
Geroge will always be my antiwork hero.


Laid TF off

Half my team including the manager got laid off today. I've been joking all day with my friends and former team members but it will probably hit me later. Funny thing is that I could of left for another job but I didn't want to add more work load to my team. Is this why selfish people are more successful? Anyway just been laying on the couch with negative thoughts….


Ralph – Toronto, ON, Mirror Lounge Collective, Black Misfits Society is a scammer

If you can avoid working for Ralph of the Mirror Lounge Collective or the Black Misfits Society do so. He does events, and hires on event planning and logistics around it.  He hired me and some others to do an event for him called The Viola Awards in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Ralph often got back to people after 2 weeks; this was standard for him, and so was generally wasting people's time. For example, he'd say “let's have a meeting tomorrow” and have you waiting all day for him. No text, no heads up, and no apology for wasting an entire 12+ hrs of time waiting around for him. Night would come, and he would make up an obvious lie of an all-day meeting and be unapologetic about his careless unprofessionalism of wasting your entire day and some of your night too. He did this to me twice, and he did…


2-weeks of vacation for a Senior resource

I’m about to be laid off from my current position for reasons outside of my control, so I’ve been interviewing for other positions. I have over 23 years’ experience in my industry and was talking to a company and they said part of their package was 2 weeks of vaca for the first 3 years. I tried to negotiate for 3 weeks off the bat. I said, listen, you’re targeting a senior resource for this role and I’m earning over 5 weeks at my current role. Unless you can offer at LEAST 3 weeks, imma keep looking. He understood and said he would take it to the CEO but didn’t think it would get anywhere. I’ll be damned if he didn’t come back and say he was able to convince the CEO to change everyone’s starting vaca to 3 weeks moving forward. It’s the small victories.


Updated: Fired and given a severance package with a NDA I knocked the PIP out of the water but the today was my last day and after I completed morning duties, pulled into the office and was handed pink slip with a severance package but there is a clause of if I was sign I would waive the right to file a EEOC claim for the pregnancy, an NDA to not speak about my employment there AND there is a ten day period to agree with today being counted as day 1. It is ironically labor day weekend and because of the holiday, it really only 2 days to read over and negotiate. Oh and they can withhold my last paycheck. But I can claim unemployment so there is that. I feel oddly calm, no more daily panic attacks. My blood pressure is down and I got to have a lunch longer than 30 mins. I'll probably sign for…


UPDATE on Redditor U/Jadex9 fired for requesting extra time to grieve his Mom passing. Company Response and Internal memo.

Jadex has gone radio silent under advisement. Details I can share. I have to be extremely careful with I post here, I have intimate knowledge of this situation and have been cleared to post this. JadeX has been advised by a TEAM of individuals to go radio silent in this matter. Over the last two days Koroseal has engaged in an outright brutal campaign of character assassination through private messages sent by employees and even posts on his threads, now there is no way to realistically trace these random posts to Koroseal, but these messages had intimate knowledge of details of JadeX employment. JadeX family life is very unusual, he is from a foreign country and was raised unconventionally, in an unconventional religion. He was also adopted. The company has ( according to an insider leak ) hired a PI and PR firm to try to destroy his public image.…


Threatening employees is a great way to retain them..


I want to call in sick tomorrow…..

Not because of anything special going on, nor am I sick, I'm just….tired. Does anyone else feel this way? You just want one extra day off that week because you're just tired. Does that make me bad? I was a top performer in my district last month (sales) and I'm always on time at work. I'm going into work today, but tomorrow, I just want to be home and sleep. Am I wrong in feeling this way?


W2 Sales in Florida – Employer told me he won’t pay commission for the contracts because he needs it to entice a good replacement

My contract states that the commission is “earned” when I send in the signed agreement from the customer, then I am paid within 2 weeks of the bill being received. The problem is, most bills take 6-12 months to get paid, as we deal with big slow corporate brands. I put in my 2 weeks, offered to find/hire/train my replacement, help with anything else he wants, and told him he could call me anytime in the future and I'd help with anything he needed, and that I appreciate and respect him a lot. He asked me to stay longer, and I told him we could probably work something out, and asked if he could pay me my commission early so I wouldn't have to chase him throughout the year. I am paid 20%, but 50K base + 10% when they pay, then july 1 and dec 1 we deduct what…


Who knew I could be useful

I’m a proper capitalist worker, worked in finance in the the city (London) for 25 years, have the expected wife and 2 kids (Uni and GCSE respectively) holiday each year and have a gardener and a cleaner. All sounds perfect. However I felt like crap. Covid didn’t help but tbh I felt rubbish for years. Got some help from a GP and got some medication. It helped. But do you know what really helped, being told by my wife that I needed something else in my life. Finding a local Food bank linked to a church (I’m not religious in any way). Being there first as a driver to pick up the food and delivering it to the bank, but more importantly being on the counter, talking to real people (ok some may be pulling a fast one but most aren’t), but actually connecting and helping. I’ve got more satisfaction…