
Even “good” jobs are exploitative, I’m so frustrated

I got a new job after months of being unemployed. It’s a decently paying administrative position at a highly regarded small business in a competitive “fashionable” industry. Many people would LOVE to be in my position, so I try to keep my head up, work hard, and learn. It’s only been a month or so (so I don’t even qualify for healthcare yet) and it’s already SO OBVIOUS how overworked and over stressed every employee is. The work day is 9 hours, but that’s really a minimum, and management thinks you’re lazy if you take your lunch hour and leave at 6 on the dot. People come on weekends, stay late at night, etc. There’s a lot of turnover and burnout. They complain about past workers being idiots, under hire and pretend they can’t afford more staff (they can). It’s so so toxic. I feel so trapped because I will…


Happy Labor Day weekend I just got fired!

I was a Inventory control supervisor who up till two hours ago ran a inventory control program for a factory. I came to this job a little over a year ago. I worked for this company a few years ago and built the program. I left to a much better job. After 18 months I got a call asking me to come back. Offered me a much better pay and a bunch of promises. Today I was called into the main conference room and told “we have decided to go a different direction with our inventory program and that doesn’t include you. We will be unfortunately letting you go. This sucks for everyone.” I replied “you guys are going a different direction? I only see this sucking for me.” I left a good job to help out a small company and they fucked me good. Remember this Labor Day that…


100% commission. Zero salary.

This dude got so mad that I called him out on his working for free solicitation.


Paid whenI submitted Unpaid leave – Texas

I live in Texas. I went on a trip a few months ago and did not have enough PTO so I submitted to just go ahead and take unpaid time off for a few of the days. However the company for some reason did something incorrectly and went ahead and paid me out. Is it possible for them months down the line to try and get the money back?


WFH for 50k less?

Would you take a pay cut for guaranteed WFH?I current make a very decent salary $235k/yr with a large well known company. The work is very stressful and does involve a decent amount of travel. Not to mention the company is threatening to RTO full time (I currently work hybrid). I just received an offer from a much smaller company for $50k less. Completely WFH and I travel…3 weeks PTO. It’s also going from from a Associate Director Position to a manager position. I’m struggling with the decision to stay in the high paying stressful position with a big company or leave for smaller company with more freedom.


What if I did collapse ?

I was thinking what things I could have done when I worked as a checker at a grocery store . I could never leave the area and was In so much orthopedic pain from it . In my head at the time “just get through it and don’t show pain” . What if I just collapsed on the floor screaming in pain ? If I was taken to the hospital ? Could they have much recourse ? If I said in the ER “I’m in so much from the job my body gave out “. Could they just fire me our would it be workers comp ? Any ideas?


Work but without the work

So I (23M) was a long time stalker of this subreddit about 3 years ago while I was working my shitty 9-5 job and I really wanted to find a way out. I tried Dropshipping, Amazon FBA, flipping couches, I had tried almost everything. I finally settled on day trading stocks and options. I started at the perfect time so I knew just enough to capitalize whenever GameStop rolled around and turned my petty 2.5k account into a life changing 30k account. I lived on this money for almost a year while living with my mom and spent little to no money for that entire year while I practiced demo trading so I wouldn’t waste this life changing capital the universe gave me. When I started back trading my live funds again last year, I had eaten away almost 8k in just gas, food, basic living expenses which left me…


Telling my daughter when I was sick that “I have to get better to go to work” has been one of the most depressing things I have ever told her

Started my job back in January and I have to accumulate leave at a paltry rate of 8 hours (one day) a month. While I've been doing my best to accumulate leave and sick leave by taking just one or two day vacations tied in with weekends, I've seen supervisors taking 2-3 week trips easily. I haven't seen too much of my kids lately either because of part time school and my job. I wish I had enough money so I could give them the quality of life I want to give them, but also not work to the point where I get sick.


I was told to go to a basement to sign my resignation letter

For some context, I wrote a post some time explaining that I gave my 30 days notice at my now ex-job. Well today it was my final notice day and got an appointment with HR to sign all the paperwork and whatever. The place has two buildings, one has a warehouse and an upper floor with some fancy cool offices with all the commercial department and HR; the other building is the manufactoring plant and the technical office, where I used to work. Before the meeting, I went to say goodbye to my colleagues at the second building before going to the other one but while I was there, a HR lady came with all the papers and told me that she brought everything and there was no need to to go to the office. Then she told me to go to a quiet place to sign so we don’t…


Only paying for 1 day of a 5 day vacation? Good luck with that.

For context I worked for a auto dealership in their collision center for 13 years. Worked my way up the food chain from detailer to repair technician and that was my ceiling. I was made false promises of extra training and higher job placements that never happened. So I quietly enrolled in my local cc and got accepted into their welding program. I took a week of vacation 3 weeks before student orientation then put in my two week that following Monday. I just finished my first week of classes and found a few uniforms I forgot to turn in. I brought them in after school today and checked the status of my last paycheck. My ex boss told me I'd only be getting paid for one vacation day instead of five because even though my time reset in June I only accumulate 1 vacation day every 2 months. Odd…