
Can I claim being laid off if my employer doesn’t have the money to issue my paycheck?

For the past multiple months, my employer has given me my paycheck a week or more later than the date we are to be paid. I am currently waiting for my check that was supposed to be issued 10 days ago, and the next pay date is supposed to be in 6 days. I keep getting told that there isn't enough money in the account for payroll, and I sent out an email to the owners today asking about it but have got no reply. I'm certain this company is going under. I have had my hours cut in half already, to ease some financial strain with the company, but am still not getting my check until a week or more after the actual pay date. Can I stop working, and file for unemployment, on the grounds of being laid off due to the company not being financially able to…


Keep discussing wages with your coworkers

Man if I hadn’t talked with this dude from work last year and found out he made $2 an hour more than me with the same years experience and education (healthcare field) AND started at the company after me, I probably never woulda pushed for a raise beyond the normal annual raise. Low and behold the company is kinda a sinking ship (not completely) and now I got a $2.50/hr raise as my boss finally acknowledged the BS and is trying to hold onto the employees that are left lol.


They just aren’t even trying to hide it anymore


I think once the boomers are gone capitalism will end

I feel like thr only thing keeping us down are thr old dogs who refuse to learn new tricks. And I'm not talking about thr average workers. I'm talking about the guys who can't even get through a press conference without having a stroke. Alot of progress is being hindered by the “I got mine crowd”, I hate to sound rude but at this point they're just stopping the world from progressing and keeping everyone miserable and in poverty. As the famous quote goes “I'm tired of this grandpa!”


Should I stay or go?

For those of you who heard my story before, here’s a refresher: I was unexpectedly let go at the end of June. Company A where I worked for the last five years outsourced my department to Company B. Company B kept me on as a contractor. I’m still working in Company A’s office and little has changed day to day. They gave me a contract for one month, extended me another month and extended me again today. I’m still making the same amount as before but I’m still effectively taking a pay cut. That is because I lost out on a 3% raise I would have gotten from Company A, and I’m paying for my health insurance. I got a short term plan because COBRA would have cost over $900 a month. I did keep my dental plan through COBRA which is $26 a month. As a 1099 contractor, I’m…


i cant do this anymore bc i want to work but no one cares about how bad i want to and would be trained to in any field

a post I made earlier regarding worker safety was DELETED because, despite my LEGITIMATE ALARM work safety practices were lacking re an air compressor, one user was convinced I was “burning bridges for no reason.” I'm “burning bridges” and tried calling OSHA because, it was my understanding from the manual and huge amount of warning stickers, there is a reason the warnings in the manual, and the warning stickers on said equipment, exist. I'm frustrated and feeling in a bad mental place about work, even the potential of finding other work, because, after calling OSHA and trying desperately to describe what I KNOW is a horrible issue that my employers REFUSE to help me take seriously, they made any excuse to not do work today and not understand the issue, as if I was speaking to a brick wall. Its apparent to me the field I attempted to go into,…


College-Educated and Young Workers Lead Union Surge While Public Sector Plummets

Lots of good, interesting quotes from a lot of people in this article.


Employee of friend was yelled and screamed at by management, is there anything I can do?

I knew Safeway was always gross in terms of how they treat their employees but this is a new low. Any suggested action? So frustrated with this. On another note, I don’t know what the fuck their union is doing for them besides taking their money. Borderline minimum wage and 10 minute breaks (the legal minimum in my state). I’m sure they’d fire the guy if they got a shit ton of bad reviews but I doubt enough people saw it happen to complain. No employee should be in tears and screamed over just because their manager felt like being an asshole


I’m putting in my fucking two weeks

So I'm 16 and I have worked for Sonic for about two weeks now, we are relatively new (closed down for renovations) this is my schedule this week….I can't even pay my phone bill



Title sums it up