to come here, topping out at 9 month. That’s $15,000 in total. Half of the new employees have already talked about quitting once they get their last bonus, and obviously…


I have an a-hole coworker

So I work part time at a pizza place. Thank goodness it’s only part time because there’s this guy (I’ll call him “Dick”) I’m stuck with on Sundays. He just exudes an air of negativity. He’s barking orders at me, telling me what I do wrong, and creating unnecessary hassles for the customers and for the servers that nobody else does (which doesn’t happen often but it does happen). He always makes me doubt the quality of my work (spoiler alert – he NEVER says anything nice to or about me). Whenever I’m taking phone orders or in-person orders, and he’s not busy, he’s watching over my shoulder (as someone with social anxiety disorder, this turns my anxiety up to eleven). He’s genuinely very hard to work with. Yet he’s all cheery and buddy-buddy with the managers and kitchen workers. He’ll cover for them before he’ll cover for me. I…


BizKnowledge Surveys For Rewards

​ BizKnowledge has a wide range of paid survey opportunities for US residents. You can create a BizKnowledge account within minutes, and you earn points just for completing your profile. You can then pick the surveys you want, earn points, and redeem those points for gift cards. To learn more, head to:


I reported a worker, and now his wife is my boss.

I had reported a worker for his homophobic remarks. He confronted me about the whole situation and then a few days after his wife was promoted to the shift lead (same shift as me and her husband) Another two things that happened, is that i took a break for less than 5 mins to drink water and she seen it and reported it, and we were reprimanded by our manager. The next day she was promoted to our shift lead. Is it okay for a wife to be promoted after her husband was reported for a serious issue? His wife be his boss?


What to do when you’re too good at your job?

There became a work at home position that opened up at my job. I applied for it and let one of my bosses know. One of them told me that I’m basically too good in my position now and my chances of getting that opened position are slim. They are interviewing about 4 other candidates that would be new hires. One candidate has more experience that I do. They also told me a coworker who has a similar position that I do and started 6 months after me applied as well. I’ve already decided if they give them the job I’m quitting. Is there any advise on what to do/say when I get interviewed that will help my chances of getting this other job? Idk I just feel so defeated.


Please someone professional tell me what to say.

Worked over time in California and the boss’ wife TEXTED me unapproved overtime will not be recognized. This is like 40th time I do overtime never was aware of it needing to be approved. Just so happens that I got a raise last week. Don’t know if it applies to this check I can’t remember. But all of a sudden they said that to me. A part of me wants to cuss them out. Another part just wants to send a screenshot of what looks like California employers HAVE to pay overtime whether approved or not!! But is there anything to say that won’t sound aggressive or rude? Please. I’m a bitch and I know it so how tf do I respond to this!? Please help me.


Company back-paid me for 50 hours instead of $50.

I was owed $50 retro pay by my company. They basically kept blowing me off for months on it, carrot-on-stick status. It really put a strain in our relationship that never went away. $50 is fiddlesticks. It was the principle of the thing, that we had an agreement, that I had done things I wasn’t paid for, that fair was fair. One day, they came to me asking for my help and I told them I needed to be paid first. I guess that finally did it, because I got paid. However, instead of being paid $50, I was paid for 50 hours, amounting to something like $500 extra that I was paid. Incompetent jackoffs. This was about six weeks (three pay periods) ago and nobody has said anything to me and I haven’t said anything to anybody. I haven’t spent it. I guess I’m wondering what the company can…


“If you want to stay home because you’re sick, you need to call me, not text me.”

Why the fuck is this a thing? So they can intimidate us into coming in? Text is objectively better for documentation!


not meeting deadlines because I am doing the job of 2 people, solution? time management class!

So I have been in this job for almost a year now; the first half was ok because I had a bunch of overtime, enough for me to be able to pay my bills. However, all of the sudden, they took it all away from me, I went from working 45-50 hours a week to a regular 40 hours per week. And I absolutely hate it. Not only I am no loner earning that overtime, I am still expected to be as productive, they will give me even more responsabilities AND I aint got no raise!! I have so much work and I am so stressed out, I dont even take my breaks, there are days where I have terrible headaches because of the pressure, and my workload is such that I am still not even close to finish what I have for the day. So, obviously they did not…


Rude Proud Lady

So I work as a PCA and I called my employer today to confirm my application after weeks of waiting to be on the clock. Now this lady I take care of was upset I was not returning her calls knowing damn well that I was not a valid member yet. I didn't want to take her money but I did because she was misleading and inattentive to my statements that I could not do that this way and could lead to trouble. Here's the thing: she was saying that she's the adult, that I have to address her first, that she knows what's she's doing. All of that in a condescending and superior manner. I don't like this but now I will go back and work legally making money and without her shortcuts. A part of me thinks I should really let loose the reasons why she's even saying…