
What was the most uncomfortable dress code/uniform you have had to wear?

When I was in high school I worked for a grocery store that required black dress pants/white dress shirt/dress shoes and a tie. No matter your position or the weather. It was ridiculous to be hauling stuff in and all while wearing a tie.


Micromanager Advice

I have worked for a large insurance company for the past 3 years. We got a new manager who also manages a second team. The day she started she changed every aspect of our daily work & has made my life miserable. To start, to log our time we no longer can just put 8 hours as I have been doing for 3 years. She states it’s for HR purposes & we need to clock in & out. Whatever, not a big deal just annoying. When we are on lunch or breaks we need to set our Teams status with the times we went on break & the time we are coming back. We need to keep track of our production throughout the day & at the end of the day she has an Excel sheet that we input our productivity into & have to mark yes or no to…


Capitalism is bad math – The mathatical proof v1. Check my work?


Boss doesn’t say hi?

I work for a family business with


Prepaid Card

Had a job that wasn’t working out super well (cutting my hours, nasty customers, otherwise stressful environment) so I got a new job and quit the old one. They gave me my last paycheck on a prepaid card but the card company won’t unlock the card. Customer service for the card company is completely automated so I can’t get in touch with an actual person to help me. This last paycheck isn’t big enough to make or break my finances but it’s money that could go towards groceries and bills. My ex manager can’t help me and HR for the company isn’t much help either. I’m just so pissed off.


Fiancee says new federal job is “saving overtime hours” instead of paying the overtime??

My fiancee just got a job with the USGS, started about two weeks ago. So far it's been fine, but he said something to me that really raised my eyebrows. According to him, some of his coworkers told him that instead of being paid for the overtime they do, those extra hours get “saved” and then “they can use them later”. When I asked what the hell that even meant, he said they would use those overtime hours as some sort of PTO to leave work early on some days. Now I'm not board with any of this. It sounds completely sketchy, I've never heard of anyone doing this. And at a gov job?? It doesn't seem like he wants to argue about this (we have to move for this job and finding an affordable place has been stressful so i get it) but should I keep pushing him to…


Lost my job two weeks after the creation of my position

Context: I was a freelancer with a local startup and they asked me if I wanted to work with them full time as an employee. No benefits, but the salary was fairly decent and I liked the prospect of a secure job. Two weeks later, I got let go as they don’t have sufficient funds to create a full-time position. They didn’t offer any compensation or the opportunity to continue on freelance basis; just ‘we’re cutting your job, sorry!’ – my job email and various platforms access got subsequently deleted an hour later. Naturally, since I only worked two weeks as an employee, I didn’t amass enough hours to qualify for EI. I’m lucky my husband makes enough money to get us through the month, but we’re not lasting more than a few months in this situation. I feel so used and mad. Anyone in a similar boat?


Cat fishing job interviews. Applied for assistant store manager

So as the title suggests I applied for an assistant store manager at 18-20 per hour depending on experience. During the interview they asked me relevant questions about the job. Towards the end they asked me my wage expectations , and after explaining my experiences in management and this specific industry I said “well your ad said 18-20 with experience so I’m expecting around 18.50 – 19 due to my experience” The interviewer made a very obvious cringe face and sighed and said “best I can offer you is $13 an hour. We start you as regular crew and after a month you can be a shift lead at $15 and then after a few more months you can be an assistant store manager” I looked at her in shock and told her I wasn’t interested and she seemed offended. Why do these companies post these very nice looking job…


Meritocracy is dead

I just have been denied promotion to crew trainer. I work at McDonald’s (one and a half year), and recently they have been promoting newer crew from service and marketing (who are next to useless) and giving the blind eye to the kitchen (where the core of this company is). Now they wondering why many are leaving, or why many are so hell bent on quitting. I trained nearly the half of the new crew and was basically the maintenance guy in night shifts, even redacted new training material for closing shifts for new hires and this is how I am received. For what’s worth, it seems that the Regional Manager doesn’t want to promote me over negative attitude, like, lady, every time I see you, you have the most grumpy face in the entire store. It seems that nowadays that the basis of promotion has a have a smile,…


UAW strike, what’s the outcome?

So the UAW and big 3 automakers are heading towards a strike. It sounds like they are very far apart. The UAW has a lot of demands, but key ones are 32 hour work week, paid for 40. Pensions for everyone. End 2 tier pay structure. Large pay increases 40%+. We saw UPS workers get a big win, similar win for the UAW? What do you all think will be in the final deal? (Not what they should get or deserve, but what they will actually walk away with)