
boss demands that i be more efficient when i think i’m already fast enough. just a rant

work in a cafe as a server/barista. the boss pulled me aside a few days ago to tell me that i need to be faster, but also more observant, and generally more efficient. even when it's not busy and the only task i have to do is throw away an empty carton of milk. i'm already nearly running up and down during slams and have almost ran into other staff. yet i've been told to not run in the cafe because hot food & it's dangerous. yeah makes sense. BUT i've been told to “move faster”. so what the hell do i do now? i don't know how much faster i can get. i'm trying my best here and i feel so frustrated. i am not perfect, i am not a machine. we're perpetually understaffed, and it's hard juggling so many roles. but i'm scared i'll be fired (i need…


Can someone encourage me to lie on my resume

I’m trying to leave my hellish job without a degree so I’ve decided to greatly exaggerate my qualifications, maybe make up a certification/award or two. I’ve never done it before and I’m a young adult so please, jaded community, encourage me to do what I need to to get this potentially life changing job!


Shitty policies

I work in a hospital kitchen preparing and delivering food to patients. I work for a third party company that contracts out of the hospitals so I don't work for the hospital directly. Anyway, our company has a very strict policy on taking off and calling out. We get 7 “points” to use a year towards calling off for whatever reason. You would think those points restart at the end of every year right? Wrong. If you call off on March 25th 2024 for example, your point refreshes on March 25 2025. If you're late by over 5 minutes, you get half a point. At 7 points, you're fired. No excuses or reasons for why you accumulated all of your points. Your mother is dying in the hospital? Point. You're throwing up blood and need to go to the ER? Point. Your baby just got hit by a car? Point.…


This sniveling little middle manager is responding to an OP that asked for, and was denied, a month off ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE

She also checked with her coworkers to make sure they weren’t put out, but manager is acting like rules are set in stone. Fuck that.


I feel extremely shafted after my last interview

This is mostly just a rant about how out of touch some owners/ managers are when it comes to respecting potential workers: Went to a job interview, arrived about 15-20 minutes early (the location was new for me so I gave myself extra time and got there earlier than I expected to). Arrived while the business owner was in another interview, told his assistant manager I had zero problems waiting. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes later assistant manager takes me back to start the interview and says owner will join when he's done. Cool, no problem. Interview with him for a few minutes, he goes to check with owner. Owner tells him to “take the lead” and finish interview with me. At that moment i already knew i wasnt getting the job and just feel very insulted that the owner didnt even bother to meet with me at all. Obviously…


I work at a college that charges students $20,000+ per semester in tuition and fees. They are asking faculty and staff to make voluntary deductions from our (already low) paychecks to support the “greatest needs of our students,” whatever that means. What the fuck.



Spit in the face pay raise

I work the front desk for a company called peak physical therapy and I’ve been working here for a little over a year now. Well I had my yearly review a little bit ago and I got a $1 raise. My position has a high turnover rate at all of our locations cause the job is HELL on one’s mental state. It’s basically my job to tell people bad news like they owe us a bunch of money or their insurance won’t pay for the therapy they need and guess who gets screamed at all day? I do. I went from making $16 to making $17 an hour and for colorado that’s not enough to live on in any way. But the kicker? I would be making more money flipping burgers at McDonald’s (starting pay is $18 an hour here) And my boss had the nerve to act like this…


New CEO destroyed the company

We had an activist investor / board member who wasn’t happy with our profits and growth. So he had our CEO replaced with his hand picked protégé. From day 1 the guy was a sh1t show. He would yell at people and talk to them like they were idiots in front of others. He spent millions on outside consultants, instead of listening to the people who have worked here for 10 years. He systematically laid off anyone who challenged him to make way for “his people”. Only problem was his people were useless. After only a year in his job, our Q2 earnings from this year were the worst they’d ever been. And our money in the bank was nearly depleted. So there was no path left but to sell for 10% what the company was worth when he took the job. Now half of us will get let go…


I am probably going to be fired today, Should’ve noticed the signs sooner.

So, since march I've been working at a small company of about 10 people, that does low-voltage electrician stuff. It went well for the past few months, until rougly two weeks ago, when I used some PTO time to leave early on a friday for a doctors appointment I had. the following monday I was written up, in that meeting they then told me “You need to be completely accurate with your time card, anytime you are on a site or in the office, we need to know exactly what you are doing, to ensure you are being productive” and then they proceeded to talk about the previous guy before me who supposedly sat around all day doing nothing. I was like “Okay I'll be more accurate with my timecard” and after that I started to notice that the people in the office, who often report to the boss have…


How do you find the high paying, entry level jobs?

My partner and I have been working at the same job now for a little over 8 years. We are one bad day away from leaving it because there are so many inconsistencies and problems we are tired of dealing with. Our company is a sinking ship. They can barely hold on to any new employees they've tried to hire for some of the more dangerous positions at our factory. We are also exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. The work is not satisfying. We only get paid about $13 an hour. They only gave everybody at our company a raise by a dollar because they were trying to keep up with the rate of inflation. As if a dollar is enough to keep up with anything these days. Where do we find the part time or full time jobs that are entry level, pay $30 and onwards, and offer lots…