
The SAVE plan is touted as the most affordable student loan repayment option—how to know if it’s right for you


Just showed up at my scheduled arrival time for a new job…there is nobody here

So, I am set to start a new part time job today. The manager told me to show up 8AM to start my onboarding process, and I have been here since 7:45, just waiting outside the store. I plan on waiting until 8:30 and if I don't see another worker or human by then, I'll be leaving my resignation in their mailslot. I'll let you know how it goes. Edit: Welp. Back to the search


How are people even managing to get jobs in this economy?

I’ve been to at least 5/6 interviews and It takes me 200 applications to even get any of them Usually the companies hiring are the rubbish ones where nobody wants to work, my only options right now is working a bottom barrel job scraping (if I even get accepted) or stay unemployed while searching and applying every day There is so much saturation in the application process. Thousands and thousands of people dying for a crappy job lol I swear I’m tired of getting rejected for dumb reasons, because everyone is fighting tooth and nail for a spot At the end of the day it’s just a job and this level of competition just to become a 9/5 wagey isn’t worth all the effort? This isn’t the economy I saw 2 years ago, where I would land a job just after 2 interviews It seems like everyone has lost their…


What would you actually do if you didn’t have to work?

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that I'm going to pay you quadrupole the median salary for your region, for the rest of your life, inflation adjusted, no questions asked. What would you actually do with yourself? Asking, because I'm pretty sure I'd just turn in to an alcoholic.


Pay without work (legal responsibilities)

TLDR: I am an adjunct instructor at a private college and not an employee. I began getting paid this semester, have no classes, and was never given a contract. What legal liability if any do I have to return funds? I have been teaching at a local school for 5-6 years. Each Spring we're given as adjuncts an idea of where our credits will be used as we can only teach so many classes as an adjunct; 3 classes in the Spring, 1 in the Summer, 2 in the Fall for example. It's not bound in stone, and if anything more is added from my experience. At any rate, I taught in the Spring and was told I woulnd't be teaching in the Summer due to them overloading my Fall. Awesome, I took the summer off and all was well enough. Over the end of summer, I began to create…


“Back in my day -insert unnecessary struggle of a boomer-“

“Baaack in my day we used to WORK to pay off our college debt and go broke if we couldn't!!!” Sooo instead of breaking down the lock to a healthy lifestyle after education and hard work to pass college in the first place, and removing the debt barrier, we should double down and have the same system under an even harsher capitalist economy? Should we bring back some other home runs like slavery, no ramps for those pesky disabled people, barefoot and pregnant kitchen slavery..? You know, becase it would be unfair to those people that struggled that we now get to be a little more free in certain aspects?


If the world’s biggest Union can’t get employer Justice, what chance do we have?

The proof is in the pudding: Employers as a group need more controls on them, like ending at-will employment and arbitration.


Tired of the Salary exploitation

I'm so sick of how Salary pay is used in the US. I've worked at one company that used it properly where some weeks we would work 30-35 hours and on crunches maybe 55-70 but we would get flex time after. Every other job I've held has used Salary as a means to work me OT without having to pay me. I'm in Biotech working at the associate level and the abuse of Salary pay is ranpant. I average 50 hours+ a week and when converting my salary to hourly it comes close to 17$/hr…my friend makes 22$/hr at Starbucks managing and 17$/hr as his in basic data entry positions all with OT pay…this shit has to stop OT pay OR flex time should be mandatory for salaried employees.Woeking hard should reward the worker too not just the companies bottom line.


Can you think of a reason why a company would lay off a more senior person rather than a more recent hire doing the same thing?

So yeah, I was told I was being laid off. The thing (among many) I don’t understand is why they picked me and not another coworker who is fairly new and does the exact same job as me. I mean, they could’ve picked less senior people from our department anyway, our jobs are fairly similar. I was told it wasn’t because of my performance, so I don’t understand. I’ve been with the company for almost 9 years, so it’s been pretty devastating on my mental health. It’s kinda eating me alive cause I don’t understand the reasons, I think I haven’t been the best performer for the past year or so cause I was often tired and took breaks when I could and just did what I had to and not much special stuff on top, but my work was always done. However I did take on some additional tasks…


How much longer can this shit go on for?

If this sub is anything to go by, and all the shit I see on social media and all the things my coworkers say, my friends, my old classmates, my girlfriend, etc is anything to go by, this world and this life is by now utter shit, utterly soul crushing, and utterly unsustainable. Most people are so fucking miserable all the time that the average person is an asshole in a way I never remember them being when I was a teen or even in my very early 20s, and I'm a New Yorker so if I'm telling you people are more assholish than I ever remember you know I mean it. My question is, how fucking long can this go on? If most people are bitter and miserable and hate how things are going and the only people who are okay with the status quo are like the wealthy…