
It seems like nobody wants to hire these days

Alright so I’m seeing a trend by reading the things people post on this sub and based on my own experiences I’ve been to interviews where the hiring managers look like they don’t want to be there At the end of it all they just ghost candidates or just make some excuse as to why they won’t hire and it’s happening frequently


CEO Talked About How Much $$ the Company has Saved

First time post here, looking for some genuine feedback on this email before I potentially send it to the CEO. This is a longer one, TLDR at the bottom. First for background info, yesterday we had our monthly office meeting (over zoom because we all WFH) where they usually give us updates, celebrate peoples birthdays, work anniversaries, etc. In the middle of the meeting the CEO gets on and wants to talk about this new ~$25mil state of the art facility they just bought. He wanted to address how the company paid for it, not sure why but thats what he wanted to talk about. He then proceeds to talk about “living debt-free” and that is how he operates personally and he wants the business to operate the same way. Which I totally agree with, if you can afford to live that way. So because this company does well and…


Getting dumped on at work as a result of trying to be a decent person

Everyone's worked in unit with bad leadership and it's stressful not getting direction and just feeling lost. I help my coworkers under the table because I'm in a unit with bad leadership and I try to be a golden rule/pay it forward kinda fella(not Starbucks pay it forward. Fuck those people). I helped my coworkers under the table because my lead worker and supervisor never did a great job assisting and I didn't want them to think I was undermining them when they gave bad help… I didn't mind my bad leadership because my job is easy and while I could stand to make more money, I'm happy doing what I do for the most part… I knew how to do my daily tasks and could get my 8 hour day done in a couple hours total of actual work while goofing off the rest. I even taped my mouse…


Got layed off my job right after starting school and obtaining my electrician license

For context, earlier this year I got a job as an electrician apprentice at a nice company and even got referred by a friend. I got to know my fellow workers really well and I felt like they all liked me and I was told I am a great worker from them. Got to learn basic electrical work and I really enjoyed it. I started trade school just this last week and I prepared by getting my apprentice license which requires supervision under a master. Even started a study group with fellow workers that were also starting school too. Everything was going great until out of nowhere, I get layed off because “there isn't enough work for the amount of employees”. I guess dozens of unfinished jobsites and thousands of panels that need to be wired don't count I guess… I get it, it's the trade business, but they shouldn't…


Amazon Fresh Owes Me $400 in wages

I recently came back from a Leave of Absence (LOA) for child bonding. I was supposed to come back August 6th but every time I checked my schedule it was blank. I even was approved for Amazons ramp back program which gave me a regular schedule every week in order to accumulate back into working (especially needed after all the lay offs that happened). I had to email my assistant store manager so that he could manually put my approved shifts on the schedule. My first week back there was no problems. My schedule was filled with the approved shifts. Last week I check my schedule and it’s blank. Nothing. All my shifts through October were gone. I get in contact with HR and they tell me that this is “just a thing that happens” with people coming back from LOA and they have reached out to teams to try…


Laid off from a non-profit

I am an Army Veteran that was discharged back in 2019. It took me awhile to find a decent job that can handle one income household. I was hired at a non-profit serving Veterans within Texas and all across the nation. I managed their intake team from March 2020 till just about a few hours ago. I fell in love with data analytics. People at work would come to me for reports. I even wrote data summaries when I had the time. Now, with 6 other staff members, was laid off. My salary was no longer covered by their grants. I'm getting this layoff package in the mail with all the details. I am in shock. All that work for nothing. I lost all the work I've done for them the minute they told me the news. I've read other people's posts of having a hard time finding work. I…


I was fired for…having goals?

A few months ago, I was the Office Manager of a small medical practice. That final Friday, I was called into a meeting with my boss after having worked the reception desk all day to cover my admin’s vacation. It was just me and one of the medical practitioners there that day. We all had just celebrated my 1st anniversary working at the clinic just a few days prior. In the final meeting, a conversation I’d had with our “business coach” was brought up. I had discussed with her that my 5-year end goal was to get the clinic running smoothly (there were so many administrative procedural inefficiencies) and eventually drop down to a part-time marketing/bus dev type role. My boss said that she needed the person in the Office Manager role to have passion for being an Office Manager and wanted to be in that role for the long…


From strikes to new union contracts, Labor Day’s organizing roots are especially strong this year


Work using ridiculous internal policy to avoid extra pay?

I'll start off by saying I'm not sure if what my company is doing is legal or not since I don't know all the ins and outs of labor laws for salary employees. By my gut tells me they are using some shady practices to get out of compensating employees on certain Saturdays. Basically, my work has a policy (probably just verbal) and I don't think anyone truly knows about it, that says for any salaried (exempt) employee who works additional hours on Saturdays (40+) is eligible for a pay bump for that Saturday worked. That's all fine and dandy but what they don't mention is it needs to be your 6th consecutive day of work. So if a holiday falls on that pay week, you use sick time, have a scheduled vacation day etc. you are ineligible for that pay and will have to work that Saturday for FREE.…


The 9-5 lifestyle distorts people’s mindset!

Let’s suppose that you work in an office from 9-5 for 5 days a week. Let’s also suppose you are either an artist who sells drawings or paintings, a musician that does local concerts, or an athlete that participated in weekend tournaments that offer cash prizes, etc. now having a 9-5 lifestyle you would identify with the job you do 5 days a week and the things mentioned are things you “do on the side”. Now someone else who does not work 9-5 would rightly call themselves a professional in the above things mentioned and seek to do it full time even if they made less money. They would spend all day drawing things, practicing their instrument and seeking as many gigs as possible, practice their sport full time and yet as many tournaments as possible and also seek sponsorships. The simple reason is that they make money and at…