
My work computer has a weird glitch, so that it doesn’t auto-lock if I go AFK for more than 5 mins

This is amazing. I'm afraid of rebooting it, lest it'd start locking me again and force me to retype my 20-character long password (yes, that's the minimum password required in our company). I work from home 3/5 days a week, and this has been a blessing. I got to rest for a bit, walk toe dog, cook etc. Nice.


Job interviews are such a messed up way of treating humans

I'm sure a lot of you here will agree on this with me. When I was younger I didn't think much of it, but now that I'm older and realize how weird work scenarios are and how much interviews are extremely silly and just feed into this delusion that humans are made to compete with each other in order to achieve some sort of goal that humans themselves made up instead of learning how to co-exist. The fact that some of them will have more than one step of interview, that you have to do group interviews that might leave you feeling bad if you didn't get the job or good if you do, because you were “better” than those other people. If we actually had the CHOICE we wouldn't even be at the interview the fact that we have to pretend that we're interested in a scenario that grants…


OSHA Restroom Break Laws (US Law)

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to provide all workers — including transgender employees — with prompt access to a clean restroom. Additional requirements related to restroom facilities and bathroom break policies are outlined in OSHA's sanitation standards (29 CFR 1910.141, 29 CFR 1926.51 and 29 CFR 1928.110). These standards aim to protect workers from health complications that can occur when a bathroom is not readily available, such as bladder problems, bowel issues and urinary tract infections. While OSHA sanitation standards offer a basic overview of the key requirements employers must meet, the administration does not recommend any specific restroom policies. Employers should create their own written policies that comply with OSHA's standards. Under OSHA sanitation standards, employers must: Permit workers to leave their work area to use the restroom as needed Provide an acceptable number of restrooms for the current workforce Avoid putting unreasonable restrictions on…


Looking at part time jobs to make ends meet, found this gem….I have no words.


The biggest lie employers tell you is…

“You’re definitely a strong candidate. We will keep your application on file and contact you when a suitable position opens up.”


Called out by boss for not dressing like a ‘lady’

I'm a 20 year old female. I'm currently an Intern for a small business company and it is my first work experience. You can literally just guess the dress code for a typical formal office clothes stuffs for workers. So, one day I met my boss as we were all about to go out for a meeting which was 20 minutes by car. We were waiting for our cars to arrive by the entrance of our building to go the meeting. He suddenly commented about how I should learn on how to be like a 'lady' from one of my female colleague. I looked at him weirdly of course? I looked at myself up and down to see what I was wearing since I was confused as to why he would say that in the first place? I was wearing a long sleeved, button down blouse with some wide pants…


The media will never talk about it because Biden is in office but we really have a shit economy right now


I got fired today for administering Narcan to someone.

Rant: I work as a community outreach worker. It’s policy to not administer Narcan. I did it anyways because I had gloves on to roll the guy into the recovery position. He had blood all over his face and nose so the other people close by and the person who had been carrying it were hesitant to do it. The person on the phone with 911 said the dispatched wanted us to administer it. I wasn’t on our companies property and didn’t want to watch this guy die so I bit the bullet and did it. I knew I had broken policy but I didn’t want to watch a guy die from an OD for the second time on this job. I got fired for saving a life because it was against policy. I’m livid and terrified. I have no savings because I’m in so much debt. I just paid…



I work as a cashier at a grocery store. It's towards the end of my shift, my light is turned off and I'm finishing up with a customer. Next thing, this white guy with a basket comes up to my lane. I visibly shoo him away, point to my light and say “I'm closed.” The guy proceeds to get upset with the fact that I shooed him away, throws his basket onto the belt, and runs away to the service desk to demand to speak to manager. I finish with my current customer and go over to him attempting to apologize (shooing him away may not have been the best thing to do but customers are so fucking stupid, they cannot read the sign and realize that they are closed, it happens WAY TOO OFTEN). And he just goes “Don't bother, I'm going to talk to your manager”. I just…


What’s the point of sharing our reviews and experience with a company if these job websites censor us?

Sorry, this is just a vent: I hate that if you had a genuinely terrible experience with a company, no matter how carefully and professionally you word your feedback, websites will reject or remove your review. What's the point of giving reviews if your only option is to praise them? Might as well change it into an endorsement/ego stroking system instead if your truth doesn't matter anyways. We need a better online review system.