
Just got my let go of job appointment for college job

I feel so down cause I thought this front desk job at my college was going to help me gain experience. It was not fun for me because I had to work alongside the manager which made it so stressful because she saw everything I did and I was held at a very high expectation. I really did try to do my job but I had other responsibilities with school I was expected to put in so much effort and memorize every rule and procedure. I had to do a lot of things that didn’t allow me to develop my customer service skills and other skills required for the job which ended up hurting me. I only worked 10 hr weeks and some of them were slow days which didn’t allow me to show that I was doing good. They said I didn’t meet their expected evaluations after doing bad…


PTO Request Denied

I got sick and work I will health care, I'm a DME provider. I woke up sick and told going to a doctor doesn't “protect from termination.” I have 20hrs of PTO. When I ask if I can use that I'm told it's too short notice. It's laughable how they tell me people in this industry often get sick, yet I get sick and it's like the world's going to end. I worked for that time off who cares how and when I take it?


Job being threatened

I’ve been bartending/serving at an “entertainment venue” that offers bowling and arcade games for the last 5 year. It’s a pretty miserable place with insanely high prices and loud shitty music playing all day. We recently started a new special promotion that is a pitcher of beer and a large pizza for a discounted price. We had a meeting today and I was called out in front of everyone for having the lowest amount of sales of the new promotion and was told if I don’t start selling more I’ll be documented and my shifts would be cut. The thing is I usually work every Monday (slowest day of the week) and maybe 2-3 other days if I’m lucky since it’s the slow season and hours are being cut. Sometimes people just don’t want to order food or beverages, and I’m competing with other bartenders/servers. I had a tab Monday…


No work requirments?

I recently started working as a personal shopper for a retail warehouse that rhymes with Pam's. Thinking it would be easier than the amazon FC I accepted the position. The job description had no minimum job requirements listed. In the interview no questions were asked and no mention of lifting requirements. Im 2 weeks into this job and finally reached out to HR to find out the lifting requirements for this job is 70lbs. The location is so short staffed the shelves are barely stocked and I'm constantly digging into pallets in the freezer/cooler to pick the items I need, so I'm stuck doing my job and that of merchandisers. I'm a 130lb woman coming off disability. Everything hurts and I feel like I'm going to die if I have to do this job another day. I feel deceived by this corporation. I physically cannot do this job.


Fired after 30 days for doing my job well

This is a throw away account. A little over a month ago I started a new job with an amazing close to 200k salary. I was recruited by a former coworker who picked up a director’s position. I was given a strait forward set of guidelines and job description. This company had been sitting stagnant in terms of growth for the past year, so I was expecting some challenges. However, they are well funded and have set forth realistic goals to get out of the rut. I started by building all the asset databases that have never been created, developing reporting procedures, automated the reports utilizing the software that they had which just happened to be the same software suit that my last company used. Generated several SOP’s and trained my coworkers to use our software (that they sat on doing for 2 years) Started implementation of safety procedures for…


Added responsibilities with no pay increase. Any advice?

So my dept manager just put in his 2 weeks a few days ago. I've been scheduled to meet with the higher ups tomorrow to discuss the roles and responsibilities my (soon to be) former manager handled day to day. I have a very strong gut feeling that I wil bel assigned some of his responsibilities but they aren't going to give me a raise for these added responsibilities. I recently received a pretty good pay bump and a title of senior designer a few months ago because competition was trying to poach me and (soon to be) former manager fought to keep me on board. I feel like they will use that as justification to add more responsibilities without the compensation to go with it. Thoughts?


A story about my experience working at a well known burger fast food chain.

I remember those early days at the fast-food chain like they were a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. I had started working there a couple of years ago, assigned as a line cook. The strangest part? There was zero training. It was as if they expected me to be a culinary prodigy from day one. The management was something else, to put it mildly. The place was run like a boot camp, and nepotism was the unspoken rule. The offspring of the higher-ups seemed to have dominion over everything, turning teamwork into a distant dream and our workplace into a psychological horror film. They had this twisted good cop bad cop routine down to an art, systematically breaking down your psyche. One day, I realized I hadn't received a copy of the schedule, and I'd already worked three days. I tried to reach out to my GM at 7:00…


Dollar Stores Flash Warning Signs on Consumer Spending — The Wall Street Journal

How many can relate?


What to do after I asked for 50% raise suddenly after working with them for years?

So I've been working for this family for 4 years now. They hired me to teach the kid Russian, while also playing with her. I started with 20/hour and I am still getting paid the same. Now the job is fairly easy, but it takes 40 minutes to get there and I also have a full-time job+full time college, and an internship on the side. So I shortened my visits to once a week and I stay there for 4-5 hours. The kid loves me and they say I am considered an extended family. Recently, I have asked the dad (who pays me) for a 10$ increase. I am starting my master's and moving out of my parent's appt. This was more like a statement where I said “Blah Blah…Also, wanted to let you know that starting Sept 1st my workload is increasing and my new babysitting rate will be…


I feel my assistant store manager is trying to make my work life difficult and I don’t fully know what to do about it

Please help… Sorry if this is posted to the wrong place but I urgently need answers and I feel I am on a time crunch. I'm hoping for some legal advice for the workplace, I'm in NZ so needs to be to my country as I know every country has different laws. I'll try give as much details as I can. I (female 29) am a lower level manager at my work (there are 3 different levels of managers. Shift manager, assistant store manager and store manager). I put in a formal complaint to my store manager (SM) about our assistant store manager (ASM) for bullying and harassment. The solution for this was that we weren't to cross paths. If management asked for help at night time I'm not allowed to go in (she works afternoon shifts well I work morning shifts as I have kids). I'm still unsure if…