
The annoying coworker

I used to work at a daycare ran within the school. I had nice bosses and enjoyed some of the kids, but some kids were mentally and physically draining and some of the parents were just assholes. I had a coworker who was younger than me and the parents loved her. She was annoying as all hell. She couldn't be alone with the kids because she was under 18, so she would go run errands and take forever while I would struggle with the kids. She was too dedicated to the job that would not pay her if she chose to stay to midnight cutting out activities for the kids to complain about. There's two conversations that really boil my blood whenever I think her. The first one is suggesting that I should just take my therapy appointments during my break times. I had therapy the same day every week…


Boss keeps coming to stare at us working

I work at a small company related to electronics prototyping and a colleague and I are the ones who put the components on the boards and check if there are no mistakes. The owner of the company likes to walk around and he very often comes quietly stands behind us, looks at what we are doing and then leaves without saying anything. We find this behaviour annoying because we need to concentrate and even tho he is quiet we notice he is there. What do you think we should do about this?


Company forced me to leave work early; got fired for shift abandonment…

Preface: I work(ed) for a passenger train company in a US state (can’t say for anonymity). I operate the trains on a daily basis. Can’t use phones at all during shift HUGE NO NO! We use radio comms only. Also, attendance system is points based 12=fired (I’m at 10) So I’m at work for a 0500hr shift and I get radioed from dispatch to get off my train and relinquish operations to another spare operator. I do so. I’m very confused and dispatch informs me to head back to the yard and talk with someone there. I do just that. Once at the yard, I talk with crew dispatch (receptionist essentially) and they inform me that I have a family emergency I need to take care of. They told me I must hand in my radio/keys/etc and go handle it. They never gave me the option to not leave. And…


In honor of labor day.

This is a flyer I'm working on. Not exactly sure what I'm doing with it yet, might post it around the city I live in.


Left that job from my last post

Just couldn’t take it anymore, been there a year and just hated working there. Now I get to hopefully find somewhere better. Only thing that I worry about is my disabilities stopping me from getting another job. Was pretty easy just turned in my uniform and that said I resigned and that was that. Thanks for everyone who commented last time


The Atlantic Magazine Hears You (WFH over RTW)…

And they are not known as some liberal rag.


Companies should have to commit to a contract.

Just for an example let me give you a scenario. This happened to me in the past when I was about 19. I started an apprenticeship with an IT company I worked with them for 6 month and they ended the contract at the end of my probation. They said they liked my work but I was suited to the role, they thought I be better suited to a service desk role. So as a result I lost my employment, I also lost the 6 months of work I put into the apprenticeship and why? Because their recruitment process was wrong, they recruited me for a role and they thought I would fit it and they were wrong. So I lost my job, my income and the progress I have made on the course because they recruited badly. Why should I be paying for their mistake? They should pay for…


Can new job contact your old job? I’m trying to leave an abusive work situation.

I have an interview lined up with a new job. I'm just concerned about them contacting my former boss. Long story short I've had a boss who violated my HIPAA privacy by asking intrusive questions, regulated when I can use the bathroom, bad mouths other high ranking superiors, and has verbally said in meetings that “Shame and humiliation works best” with a smile on their face. Nothing I did was ever was good enough. Their goal is to work people to the ground. Work without breaks.


Why do we never talk about our ACTUAL income?

So my “income” is about $33,000/Y. Not true at all. My NET income is $28,000/Y and it’s only that “high” because of overtime (gross overtime pay is about $4,800/Y). So really, my base net income with OT is $2,000/M, with $2,700 being the gross. $2,700 is what the company pays but really $2,000 is I actually make since insurance is a requirement or I get charged during tax season, and income tax is deducted, and social security is deducted. I see and hear all the time something like “ya man, I make $50k a year” which always makes me think “so….. really you make like… $40k?” So my question is, when talking about our pay, why does nobody ever refer to how much they ACTUALLY make? Why does everyone only ever mention the gross pay, as if that’s their actual take home pay? Added: Sorry if this isn’t the right…


How to work and stay sober?

I lost my job in early July, and decided that was a good time to get sober. Drinking was getting so bad I would blackout every night. I just started a new job on Monday, and it’s the weekend, all I can think about is getting black out drunk. Work has always been a major trigger for my substance abuse. I’ve been working for 12 years now and never worked a day sober (until the past 5 days) and it’s killing me inside. Anything any other recovering people have tips on to keep your mind off it?