
Our labour laws are even more screwed up.

I applied for a new job which I am starting soon. During the process they sent me forms to read about employee legal rights. I was reading and every right in this country federally and also in a fairly liberal state like Illinois writes that if a company has a majority of employees speaking Spanish then every meager labor protection is optional.


Richest billionaire in every state


I make 6 figures WFH and I dream about quitting to work in a plant shop.

I worked in retail from the time I was 17 to 27 until I graduated and got my first corporate job. I’ve climbed the corporate latter ever since. I know retail can really suck, but I miss it. I can’t stand the backstabbing, the ridiculous corporate asskissing and game playing, the asshole client, the micromanagement. People constantly pinging me to ask where things are that I haven’t even had time to touch. Boss calling outside of meeting times to check in. Back to back pointless meetings all day long. WFH makes it bearable but only slightly at least I get to cuddle my pets and poo in my own toilet. Expectation to work on the weekends and be available at 9-11 p.m. – this is how long my boss spends online. She has no life outside of work. She has no boyfriend, no pets, no hobbies that I know of.…


A question that goes against the grain

Sorry everyone I know this goes directly against what we more or less stand for here but how many of y'all said you're competent in word, excel, PowerPoint etc when in reality it was probably the biggest lie you'll ever tell anyone ever again? I have prospects for a position that could get me to where I'm not longer not living paycheck to paycheck but the only thing technically standing in my way is I haven't fooled with any of these programs since 2010 and even then it was in a classroom. Should I BS and say I know what I'm doing or take a refresher just in case?


House GOP asks White House if administration’s remote work policy led to ‘reduced productivity’ by federal employees

Remember that many politicians don't work for the worker.


Micromanagement cost company the best employees

I worked for a company for nearly a decade before leaving. Towards the end of my journey working there I started to go beyond my scope of responsibilities and taught myself programming to help manage the Excel documents that managers use to plan and track productivity. In addition to this there were many other projects I took initiative on that allowed the department to focus on production. I also was one of the most productive workers and easily finished my work while also doing the extra projects and programming. About a year before taking on all the extra responsibility I had a negative preformance review that after showing documents of my work HR forced management to change to a positive review (another story for another time). Management after the review realized I did a lot of work and left me alone for awhile and as I was able to pick…


Me watching my non direct supervisor stressing out because I wasn’t able to help him do his work (he still insist passing me his work even though I previously told him no)


Looks like neither US party supports working from home

Biden has been trying to get federal employees back in the office. Some Republicans in Congress are now on the attack arguing that remote work led to worse productivity and have passed the SHOW UP act as well as now putting pressure on the White House to force workers back into the office. The only people who will lose out are the workers who will lose the wfh option.


Entitled to smiles at fast food chain


Coworker is toxic

So this needs a little back story. The company that I work for has had an amazing culture since I have started working here. Everyone is always eager to learn and assist where ever is needed. People wanted to work as a team. It is the best work culture I have been a part of. A coworker of mine has been very toxic in the last 8-10months. They have only been with the company about a year. This person has made homophobic/disrespectful comments in our teams chat for a while now. His boss has “addressed” it (slap on the wrist). I am all for joking and picking fun, but 1. This person crossed the line and 2. do not say disrespectful/uncalled for things in a professional environment. Even after the person was “reprimanded” they continue to create a toxic work environment verbally (I received a promotion that they thought that…