
Got an email on Indeed from a recruiter to apply for a job on Indeed due to my profile. Applied and got rejected in like 20 minutes

Got an email from an HR lady at this lawfirm. She said based on my profile and resume she thinks I would be a good fit and asks me to formally apply. Apply and send my resume. My profile is basically just my resume. And not too long after get an email I'm rejected. …..why message me in the first place if you were going to deny it so quickly? Felt like a waste of time.


Employers have actually lost their minds in 2023

I have a decade of experience as a fine dining bartender and server. A nursing home posted an ad for fine dining servers. The job entails waiting tables at a public restaurant within a memory care facility. It pays 18 an hour and does not allow tips. The industry typically pays 40-50 an hour including tips in my area. However, the nursing home offers benefits and is in a very convenient location. There is also room to move up in the company. At the interview the manager explained how desperate they’ve been to find qualified employees and were excited to get my resume. He told me how exhausted he is because he is working 50 hours a week because he has no support. I explained that I can work all holidays (they are open 365 days a year). The trade off was my wife and I have a 3 week…


Paying to be successful

I just recently started at a position that is wfh which I am excited about, there’s only one major issue: I have to pay out of pocket (and wait to be reimbursed) for all travel. Travel was not discussed during the interview process, and now I am being told that “sales are finalized in person” and that if I have a big opportunity I should “take the initiative, and set up an in person meeting”. My manager estimates I will have to travel once a month or so. No, there is no company card available to use. Besides the moral qualms I have with essentially loaning my employer money to do my job, I also simply can’t afford to front hundreds of dollars to travel. How do I address this with management? And how the heck have we gotten to this point that it’s ok to ask employees to essentially…


Manager bitching

My manager is an asshole. He literally tries to micro manage everything, in the lieu of “I don’t like to micro manage, but you don’t leave a choice”. Firstly, he doesn’t have enough brains to understand, and then, he tries to push the blame on the other person. I’m sick of this. Even though me might say something right, but the way he says it, makes me feel like punching him in his balls and face at the same time. I’m nastily frustrated at him. Uggghhhh!!!! How do I ignore him and not let him affect me?


Surprise firing

After I got back from vacation, I got a notice to appear for an employment hearing about 3 issues in relation to my performance and never receiving any complaints or reprimands from my manager beforehand. First issue, I was unable to complete because I didn’t get an answer from support, but my coworker did get an answer from support, so he was able to complete it (only 50% though). Second issue, I was able to complete 50% and couldn’t do the rest because support confirmed that it was impossible and illegal to do so. Third issue, was actually the fault of my coworker and I was able to prove it from the logs. My supervisor still decided to fire me anyway and wrote a written rebuttal to my defense, which effectively showed that he was holding double standards towards me and my coworker. He also went on to belittle my…


Productivity Tracker… for a non-productivity based role???

Hey all, I work for a very large corporation in a WFH role where I create reports within a small team for all departments within the company. We do the vast majority of the reports for these departments in the first 7-10 days of each month, and then create some “as needed” ones here and there. We use PowerApps, PowerBI, Tableau, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. for software and we have deadlines, but nothing about the role is measured in output volume or time taken to complete tasks. I’ve been very happy in my role and my work/life balance has never been better, until recently… We were recently informed that Sapience had been tied to everyone’s work computer within the company. They claim it’s used to track productivity in the sense of “teams are spending x amount of time in this program, it’s eating up the majority of their time, so is…


Clearly Lying About Pay

Throwaway account! Can’t have my current employer know I’m actively looking to go somewhere else.  I recently applied for a position at a company that I thought was great. The position in line had everything that I wanted to do. A great combination of photography and anything automotive.  The listing on LinkedIn had the pay listed at $25.67/hr. Not super high but Well within line of what I expected. It’s about on par with what I currently do and the commute is MUCH less so I would actually be pocketing quite a bit more money. Overall a good move.  About 3 days after applying I get an email asking me to have a phone interview with this company. Awesome! I take the call a few days later and to my surprise… The job is being offered at $18/hr. This is a nearly $16,000 difference in pay! Absurd!  I explain to the hiring manager…


Ah, Labor Day…

A Monday where we celebrate what exactly? How we are shafted in the U.S. compared to the rest of the civilized world? I am going to call it Shafting Day. Happy Shafting Day weekend everyone! Lol.


So I’m basically working 9 hours… 11 am to 8pm shift.

I got a customer service job working from home. I don't know why but every place that I've worked within the last 2 years keeps giving me weird work hours. Where I get up in the afternoon and end my shift near 9pm. My recent work schedule is now 11 am to 8pm with an hour lunch. I'm basically tethered to a seat for 9 hours a day. How is this sustainable to do anything else outside of work? When I start, places will be still opening and when I get off work, everything will be nearly closing. The pay isn't even this good and I'm getting no benefits. The benefits I do subscribe for will be taken out of my paycheck. Wtf is this.


Am I being robbed of my commission?

I work for a property management company as a leasing agent; this is my second go around with the company. In my first round with them, I was paid my hourly rate plus $25 commission a lease for a year and a half. I quit last winter and was begged back 3 months later at a higher commission rate -$150 a lease-and a higher mileage rate. Since I’ve been back, my commission has been tacked on to my last paycheck of the month, however this last pay period, I was paid two separate checks: one for my mileage and hourly, and one for my commission. My commission for the month was $600, of which after taxes i received around $300. I was too shocked by the change to do the math myself to see if there’s a big payout change, but I imagine so if I’m being taxed on the…