
Starting to feel hopeless about the US despite having originally came here as a refugee… Is it any better to live and work in the EU?

I’m starting to feel more and more hopeless about living in the US… I got let go from my last job because I reported my supervisors for time theft (yes I know I could look into legal action for this but I don’t have the resources nor the will to do so). This was over a month ago and unemployment is still pending an adjudication decision and whenever I call them it says all agents are busy and forcibly hangs me up. The only office they have is in Tallahassee which is hours away from where I live. I’m out of money and if I didn’t have a supportive family I’d just be homeless. The inflation is crazy and it feels like it’s nearly impossibly for anyone in my generation not born into wealth to be independent without being crushed by debt. It seems like my doctors, pharmacy, and insurance…


Ask My Fiancé To Call Me In Early: How About No.

This is happening right now! My fiance and I work at the same retail business. We are both managers of different sections (think back of house [him] vs front and center [me]). Our store managers have TERRIBLE habits of trying to force us to “correct” eachother's “behavior”, and have us call eachother to ask for favors for the store. I have told my fiance to never follow through and have them directly call us and disencourage them from this phone tagging scheme. Not even an hour ago, they had him call me to come in at 1p, whereas I'm scheduled at 4p, because they want me to cover my worker's lunch and get overtime, which they think ill be grateful for (I am NOT). To give a better idea as to how royally screwed my department is this week here's a small breakdown of my team: Me (manager) Dept. 1…


Ohio police department recognizes crossing guard entering 50th year of work Am I the only one who hates articles like this? I hope she can retire soon.


Am I the unluckiest applicant ever?

I've started replying to job postings during my exam season in late june (I live in europe). So far I've sent out around 500/600 job applications, mostly replying to postings in my city, then nearby cities as well. Aftet 2 months of looking for a job non stop, NOT A SINGLE PHONE CALL. The only word back that I've gotten was a single automated rejection e-mail from KFC. I'm just so tired. The “nobody wants to work” mentality is as strong as in the US, most of the jobs advertise themselves as student friendly. I'm a normal guy with some work experience in a small fast food chain and still, noone wants me. ​ What the fuck?


Boss talks down to me in front my colleagues and I’m utterly embarrassed and unmotivated now

So I’m 36f and I’m in a director for my company. The company has many sites and the heads report to one central leader. Every two months all 20 directors meet in person along with our boss. We get together, coordinate and plan new initiatives, discuss issues, etc. Out of the 20 of us, I took on extra roles to help my boss out. I was working 2-3 roles, while also getting my job done and exceeding in them. I also plan outings for us and I genuinely love helping. I am well respected by my staff (~30 direct reports) and my fellow directors, except for certain instances. As a 36f, I have heard that I look like I’m I. High school or early 20s. I don’t have kids or am married. My other colleagues are much older and they let me know it. They compare me to younger lazy…


Dream jobs are never dream jobs

A tale as old as time and a word to the wise. Worked in infrastructure for just under a decade and realized the work/life aspect wasn’t conducive to longevity. Queue the job hunting process that took about 3 months to find a suitable replacement. Company was promising, interviews went great, and finally the offer package matched what I was looking for: pay was a small drop from current salary but the work life balance was significantly better with normal 8 hour days and “unlimited within reason PTO”. For reference my previous position was $150k and 4 weeks vacation. This was brought up copiously during the interview as a baseline of why i was willing to take a chip on the pay in exchange for the work life balance. Either way, Accepted the offer and got to work! My role is managerial at the director level, this context matters. As we…


nobody cares about training me well, why should I care about working

Over the past few days, I've been dealing with what is best described as a shitshow of training that lead to the situation of repeatedly creating an unsafe environment, perhaps clinically so, for patients and employees at the job I tried to make work. I've been dismissed by everyone from OSHA to random reddit commenters. No one apparently understands the equipment and the issue well enough to understand the clear and present danger the incidents represented. Not even the upper management that is supposed to train me and initiate proper shutdown of equipment, should I, for example get really stressed about the fact we could have died and leave early one shift so shutting down would fall on them. So why would I go back to work? Follow up question, why should I work at all? In my education, I was trained to work in a lab environment. I was…


I got a written/verbal warning after I was casually told not to do something.

I take phone calls, and when we're busy, I take extra time (like 5 to 10 minutes) between calls to cool off. I always told my boss I was doing this, and they never said anything. One day, the boss's boss's boss was watching our que and noticed what I was doing and immediately told my boss to tell me to stop. They did, casually, and I stopped. A few days later, they came back saying they were told they had to make it official and give me a written/verbal warning I have to sign. I was never coached on using my time like that prior to this. My boss is pretty cool, so I don't blame them, I know it was the big boss's doing, but I feel like I shouldn't have to sign this. Is this a “legal” move, or could I report this to HR? I'm fed…


Restaurants still suck to work at

I’m so sick of restaurants!! They think they can do anything they want. I work as a captain at a resto in the West Village. Last month I was feeling really sick and I honestly thought I was having a heart attack. After seeing a dr I found out I had a very bad case of shingles that had attacked the nerve system on my left side and that’s what was causing my intense chest pain and dizziness. I was put in quarantine for a week this illness caused me to seek additional medical care and it turned out I have Cancer the shingles was due to my weakened immune system. My job pretended to be supportive for about 5 minutes but then gave away what was supposed to be my first shift back at work to another employee leaving my check short. My boss was a major dick and…


Just experienced one of the worst interview experiences of my entire 15-year career

A couple weeks ago, a 3rd party staffing agency reached out via LinkedIn to see if I'd be interested in interviewing for a position with their client. I told them that I wasn't aggressively looking at the moment, but I'm always open to exploring new opportunities. If it was a great fit, then all the better. Another thing to consider is that this role was going to start contract-to-hire, so I was already 'meh' about leaving my FT perm job for this. But the hiring manager hyped up the opportunity to grow within her team, and that was appealing to me since there really isn't a career path at my current job. After a couple web interviews with the agency and the hiring manager, they invited me to come in for an in-person to meet the team and see the office. As a side note, I had to take 2…