
I’m putting in my fucking two weeks

So I'm 16 and I have worked for Sonic for about two weeks now, we are relatively new (closed down for renovations) this is my schedule this week….I can't even pay my phone bill



Title sums it up


How are we expected to live like this?????

I've been having a rough go of it these past couple days. Decided to do a social media detox. Came to realize I'm a terminally online loser who doom scrolls all day and have no one around except for my family. So I decide to finally do something about it. Look for IT jobs. 4 jobs come up. All of them “Entry-Level, requires 5 years experience. Pays $19/hr” I can't work physical stuff because of an injury I sustained to my back around 2019 working retail. Only jobs I could potentially work are retail as I'm a new college student. I go “That's not ideal, I'll look at apartment they should be cheap cause of where I live.” I look at the prices they are the exact same as the prices for something in a bigger city. JUST FOR 1 BEDROOM AND BATHROOM! I just need privacy and a job…


Today was my day

Well, we officially got the notice today that we have to come back into the office twice a week starting next month. I’m pissed; mostly because the team I was just removed from is exempt from this policy. And not for any good reason (they told us it was because all of their work is online… but ALL of us work online). The real reason they were exempted from the new policy is because one of these employees lives 5 hours away and they needed to make an exception for her. Also, our office space doesn’t have enough space to accommodate the staff. When our director was asked how this will be addressed, their response was “you’re adults, you’ll figure it out.” Now I’m looking at a two hour commute plus an additional $800 for childcare, with no raise to offset my costs for having to return to an office.


The Collapse of the American Homeownership Dream: Young America’s Lifelong Rental Reality


Talk to me like a child, I don’t receive that.

I want to state that I'm a 911 dispatcher for a county in Arkansas. I'm also currently at work and this just happened not even an hour again, so I'm sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors. Important terminology: •ACIC- Arkansas crime information center. Used for background information and running of individuals/vehicles/parts. •Hit- We receive these on subjects/vehicles/parts that are wanted/stolen out of our jurisdiction where another agency has ran them in ACIC and saw our warrant. •Hit Response- we send these back to the agency who has ran and inquired about our wanted/stolen subject/vehicle/part •locate- sent on Hit Responses by the other agency that sent the Hit on subjects/vehicles/parts at are being extradited/held on their charges. •hold- these are sent by my agency to the jails/evidence lockers on subjects/vehicles/parts that were located by other agencies. Those agencies will send us a Hit notifying us they have the subject/vehicle/part in…


Looking for an employee or using innocent, desperate people for free labor? You decide. I’m personally appalled.


Former Pret A Manger employee explains what happened with staff in freezer

HOW did a staff member get stuck in a walk-in freezer at Pret A Manger for 2.5 hours? Explained here:


We’ve all known a boss like this


Got fired for getting my wisdom teeth removed

well, never thought I would make a post like this on this new job so soon, thought they were different then most other places but nope, got fired while still recovering from my wisdom tooth surgery. the reason isn't fully from my wisdom tooth surgery, but it is a part of it. I had my wisdom tooth surgery scheduled for a few weeks ago but then moved it to last week due to catching strep throat, I also called out sick from work for about a week due to that. went back to work for a few days before I caught something else (still don't know what it was, but I definitely caught it from my sister who had gone to a huge event). then went back to work for a few days before I had my wisdom tooth removal (which was last Friday). my boss knew well in advance…